Now that the dust has settled, was it really a system seller?
Xenoblade X
Well I personally bought a Wii U specifically for this game.
If I had not bought a Wii U for MH3U earlier, I would have bought it for this. Sunk many hours into it, was probably my goty.
Clearly not.
I bought the Wii U for MK8 and 3U online. Not that dog turd of a game.
No, but if you own a Wii U and didn't buy it, you're missing out
What build(s) did everyone play? I was electro focused javelin
i bought my wiiu for it so I guess
everything else was extra
Considering the Wii U sold like absolute shit it obviously wasn't.
It's one of the main reasons to buy a Wii U, for sure. A shame it will fade into obscurity unless Nintendo Virtual Consoles it, but I find that highly unlikely giving the mandatory Gamepad implementation.
Came in to defend the game, but I guess I can't argue with that.
I'm with this user. The game is really dull after 3 hours.
Never meant to be.
...but it was goty 2014 and one of the best games I've played in the last five years.
Dont give a fuck the wii u failed because I loved it and Xcx out of it.
It doesn't even start to git gud until like 5 hours in
Bought the special edition at launch, still haven't touched it. Working my way through the first Xenoblade.
Hoping the online scene for it isn't dead by the time I get to it.
I just started the game and haven't unlocked Astral Crusader yet, but that's my plan. More games need javelins.
>Hoping the online scene for it isn't dead
astral crusader was boss, that's what I rolled first time through
>mfw speed demon
Honestly, the biggest disappointment on the system and a legit bad game.
There is no online.
Unless you're an achievement hunter, you won't need to do online.
>Thinking about doing a lot of those side quests without Reward Tickets to simply buy the bullshit drops
>Not even touching on building your own frames without them
The horror.
>Trying to get top gear without ticket farming online
>Having to actually find all materials for quests instead of exchanging tickets
Well good luck with the grind I guess.
I own a Wii U and don't even have this game, I'll probably just wait for the inevitable Switch port with breast slider re-added.
>breast slider re-added.
you can already do this easily with the WiiU
>he thinks there will be a XCX post
they're working on XC2 right now and will start work on XCX2 most likely right after like they did with XCX-->XC2
>you can already do this easily with the WiiU
>they're working on XC2 right now and will start work on XCX2 most likely right after
XC2 looks like it already well into development and given how badly the Wii U sold they might want to squeeze more money out of XCX with a port to a game many people didn't have access to the first time around. I mean we already got a 3DS port of XC for crying out loud I think bringing XCX to Switch would be fairly straightforward in comparison.
FFXV was a better game
I don't think you understand that monolith is constantly working on new games, both their tokyo and kyota branches
xenoblade got ported because it was done on a handheld, outsourced to a different company. Doing a port of XCX on the switch is a different story, ESPECIALLY since you have to rework the game around now having touch screen capabilities
>Buying a Wii U game
>If I had not bought a Wii U for MH3U earlier
Good man, samesies.
Pisses me off that Capcom didn't port 4U or even Gen to the Wii-U.
MHGU for switch announcement when?
The system is a lost cause, too late for that.
Yeah I sold my system when it came out
ok then ps4 i don't give a fuck enough handheld shit and no gay ass MMO MH either