Be honest. Are there streamers on Twitch you watch?

Be honest. Are there streamers on Twitch you watch?

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Robbaz. Cause he hardly does it and when he does he is the only one that is not a complete faggot.


No, I'll watch some events on twitch like e3 or something but otherwise the site doesn't exist for me

LobosJr but usually not when he play Souls

Is that a fucking family video?

I like watching KH speedrunners, they're all cool and KH is fun.

I watch my own streams so I can have at least one viewer.

Same. I only watch youtubers I'm already subbed to in the rare event they stream.

All dedicated streamers are trash.

I watch Aris from time to time.


I do not watch or use twitch and do not understand anyone who does.

Calebhart42 and Summit1g.

That image is triggering me.

Who is the legs?


wtf is going on in the picture. what kind of sorcery is this?


Are there 3 or 4 people in this picture?

use the shirt colors

the legs belong to the kid in the rear.

There's an additional person who's head is obscured, are you guys actually dumb or what

. . .there's something off about this picture

I want to stream random shit with no commentary/personality. Respond to questions here and there. No faggotry.

Black trunks belongs to the guy hugging the stacey, blue legs is one of those fake piggyback legs halloween costume.


Is the kid phasing through the guy behind the girl?

Last I checked that shit wasn't physically possible.

none, I dont suck dick

jerma and aris but not so much jerma these days

This korean girl that I can't understand, but she's cute and pretty good at games.

Yes but he's a comfy nobody that I hope never makes it.


I can't fucking process this what is happening

the fuck is going on in this image

Destiny because im autistic


The only right answer.

No, that bit's not actually grey, it's just the lighting + transparency. Also that just makes no sense anatomically for either the white shirt or grey shirt boy. There must be 4 people or fake legs or some other trick


That kids head is still in a fucked position

girl is wearing jean shorts and giving a piggy back to the guy with the hat, whiteshirt and white/blue shorts. There are two people with grey shirts behind them.

Use your god damned eyes.

I might play SovietWomble in the background more for the audio than the gameplay.
Not often though.

Stephen "Destiny" Bonnell II

also this beautiful ball man:

this doesn't really change the fact that those legs are going straight through that torso

Hear me out

are you memeing or what

I think the legs belong to the head guy, but the arms and torso belong to another guy. I'm not a hundred percent sure but it's definitely not just 3 people

its photoshopped

Nigga, i don't even know how to use Twitch

I catch SmiteTV / SmiteSA on Sunday's, because he does a bitchin' live online remake of that old Nickelodeon game Nick Arcade pretty much. Retro game challenges, head to head.

An example:

the kid in the grey t is photoshopped.

Found it.

Is this the new dress?

this image is ruining my fucking life

I only watch special events like e3 on it, otherwise it doesn't exist to me. I don't understand people that actually watch other people's streams.

My childhood best friend is now a streamer trying to make the "dream" work. He lives at my parents house like a moocher because his divorced mother moved down south and he has no money to support himself so he is relying on my parents generosity and nice computer rig to survive. He's at around 1.1k followers and only just started taking donations. It's not his only job but every time I go back home from uni it's a bit depressing to see what he's become. I watch occasionally out of pity mostly and sometimes leave the stream on overnight as white noise to help me sleep.