SNES thread
>first game you played
>first game you emulated
pic related
SNES thread
>first game you played
>first game you emulated
pic related
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Actually mine is the same, it was at the top of a SnesStation disc.
Man, I knew a lot of classics with that thing
Pic related is the first SNES game I ever played
First SNES game I ever emulated was Megaman X
no fucking idea... super metroid maybe
>first game you played
Super Mario All Stars
>first game you emulated
Can't remember, Megaman 7 was the first one i beat though
>Super Mario World
>Super Metroid
I tried Super Metroid first too, it was part of a 7 ROM pack I got from some website
beat the first boss and couldn't get up the mineshaft, fuck metroid, dropped
What is your favorite SNES game of all time?
Super Metroid
Magical Pop'n if you're going to download it
Super Mario Kart if you have a controller