Original Xbox thread

I'm planning getting an Xbox soon, what games would you recommend? Are there any imports besides Metal Wolf Chaos worth modding it for?

make sure to test it. A lot of xbox's have problems with their disc tray and also there is usually some internal leakage that occurs because of old pots in the system that end up fucking your system.

Besides that get some component cables

It's specifically the clock capacitor, it's just a poor design in terms of reliability. The platform controller chip with the RTC requires rather massive amounts of power when idle and a battery would've gone flat quickly enough for the average consumer to notice, so they decided to charge a giant ass cap when the system is on and run the RTC off that when the mains power is cut. Which does work, but the particular cap specified for the design doesn't really like that and ends up leaking.

I heard that you can remove the clock capacitor and avoid the problem entirely. I've gotten 3 different xbox's and finally landed on the right one.

The upside of it is that I amassed a large amount of games and a nifty xbox disc case.

Steel battalion if you can find a controller. Phantom crash was also pretty fun. I remember enioying blood wake as well.

This game is amazing if you can find it.

Pirate adventure with RPG elements and ship combat

The game's just awesome

Just use an emulator.

spatan total warrior is alright

u'r dum and gay

Yeah, yanking it just means that every power cut will reset the clock. Not a big deal, apart from that it'll function normally.

There's honestly not much in the way of imports for the original Xbox. The 360 had a lot of J-exclusive shmups but that's not the system you bought.

Plenty of US releases if you want to talk about those though. Stuff that's exclusive even to this day.

The first Buffy.


Grabbed by the ghoulies, mech assault games, halo, jet set radio, tony hawk pro skater 2, blinx games, forza, shadow the hedgehog, various other sonic games, burnout, crazy taxi 3, crimson skies, morrowind, psychonauts, silent hill 2 and 4, simpsons hit and run, spongebob movie game, thrillville, splinter cell chaos theory

does that mean I'll have to enter the clock thing like everytime i boot up the xbox

>shadow the hedgehog
Nigger what?

Sonic Mega Collection+ is the only good sonic game on the Xbox.

Shadow the hedgehog sucks monkey penis

No, just if you unplug it or you lose power.

>jade empire, the rock papers scissors rpg
>no time sweeper

Make an honest assesment for yourself of how casual you are and if the answer is "not very" get Gunvalkyrie.

It's not that hard but it's got a nasty learning curve and a very unusual control scheme, but once you learn to play it it's fucking nuts. Made by Smilebit when they were still allowed to make non-sports games.

On the subject of Smilebit, JSRF is required.

Also Xbox has the best console version of OutRun 2 and 2006

ah, I have to do that very soon then. Don't want some dumb pot leaking and fucking up my xbox.

IIRC the control scheme is "borrowed" from Burning Rangers


I was a big Mech Warrior 4 fan back in the early 2000's and I never got Mechassault because I was worried it was dumbed down significantly for the console/controller

Was I wrong? Or alternatively, is a more arcadey Mechwarrior really fun?

I don't think so because as far as I know the Saturn never had an R3, and you'll be mashing R3 like crazy in Gunvalkyrie.

That said, I've never actually played Burning Rangers.

Should I get Outrun 2, Outrun 2006, or both?

You likely want to do it asap. To put it in perspective, last year I bought one from my friend who played it literally a handful of times because he had two so this was just a backup. He had everything with it as well and it looked brand new. I use it for a month not knowing about the clock capacitor issue, and one day it's turning on and off by itself and the power button no longer works. The reason? Corroded tracers from the clock capacitor leaking. This shit is a ticking time bomb for nearly all of the systems except I believe the last model. You absolutely have to remove the thing or you could be fucked at any time.

Phantom Dust
Crimson Sea
Otogi and Otogi 2
Spikeout Battle Street (before it becomes retardedly expensive)
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Murakumo: Renegade Mech Pursuit

2006 is mostly just 2 with more stuff, so get that. There are a few things the original has over it but they don't really matter.

Before you consider outrun 2006, check the price.

That's a good point

Since you can't legally obtain te PC version anymore 2006's price has spiked.

2 is much cheaper and still a great game, my personal favorite racer of all time.





>got futurama for $1

4 player Battlefront 2 is excellent

What are the 2 games inbetween kingdom under fire and ninja gaiden in the third row please?

Mechassualt 2 is one.

Anybody play gungriffon allied strike? Thinking of picking it up.

just look up xbox games on google images

>Crimson Sea

I wish Koei would make more games like this instead of Dynasty Warriors 17.

Started it up for the first time a few days ago and was off put by the warrior guys that I can't kill (yet). Seems like a shitty segment of the game where all I can do is run from enemies.

The other is Magatama.

This console will be dead for at least 2 more years, then all the hipsters will hail it as the second coming of the dreamcast.

I mean it kinda was. Smilebit games and all.

you just brought back memories I didn't know I had.
fuck you user for sending me on this nostalgia feels trip

You won't regret it