Cave Story

Fuck I hope it's the eshop version and not the shitty 3D version

>What if #CaveStory had a physical release on #NintendoSwitch?

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the twitter link

Clearly it'll be the Wii version!

how many times does this game have to be released

I don't think anyone really wants to play it a fifth time regardless of the version

I saw this posted somewhere. There may be hope that we're getting a physical release that has good boxart that doesn't have ugly 3D graphics
On every system
Cave Story deserves to be universally available

>wanting to buy a free game on an otherwise useless system

why are console gamers so dumb?

It serves as a reminder of what the standard for kickstarter games should be. If a man can make a game this good all on his own with his own money then other indie "devs" should surely be able to do better with the thousands of dollars from kickstarter.

Who fucking cares, it'll be the god damn sped up version. Nicalis + Cave Story = Botch

Cave Story is only available on PC. The abominable Wii and 3DS versions are sped up. It's a completely different game and a radically worse experience.

Didn't it take so long to make that its retro aesthetic was contemporary when work started.

I have the freeware version on my PC and I also bought the game on my 3ds. If kero blaster was on the switch or 3ds I'd buy it again too,pixel deserves my money

Its not really all that different. Enemies don't act or move any differently. The story isn't any different. The level design isn't any different. Everything functions exactly the same, but moves slightly faster, thus making the game less floaty and slightly more challenging whilst still being completely fair. You vastly overestimate the amount the changes done to the game affected how the game actually functions. If you can and must, please, show an example of something not working the way its supposed to in the + version

As far as I can tell, having played the original version, the + version, and the 3DS version, the + version is an improved experience, being the same game but with more content and slightly less floaty.

Also you're wrong about OG Cave Story's releases as well.
It has several unofficial releases on a myriad of platforms

really? It should say to you what the fuck are AAA devs doing instead of amateurs.

Why can a single guy make a better game than your 100 person studio?

It changes the entire feel of the game, the entire pace. It's not what he designed or what he meant and it's not the same thing. It feels worse and plays worse. It's fucking with a near flawless game and tampering with the soul of his craft. It's not okay. It's embarrassing that

I haven't played any of those so I cannot speak to their quality



Force feeding.

3D adds a bunch of extra sections.



no thanks

+ has the same content as 3D but without the ugly
Also there's no use bringing up changes that could be perceived as improvements with that guy. He's posted in previous threads before; he feels the game was perfect as it was and that no changes made to the game do the game justice. Which I guess is fine. I like +. But what is there to defend about 3D? All its content is in +.

>Cave Story deserves to be universally available
Any fucking toaster can run it and NXEngine is the best way to play it.
Nicalis just wants to make more money off of it.

This shit has more versions than Rayman 2.

Maybe they can make one that makes the god-tier original look like shit in comparison but I somehow doubt it.

It's cave story! With depth of field! In 3D, even.

How stupid do you have to be to pay for a free game?

Physical releases > digital releases
Also feels good to give good developers money

I hate cave story.
I tried to get the good end where you ignore the jetpack and save curly and I didn't revive her in the sewer I thought you were supposed to do it at the bunny village and she died so fuck it to hell

How much more can they keep milking that game?

>DRM-free digital > physical > DRM digital

Neutral ending is still nice. Just go for that. Good ending is brutally difficult anyways

Is Cave Story the Undertale of 2D platformers?

I got it already

Friendly reminder that the Snake is best gun

>ugh I hate this game, the secret ending which I looked up how to do on the internet and did on my first playthrough was too hard!!!!!! gosh!!

It was the 3rd playthrough shitlord
And it wasn't that hard
I blew through it too fast

Just play the PSP version if you want Cave Story on the go.

Vinyl release of the soundtrack

>dude let's release this 13 year old freeware games for money a million times LMAO

vinyl release of the wii soundtrack

Who /dsiware/ here?

I played through the game once and I ended up in a back to back boss fight where you fight that guy and then that scientist right after that and then you escaped. I dunno where I messed up because it felt like I didn't explore the whole island.

