Enlighten me Sup Forums, can I run Hearts of Iron IV with this toaster? Also poorfags Speccy thread

Enlighten me Sup Forums, can I run Hearts of Iron IV with this toaster? Also poorfags Speccy thread.

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You seem to meet the minimum specs required to play but you could have figured that out by just reading it yourself on the page.

I don't know if it's my computer but everytime I look for the requirements and I'm in the recommended spectrum it still runs like shit. So I decided to ask this time for some opinions. What are the changes between all in minimum and maximum?

Maximum runs like shit if you got a shit machine, but looks great.

Minimum looks shit, but runs great.

Trow a GPU to that.

>Ati radeon 5450
Is this card popular among poorfags?
I have the exact same card.

Save up for a new GPU. A 750 ti would add some power without hitting your wallet.

Well I guess I'll be content with what I have.
I would if I had money trust me.

Trow a RX 460 for $90.

The problem is compatibility. Is it compatible with my current build?

RX 460 is $170 in this shitty country.

GTX 750Ti got outdated 2 years ago man.

RX 460 and GTX 1050 are way better than it and cheaper/same price.

GTX 1050? Ti?
Zotac one?

None that I can see. If the card is too large there are also single fan lower profile cards to fit on a small motherboard / case. But usually any card will fit on a motherboard and not block anything major.


Oh yeah I see, I don't keep up with lower cards too much. Get a 1050.

Brazil? Russia? Sweeden?

More niggerer. Chile.
A GTX 1050 Ti Zotac is $380 dollaridos. This really is the shittiest country to build a competent pc.

damn how much is a 750 ti

>A GTX 1050 Ti Zotac is $380 dollaridos
jesus, you guys get shafted hard

I can "play" Overwatch on low on this

I know, I've had the same PC for at least 5 years just because I can't afford anything better.

>750 ti for 230 dollars
I paid 250 for my memecard 3 years ago...

Damn I guess your only option is to watch ebay for a bid deal on a 1050, 750 , or 460.

Or a deal on any other website where you can buy stuff locally for cheap and pick it up from them. Not sure if craigslist is in brazil or is used there.

If he's playing HoI4 he doesn't need a new gfx card as much as he needs a new processor. HoI runs garbage even with much better CPU than that.