This is your robotoobs:

this is your robotoobs:

Other urls found in this thread:

that is a nice two bee

Post android ass!



10 more days

22 for EOPs


only post her crotch from now on

Less if you've preordered and got express shipping


How are there humans even left alive?

Didn't mankind Gestalt itself then let androids take over to keep them safe, but then all the Gestalt died?

Were there just some regular humans who didn't succumb to disease nor any other kind of shit in the world?

Where can I buy this mask?

What did they mean by this?

Are we sure the Jap version doesn't have English voice/text?

This is what I need to know, Japanese PS store is the only one who has the game in sale digitally but doesn't make clear if has eng subs.

Humans gestaltized themselves, left replicants (which are not androids) to rid the world of the plague that forced humans to turn themselves into gestalts. Androids only oversaw replicants to make sure they carried out their job. Replicants were supposed to be simple-minded drones, but they became sentient and the androids couldn't completely control them. After replicants finished cleaning up the world, gestalt humans wake up and go to inhabit their replicants, because replicants are bodies made for gestalt humans. But because replicants became sentient, but didn't know where they came from, they thought gestalts were just monsters trying to kill them. It's been confirmed that in some regions, the android overseers were able to get replicants to cooperate and merge with their gestalts, which essentially revives that human. It isn't common, but in some parts of the world that did happen before Nier fucked everything up, so humanity lived on (barely).

There will probably be at least 1 person on Sup Forums who can verify just have to hope they aren't trolling.
Or I guess try another forum but they could be victims of trolling too.

No, in fact the expectation based on the Jap demo is that it will have those (although we can't be sure yet).

If it doesn't apparently the Hong Kong/ Asian version does.

So why are the aliens invading?

And since there's that little novel where a robot sees all sides at peace is the twist gonna be it was humans who broke the peace? Though that seems to cliche for Taro.

>you live in an age where the aliens just being total dickbags is a novel idea

There is a Drama CD track set 2000-3000 years after the end of Nier called The Space War. Emil is still wandering around, and aliens just show the fuck up and start attacking. Emil starts fighting them back for at least 100 years by cloning himself with magic. We don't know what happens to Emil after that, but there's also a short story set a couple hundred years later, which is the one you're referring to, where P-33 from Nier emerges from the Junk Heap and sees YoRHa or YoRHa-styles androids fighting alien machines, and makes peace with them (only the ones he sees, not the entire force on either side) then he flies off into space.

Automata is like, 6000 years after that last short story, and is immediately preceded by a stage play which sets up the YoRHa androids reclaiming earth premise.

*road warrior sounds*

The OST is shaping up to be pretty damn good.

>dem vocals that kick in when speaking to Anemone

does she have a functional puss or is it just cogs and gizmos down there?

what's the difference?

do NOT fist robot girls

But synthetic anus is really soft.

I'm tired of 2B, i want a game with just 9S

OK seriously guys, will there be a PC version or not?

PS4's version is $60, but PC version will probably be a lot cheaper because of resellers. Even Play-Asia has it for $35 right now.

The fact that she looks exactly like the downs face A2 is a let down.

i want to lewd 9S and hold his boi hands
im a guy

so there is a PC release, nice

; ^ )

If you buy it from the squeenix store says release for PC is March 31st. No idea if that is accurate or not, but I really do want to hold out for the PC release on this one.

It's hands down my most looked forward to game in many years - I want the best experience. Love my Ps4 Pro, but PC is always better.

what a madman

Sup Forums please explain to me why toobers is so great

someone post the pic of taro asking for the .rar of toobs for user here please

>Watching a summary of the series so I can understand what's going on
>So there's dragons, knights, religion, gods, etc
>And everything got fucked
Jesus fuck.

Is Taro an absolute madman?

>all my games got real crap stories even if you change it its still shit
Taro has become my favorite game developer

That's gay.

Yep, non-exclusive is just a slap in the face for PS4

For most of the PS4 and PC owner in Sup Forums the choice is obvious.

I did the next day by 8pm option, but now my order says "Delivery: Delivery Issue".

Anyone else ever get that? I've ordered from the square enix shop before with no issues.

Im nervous guys, I need my 2b figure to oogle

That says "early 2017" and amazon says december 31st, 2017.

It's not gonna be the same day as PS4.

I went out this weekend and bought a PS4 Pro along with Nioh.

That, Nier and FFXV are enough to get me to replace my launch ps4.

>It's not gonna be the same day as PS4.
Prove it.

>That says "early 2017" and amazon says december 31st, 2017.

Can't wait for all the master race exclusive features.

I'm having a tough time choosing the head for my Nier folder symbol or the Bot

Yes, his own games' endings aren't even canon within their own series. Drakengard 2 isn't considered canon because it was made by another director, yet its almost somehow more canon than most the shit Taro has made.