How do I open up other locations and such?



Just go look it up. There's a bunch of steps to getting the best ending.

>le supporting mah hobbi :D

christ. Every day the industry hasn't crashed is another wasted

from memory
don't take the jetpack
find the tow cable?
after you kill the water boss and curly dies, look in the shit on the right and get the shiny thing (tow cable?)
drag curly to dry land
revive her
???? i failed this shit ????
secret room at top of the world opens up into hell dungeon fuck your shit up instakill world gl git gud hf

Consider this

Perhaps its a good thing they keep releasing these games like RE4 and Cave Story over and over again. Because it means younger people will have access and awareness to video games they otherwise never would have heard of. Or maybe its the worst thing because it just represents the total stagnation of the industry and the seeking endless profit through the milking and re releasing of various IPs

Probably a mix of both

Are you for real

>play cave story
>hmmm that felt unsatisfactory
>you shouldn't have take that machine gun lol
>you shouldn't have taken the jet pack xD

The machine I gun I guess almost as soon as I saw the choice, but skipping the doctor is totally whack. Good idea all and all but I'll always remember my reee when I read that

I didn't knew you can pass on the jetpack. Thought it was required.

Didn't the game took you to another place though immediately after the water boss? My memory is fuzzy since I haven't played it in a while.

So the tow cable is needed to drag Curly to shore? I'll try to get it next time.

Also does it matter to take the machine gun early or not when Curly asked you to trade the Polar Star for it? I thought keeping the PS prevented her from dying or some shit.

Reminder that Nicalis tweeted this months ago and has yet to give an explanation. This probably means:

>Quote amiibo bundle with Switch physical release
>unrelated Quote figure coming to something like


>Quote confirmed for Smash 4 Switch port

Don't save booster when he falls, get the shiny thing BEFORE the core fight, take curly after, don't fuck up the rushing water section and go into the house, put curly on bed, read notebook, drain her water, DON't leave her in the house, beat fish boss, get booster 2.0. Get timer in secret area of outer wall.

THEN: find curly in the plantation, talk to green hoodie guy to initiate mushroom sidequest, go to secret upper area in graveyard, complete yes/no puzzle, beat mushroom boss, take mushroom to curly, she gives you the Iron Bond.

AFTER FINAL BOSS: when you're running away go back into the shack.

WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO CAVE STORY 2?! It's been two years since it was teased at pax south!

Dude, this looks like fucking garbage. I'm so glad I didn't buy this.

why do you retards care about games you've already played being released on a new system?

>Also does it matter to take the machine gun early or not when Curly asked you to trade the Polar Star for it?
Nah, but you can upgrade the polar star to one of the best weapons later on.

What would it even be about, Cave Story tied all of its loose ends pretty neatly

>It's been two years since it was teased at pax south!

You better not be pulling my leg

If you take the polar star back to where you got it, it can be upgraded into the best weapon in the game.
Cave Story is all about sacrificing now for future rewards.

At least with the MG you can hover with it by shooting down when its at max level.

>the best weapon in the game
Pretty sure level 1 Nemesis and level 2 Blade are better in terms of dps.

I hope the industry never crashes, as video games have only gotten better over time. We're in a golden age as we speak. Video games are more fun than ever

I see it as the introduction to a fantastical world full of potential and mystery.

We still don't know what "the war" was about and who created all the robots.

I mean teased in the strongest sense.

I've probably beaten Cave Story upwards of 60 times, with only about 15 of those being speedruns.

It's just a game that has a pretty strong fan base. That isn't bad.

>Last option

almost, it looks like a 16 bit game and it started development in 1999 irc, so only 4 years too late

It got rid of the fucking menu re-hit glitch, that's detestable. Do you know how much I fucking hate grass town?

Why are all you retards paying for Cave Story in the first place when it's fucking free for PC?

And I don't even mean pirating. It's just fucking released as a free game to everyone by the creator himself.

>same content as 3D

Buddy, I don't remember no 'falling tower' section.

