What is the chipotle of video games?
What is the chipotle of video games?
I ate three burritos today.
Tell me your secrets
Freebirds is better.
Why do people like chipotle so much?
cd project red
>tfw too scared to go to the chipotle near me because of the shear density of normies that go to it
I'd say FIFA or some other normie game
the shitty mass produced and better advertised version of a superior product?
>Why do people like chipotle so much?
Because it's unique and everywhere. Sure there are better places out there that serve the same stuff but literally no one knows about them or gives a shit.
Chipotle is everywhere and fills a specific fast food niche. Higher quality than Taco Bell and large quantity of food.
For Honor
>Not great, but not bad
>Single Player isn't as fun as Multiplayer
Honestly if you eat corn on any mexican/southewestern food you should be killed on the spot.
>not on Mexican food
u wot m8
u W0T
>he doesn't use corn tortillas for street tacos
>unique and everywhere
Some shitty facebook game
where else can I get quick chicken and rice without it costing a lot and taking forever
Halal Guys.
[spoilers]It's cheap at least.[/spoiler]
>unique and everywhere
As in the type of food they serve. There are a million different fast food places that serve burgers all over the place but not that many that serve burritos that are arguably better than Taco Bell.
>inb4 people list 10 places from their special snowflake town/state no one has heard of
Explain yourself.
I think I'd like it better if they had proper Mexican rice instead of the hipster rice.
he's fat.
Healthfags that's why, I'd rather just have Taco Bell personally.
Pandemic 2
People don't go to chipotle for health reasons, I promise you.
I've personally gone and come out with two pounds of food from there and I've seen the same from other people.
>can't even spoiler correctly
also why go get mediterranean food and not order lamb?
Wow, is that what chipotle looks like? I could definitely eat that more than twice in a row.
I truly pity people without actual taco trucks in their areas
>Mexican """food"""
>mfw the only good tacos are a city over
>Mexican food with no Corn involved
Because you can get a combo(lamb and chicken) with rice
So why do I always see fit fags and healthy normalfags in there? Also all the girls I see in there are skinny as fuck.
I don't give a fuck how gross you think this is, I'd at least try it because it actually looked good for some reason.
I can never get over how autistically she adds the Doritos.
Because they don't realize they can order extra of everything for free except for guacamole and meat.
/ck/ has adapted horribly to the post-irony era.
I bet you eat flour tortillas and canned beans
i bet you put lettuce on tacos
>lettuce on anything
Literally the Jew of food.
I'm a spic living in California.
I like the taco trucks, but I wish we had some nice Italian or Greek restaurants around here.
Seriously, if it's not a taco truck, it's a pizza or burger place around here.
>Mexican """""""food"""""""
>i'll have five tacos with lettuce, tomato, steak and mild salsa on flour tortillas
guess the country
Well that's because you califags are horrible people
That's just the mexican equivalent of a fried twinkie.
What the fuck is that at the very end
lost me at 1:25
>Well that's because you califags are horrible people
Everyone is horrible everywhere, I just want variety.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
cilantro and onion with a dash of lime and some of that green salsa shit is all that should be added to make the perfect corn tortillas fajita taco into perfection.
I hate mexicans so much
A game with a lot of freedom and options.
Anything modded to hell?
This user knows their shit.