I've been a kickstarter investor for years and haven't received my STEM controller yet.
I'm a huge believer in VR and fucking LOVED the name STEM (being a physics major), but I'm starting to wonder if they will ever deliver. Anyone have any info on what's going on with these?
>their promo vid said its affordable to consumers >dev kit cost $5000
it really makes you think
Hudson Russell
>kickstarter investor
Matthew Jenkins
dev kits aren't for consumers you dumb nigger.
Brayden Bailey
With the Vive and Oculus each having their own OEM controllers, who the fuck is the market for this shit?
Eli Myers
dev kits for other products dont go that high either
Jordan Gutierrez
i bought the HTC vive and honestly i feel like a dumbass, everyone was right day 1, VR is not ready and the hardware limitation just makes games unenjoyable and even unplayable depending on which game it is. The panels shit itself if you try to increase the frames or graphic settings, especially super-sampling to 2.5 on some games.
Not only did early adopters get shafted but 2 companies now have 8K versions with 200* degrees of field of view
The fuck is this, how does it even work? Buttons near the stick - bad idea.
Nathan James
redpill time.
It's a serious peripheral for hardcore users. NOT for children and casuals (same group in my mind).
vive and rift users are cucked by idiots in a suit watering everything the fuck down for casuals. sixense is actually making something innovative.
Adrian Wright
>I'm starting to wonder if they will ever deliver.
With Vive controllers and Vive pucks does it matter?
Jonathan Brown
>Shits on working hardware >Posts links to two chink shit "alternatives" that are already confirmed blunder what did he mean by this?
Asher Gomez
You know nothing about VR if you think those headsets are good. Dumbshits fall for the res specs but don't realize that anyone can strap two phone screens and a fresnel lens together like that. They all don't have low persistence, have mediocre optics, poor ergonomics, and will give you a headache.
Caleb Miller
you just described all the negatives of the the rift and vive so what was your point
Landon Bell
Landon Rivera
So you gave someone money who owns no patent, no IP, is not involved in manufacturing of any related component or even in manufacturing at all and expect to get a working consumer grade solution in the end? What even qualified the people behind this to make it? Have they ever shipped anything remotrely related? If so, was it actually any good?
Carson Cox
Then imagine it 10x as worse. Also Vive and Rift have low persistence, that's a fact. Any headaches is induced by software and not the headsets themselves. You can argue about optics and ergonomics but they're 10x better than the shit in those headsets.
Grayson Ramirez
The Hydra had issues with drifting and every time they showed off the Stem there were still drifting issues. I don't know why anyone would still have hope at this point. It's obvious the tech isn't going to work. I mean, no occlusion tracking would be nice and all but it's not enough of a problem given the price of Stem, how clunky the controllers are, and all the delays.
Benjamin Flores
Don't bother... just read his post a little bit more cautious, if you actually own a hmd yourself you can easily see that he is just shitposting.
William Torres
>is not involved in manufacturing of any related component
see They made the Razer Hydra which is the same tech, just wired.
Connor Bennett
>Have they ever shipped anything remotrely related? If so, was it actually any good?
>The panels shit itself if you try to increase the frames or graphic settings
Austin Scott
>tfw bought 10 Razer Hydra's before the VR boom got super huge and resold them all for $150+
Oliver Howard
Sorry if I come across as a nerd for using technical lingo.
James Reed
Oh yeah, that's what I was questioning, your technical lingo.
Alexander King
>hurr durr I don't like the future of gaming tech
fuck OFF KEK. its beta fuckers like you that hold everything back
Ryan Ramirez
>2.5 supersampling well of course it looks like shit if he turns down the resolution to 20% to achieve that. Probably a console kiddie, that will tell us that those HMDs don't have enough Terraflops.
Jace Rogers
>I'm a huge believer in VR and fucking LOVED the name STEM (being a physics major)
Hook, line, sinker.
Make better decisions in the future.
Angel Cruz
OSVR, DK2 and PiMax 4K users. Generally these third party controllers emulate Vive wants in Steam VR games so all Vive games control correctly with them.
Carson Hughes
That's actually 2.5x supersampling which even a 1080 can't handle for most games. Guy is an idiot.
Austin Moore
Yeah you could glue them to the PiMax4k to emulate head tracking for instance.
Thomas Carter
t.real gamer
Colton Foster
We need more Vr threads on Sup Forums, the shitposters that show up are hilarious and with all the shovelware and still small userbase it's actually hard to find the good games.
Owen Gomez
All of which have a tiny segment of the market. With Valve showing they have 500 partners for Lighthouse peripherals they have even less of a chance.
Thomas Rivera
>kickstarter >investor
K e k
William Reed
Having used both the oculus and vive for hundreds of hours, I can tell you guys that the oculus is certainly better for now with superior touch controls.
But don't get all weird and defensive like I know you really want to, we'll see what else comes down the pipe from HTC, considering it's my job, and it hinges on VR being healthy in general, I'm not fanboying anything,
That said, as it stands, if you have oculus touch you are not going to want any third party controllers that don't offer something radically different, like a fleshlight or aneros you can play dark souls with or something.
Nicholas Phillips
Also used both, have to say, while the occulus touch controllers have the overall better feel and built quality (they should for considered their price and the fact that they are not bundled in) the vive controllers still seem to have the better/ more reliable tracking.
Especially in 360 scenarios. Maybe OR will tackle that problem later, their roomscale setup drivers are still beta.
Carter Parker
>oculus is certainly better
Good little goy! 3 shiny shekels have been deposited into your account.
Robert Rodriguez
I literally openly stated I get payed to play with Oculus, Sherlock Fucking Holmes.
Isaac Lee
>investor so you are getting profit returns from it? If not then it's not an investment. You are just supporting it.
John Lee
You already dug your own grave. You do realize that Kickstarter is scam central, right? Most of the time projects won't be completed/delivered, or even if they do they turn out to be complete shit. You, for example, dumped X amount of dollars on a project for VR motion controllers that the developer will most likely take and run with. VR is a joke, Kickstarter is a joke, you fucked up user.
Dylan Flores
> admitting to your shilling activities this openly
Hush! the goyim can't find out!!
Cameron Gutierrez
If you're such a big believer in VR why did you throw money at some random small time headset? I hope you have a Rift, Vive or PSVR already at least.
Jaxon Harris
Joseph Ward
Haha oh wow. I never thought i'd see another STEM backer. I backed too bro. Back in the DK1 days before Vive was even a thing.
Jace Powell
Smart move.
Charles Miller
Red pill time
It's a hoax and a retard tax on the rich and dumb Glad you enjoy your stay