Why am I having fun by going "next turn, space, space, next turn, repeat" over and over again?
Why am I having fun by going "next turn, space, space, next turn, repeat" over and over again?
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why are you playing V instead of VI?
Not OP but VI is $60 and not that significantly different?
I never really liked Civ outside of multiplayer, and even then just because my friends fucking lose it when I kill them and remove them from the game. They honestly believe that we have an unspoken rule to not just declare war and murder each other.
>"You can't just build up a ton of units in the fucking bronze age and destroy my cities!!!!"
>why not
>"Because I shouldn't have to focus on building my city AND making units to defend from you before you even attack!!"
>why not
Post the mods you run desu
>fortresses expand city borders
>crossbows and archers can shoot two spaces away
>ability to build old units in future eras
Wait a year until the first DLC is out and the bugs have been worked out
>Pretend all the Civ leaders are immortal demi-gods
>when I take a Civ's last city I imagine my leader and their leader having a shirtless superpowered fistfight in the rain amidst the burning ruins of the city
I played it to completion once, and never touched it again.
I'm sorry Sup Forums, Alpha Centauri spoiled me.
I do the same except the loser also gets fucked and becomes an immortal sexslave of my godling.
Civ is cool... for like 100 turns
Then it turns into a chaotic, oversized, unmanageable mess that takes an i7 3 minutes to process per turn.
I do that too I just didn't want to mention that part
VI is still in beta and won't be good for at least another year or two
Just like how Civ 5 was shit until G&K and later BNW
Because it's satisfying and comfy.
V runs well in my machine, I don't think 6 will, especially since my computer is 12 years old.
Also, isn't it like a dumbed down Civ game? I didn't play 6, but I'm having fun playing V.
Who would've known? A game that isnt shooty shooty bang bang is fun?
>The music in Civ VI changes as you advance in eras
>dumbed down
VI is more complex than V, it's a lot more nuanced
Not OP but if you're not waiting for the inevitable GOTY/Gold/Complete whatever edition with all the dlc you're pretty retarded tbqh
>crossbows and archers can shoot two spaces away
>ability to build old units in future eras
Problem with Civ games is that they are, at their core, just war simulators.
It would be nice if there were viable ways to realistically go for another kind of victory (that doesn't involve turning off Domination victory).
What's the point of religion? I just end up using all the prophets to build tile improvements and buying a bunch of great scientists with the piled up faith, never bothering with missionaries or inquisitors at all
Well, shit... Do you have any idea if I can run VI if I can run V?
I don't think I've ever won with military victory.
On a machine that old, it won't look great, but you should be able to run it.
If you play on harder difficulties you have to defend your religion.
Ghandi always has 5000 apostles that come by sea and the only way to deal with that shit is the declare war on him.
Mostly gold at early eras through the temple using the Piety pol.
Speaking of Ghandi, he's fucking weird now in VI.
>be allies with him for the entire game
>throw a nuke at his capital
>we're still pals
All he said was that nuclear weaponry was pretty neat
>female leader comes talk to me
>She sees your dick
>Be Germany
>Ottomans are my early-year bros, but their territory blocks my expansion to the southern part of the continent
>They're my buds so I leave them alone
>Predictably Suleiman turns on me and marches on Germany
>I anticipated this and immediately send a massive force to the south border
>His men get ripped apart by the meat grinder until he has none left
>March my entire army into his land and start taking all of his defenseless cities
>Soon Suleiman has only one city remaining, completely surrounded by my new territory
>End the war and begin assimilating Ottoman assets
>Suleiman can't expand because his men can't leave the city without crossing into my land and I won't open the borders
>Ottomans are effectively reduced to a city-state that exists only because I allow them to
>Keep them around like that for the rest of the game as a warning of what happens to those who oppose me
I want to ravish Theodora.
>Theodora is in the game
Theodora is pure sexuality. The look in her eyes, you just KNOW she wants to open her borders and accept your embassy.
>Wife Tier
>Consort Tier
Theodora, Catherine
>Concubine Tier
Wu Zetian, Dido, Isabella
>Bitch Tier
Maria I, Elizabeth
>Grandma Tier
Maria Theresa
I'd hatefuck Elizabeth
When the fuck are they gonna fix the AI in VI so it stops just circling units around my cities instead of attacking?
>Tomyris and Gorgo not on the list
Are you the king of shit taste?
Boudicca is not for sexual.
>unprotected settlers running amok
>irrational war declarations
It's so easy to exploit the shit AI even on the hardest difficulty
friend ditched our aoe2 games for civ5. fuck civ.
If V complete and VI were both in the same price range, which is more worth buying?
IV Complete
They're about the same
user, you type 4 in roman numerals with the I on the other side of the V
VI as it is now is a more complete and in-depth game than V is currently.
Don't worry, it'll stop being fun once you fully advance your first civ.