NieR lore isn't even comprehensible for most people because it requires you to not only know Japanese, but also the fact that it spreads across so many different forms of media.

Probably about 30-40% of NieR's lore is actually within NieR, the rest of the lore is in books, audio drama CDs, the stage play prequel to Automata, manga, and even the music itself is relevant to the lore. The singing is meant to encapture a combination of different languages that would exist in the distant future when cultures blend together.

Yes, he is officially THE madman. Automata will only engrave the title further. Yoko Taro is a depressed, alcoholic Kojima on LSD

head is much more significant and easier to tell from far away, especially when its just an icon.

The emil head will also have huge significance in the story unless Taro was literally being serious when he said don't look forward to Automata.

this desu

The video actually explains the stuff from the non-game media.

I never played through NieR 1

or any drakengard

Should I watch the video linked or is there a better way to do that?

Do i watch a full playthrough of NieR? Whats a good one? 2 best friends play?

The Drakengard games have AWFUL gameplay.

If you're willing to endure that for the sake of plot, then emulate them.
If not, watch the video.

On the stage play I've seen he actors remove the blindfold in some webm's.
What do they do?

early 2017 from a business standpoint counts as any time Q1. So it's up to the end of April.

Watch a play through if you really can't get a copy of Nier.

I wouldn't watch an extensive lore summary of any series until you get a grasp of the stories in each game of the series. So either watch play throughs of the drakengard games or read up on the plot. Actually these analysis videos are quite good:

Let them walk around the stage without stumbling

kidding, the blindfolds were basically visors that fed the androids information. same reason 2B and 9S wear them. not sure why they took them off

Will that video be enough to catch me up for all 3 drakengards and NieR 1?

I was watching the 2 best friends play series for NieR 1 but idk if they have finished the game yet or will before automata comes out

The 2BFP let's play is probably a good way, and they do all the endings unlike any of the commentary-less video series I've seen.

don't be put off if its confusing, I played Nier in like 2011 and only found out about shit like red-eye like last year


Although do take in mind that it explains lore, not characters or gameplay or anything like that.

Okay and?

They've finished the game, all endings included. I just got done watching their play through last month.

There's the Dark Id let's play as well

mad man put himself through the original Drakengard, 2, and 3 as well.

Why does a robot needs such a posterior?

To serve her human masters in all their needs.

They act like airbags for her.

>on chapter 8 of Drakengard
>have Nier for PS3 in the mail
Will I be able to finish all the endings of both in time for 2B?

Yeah I thought that too but from another standpoint, the bot silhouette is not so busy, I keep all my game symbols simple so they don't clash.

Perhaps I can simplify the face even further

I'm gonna ride my pole axe and make my way to find her and fuck her real good


Is that a fucking lawbringer pony riding his pole axe!?

My bad I thought you were replying to the person saying it's coming out at the same time as the PS4 version.

So Sup Forums, tomorrow is the day dedicated to love and passionate emotion. How are you going to show your allegiance to your Lord and Savior Caim this Valentines?

It is.

Maybe play some rhythm games.

Remember when Nioh threads discussed the gameplay of Nioh?

just fucking kidding that never happened

Act on stage. A2 was a really scared android. She's all badass now that her friends and girlfriend died.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong thread. The Nioh thread is two pages down.

I'm sorry, Nier

I get those bland hack and slash games confused so often


>The Nioh thread is two pages down.

Because the information is false.

>The singing is meant to encapture a combination of different languages that would exist in the distant future when cultures blend together.
actually it's because replicants are intentionally 'culture suppressed'. This is why the majority of people also can't understand what shades are saying. Some real tower of babel shit right there

Taking it off means you betray the glory of mankind.

How can you talk about the gameplay of a game that isn't out yet?

Seems like you get game genres mixed up pretty often too.

play the games casual

I'm going to make a army of zombie Toobies!

>ugly skelletons

Where is her leotard?

I wonder what the limitations on this are
I bet your resurrected past self is lost if your new self dies, so you can just repeatedly suicide over and over to amass an army of the undead.

Since it seems to be part of an online component with the messages and all you probably need to go actually seek out the corpses of other players to have more than one minion.


>A typical day at Cavia



When I bought the pre-order it said my product would be available march 31st, this was for the PC Digital copy. Mind you - That could be place holder but no actual confirm anywhere.

Found it on tumblr. Don't know where the video is.

>Not even in the top 20 downloads for January
>western release an absolute failure
>no more western releases in the future


Forgot the link :^)

Why would Nier be in top 20 downloads for January when it's not out? Are you likr unironically retarded or something?

Is a cyborg able to have sex, Sup Forums?