DSP tries it: Backpedaling for $$$

DSP tries it: Backpedaling for $$$

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It's actually a smart tactic. Those obsessive virgins that stalk him on Twitter must be in arms as usual.

Dumbasses like you GIVE him attention, views, and money. You're the problem. Kill yourself.
>b-b-but it's le epic to watch him fail even though he's more successful than me!
Just stop.

No! DSP is supposed to angry all the time!! He's not allowed to embrace the jokes about him! HE SHOULD BE OFF YOUTUBE BY NOW.

1. DSP downloads the most popular TIHYDP videos and uploads them to his channel.
2. Issues claims on the originals.
3. ????
4. Profit.

why doesn't he do that from the start

>Dumbasses like you GIVE him attention, views, and money.

Stay delusional.

How is anyone supposed to have time to watch all of those daily videos?

DSP is so dumb

Who's the retard making threads about him?
Oh right, you kid. Fucking retard.

I don't get it

That's partially why he's doing this. He's learning.

DSP is like three years too late with this shit



How is he still surviving financially?

He borrows money from his elderly parents

DSP swore that he would never do montages and edited content and instead would just upload hours of boring raw gaming footage which people kept telling him doesn't really cut it any more. He's just too lazy to edit

His daughter's soap business

He's actually probably a decent enough guy now, outside of whining about having no money all the time, it's just a shame he was that much of a giant cunt beforehand that people will never forget or forgive.

Falls under some kind of bullshit fair use law? Anti-sjw Youtubers have been making thousands of dollars off other peoples videos for years now.

He's still not going to edit anything. All of the montages are edited by his fans.

Holy kek.

He collects about 1200 dollars from paytreein on top of whatever scrap he gets from YT days. I fucking hate Phil and can't wait to see him burn. Anyone post that panda lee tweet yet?

He owns that content about as much as game companies own his content.

They don't upload his videos in their entirety and it'd be easy to argue that they are critiques because of the editing and adding shit like text over things to mock him.

Silent Rob is the best

IF he had done it before when it was new it would of been, far to late now.

He's acting like this move is sheer brilliance on his part

>"check what I'm uploading guiz ;)"

What panda Lee tweet?

He's doing ok on YouTube. Better than the average channel. He just likes to pretend he's doing bad to legitimize his ebegging.

>He's doing ok on YouTube. Better than the average channel.
Yeah but that's because most "channels" are children trying to copy Pewdiepie or some shit, in terms of actual content creators he's pretty low tier and only saved because of his tactic of uploading 6 billion videos so his channel views are inflated.

That said he's not doing so bad he couldn't survive, he's just feeling the crunch of the over saturation of YouTube channels. So he needs to downsize his lifestyle and doesn't like the idea.


That's exactly what I was thinking.

I donate 5 bucks to Phil Pateron every month AMA

Why do you enable a 30 year old manchild?

Do you feel appreciated

I like his content


Show the replies

>I fucking hate Phil and can't wait to see him burn.
What would otherwise be normal Sup Forums hyperbole comes off as deeply unsettling in DSP threads


>Issuing a claim on content that isn't yours

I need some fucking popcorn, this is more entertaining than 90% of what hollywood has shat out this year.

Wait so is she cucking him?

Why don't you donate more?

It's way too fucking late. He should have done this a long time ago, it was the only thing keeping him relevant.

He was determined not to sell out, and good for him I guess. But unfortunately he wanted a business, and you can't be successful without changing. He really thought he could keep doing the same thing and everything would be fine. Complete fucking moron.

Why do you guys hate DSP? He's just some retard who's really bad at vidya and is in turn funny to watch.



>Retsuprae isn't even on there
Poor slowbeef

DSP is like Chris-Chan in that he's an utter retard who's managed to attract a bizarre group of oddities who ghost and criticize every move he makes, despite being a pack of freaks themselves.

Go on /cow/ and have a look, I'm sure they have a thread on the SoK people.

Jesus christ

Chad daddy is the only one that deserves a place on Sup Forums.

>"Luffy will be the Monkey King."
>autists flip out

Spoony on shit list. Spoony is a giant fucking lolcow who can barely hold his shit together and all he does is play games and occasionally do shitty skits. He's the Chris-chan of lets plays.


Shorthand for "I take my e-celebrities very very seriously"


I'm honestly surprised CWC hasn't become a Twitch streamer; you'd think aspies would be lining up to give him money "ironically".

>it's a DSP unboxing video with fire alarm going for 15 minutes straight then he ends the video without even opening the game episode

when ugly bitches wanna be gold diggers

and to think people have a genuine hatred for this poor soul


nice try phil

Is actually Todd, and he's appealing for help wi Elder Scrolls VI

Which video?
