Which Ape Escape game was your favorite? Why?
Mine was the original Ape Escape
Which Ape Escape game was your favorite? Why?
Mine was the original Ape Escape
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Ape Escape 3 is the best one but I lean a bit more towards Ape Escape 1 because I grew up with it and find that it has better replayability.
I agree. Ape Escape > 3 > 2 completely subjectively.
The music in the original is maximum comfy.
Heavily biased towards 3 because it was my first experience with the series
The transformations were pretty broken, but they were fun and their music was great.
2 but mostly because nostalgia
Did you ever listen to the "Originape Soundtrack"? Soichi redid all the music with studio-quality instruments and it's amazing. Coral Cave especially.
He did it with 3's soundtrack too, but that one's more hit n' miss.
I haven't heard of that; I'll have to check it out.
I miss this series, the devs got together for a meal a while back and posted it on twitter and it was bittersweet knowing we'll never get another
But at least I got closure
Only one I've ever played was On The Loose for the PSP (I think it's a remake of 1), but it was one of my favorite games on it.
I remember being blown away by playing that and GTA LCS in 2006 and pretty much having a portable PS2, shit was amazing.
>tfw you will never play Million Monkeys or AE 2001