>It's just a game that has a pretty strong fan base.
Yeah but they're primarily furries so fuck 'em.

>Remastered faggots in charge of canon

Fuck this shit, I enjoyed the alternate levels in +, but nothing Nicolis makes should be considered official

>I didn't knew you can pass on the jetpack. Thought it was required.

You can pass on the first two versions of the jetpack I believe.... and then he gives you the best upgraded version that you have to take. The best jetpack is the only way to reach a certain platform.

My memory is also fuzzy since it's been ages. Just go read gamefaqs or something.

And no it doesn't matter if you take the machine gun or not. You only get one chance at trading the pole star. You do not have to get the machine gun, you can trade it for other shit besides it, but once you trade it, it's gone for good.


As someone who used to be a Spur elitist, the Machine Gun is a completely viable pick. You get to benefit from the juicy Labyrinth upgrades way quicker and it totally changes how Sand Zone plays.

I bet it will still be the version with shitty translation.

>Pretty sure level 1 Nemesis and level 2 Blade are better in terms of dps.

That's only if you have a chance to continuously shooting without interruptions or enemies blocking your shots or just dodging.. Depending on the situation, sometimes it's better to be able to charge up and shoot once the timing is right.

Shit like this is literally the only way you could sell me on the Switch or Amiibos, I turned down Sheik because I didn't want to get into that stuff, but I really couldn't resist this.

This was also posted a while back by Nicalis.

I'd love to see Cave Story 2 with a new story and characters. I wouldn't want to pull Quote and Curly Brace out of their eternal reward and a prequel would be sort of overplayed. I'd love some alternate levels and challenges where you play them though, in a similar manner to +.

It makes Sand Zone piss easy though.

Level 3 Blade would make a pretty fun Final Smash, just King's ghost flying around and any enemy he touches just explodes into swipes, or swipes just fill the screen.

Super Missiles would also be cool as a Final Smash, as would a giant beam Spur attack similar to Samus.

>the machine gun is Curly's
>Curly lives in Sand Zone
>the MG makes Sand Zone easy as hell to traverse

Not him, but that's a good thing, Sand Zone is shit and the less time and effort one needs to spend on that hell hole the better

Because for the longest time he wasn't accepting donations.

Honestly, Pixel could have been set for life if he was just 5% Jew. Releasing a game for free is great and all, but could you imagine having the rights to one of the GOATs but no way to cash it in without bring in people? Guy still works a fucking desk job.

It's one of the best areas with the Polar Star. Machine Gun makes it boring.Same with the Labyrinth.

where the fuck is the sequel already

16-bit sequel?

Never I hope.

You basically have to play the level 3 times, I don't blame people for wanting to skip through it faster. There are still flying enemies and tight corridors, which make flying a significantly different experience and still slightly challenging.

Plus, you have to maintain 3 to get those benefits, that can be difficult the first couple times you play.

>you have to maintain 3 to get those benefits
That's pretty fucking easy in the Sand Zone. I'll give you that for the Labyrinth though.

You are literally insane and self destructive.

Beginners, tho, mane. Replayers are either waiting for Spur or trying to rush through Sand Zone so fast that the difficulty of not getting hit is squared.

I used the machine gun in my first playthrough, only lost level three once on the first boss.

>buying cave story
>fucking ever
Reminder that the Nicalis ports and funamentally broken and the translation is shit.

Not to start console war shit, but Kero Blaster is out of PC and is getting a PS4 release if you want to actually buy one of Pixel's games.

You people sure do bitch a lot.

>Guy still works a fucking desk job.
Because that's what he WANTED. When he finished CV and it became popular he told everyone that he only made it for fun, and that he didn't want to be a game creator. He was fine with continuing his desk job.

Seems like he wised up eventually to how foolish that was.

Never, since Pixel doesn't hold the rights after selling it to Nicalis.
Kero Blaster is better, anyways.

He literally wouldn't have to work anymore if he had leveraged it correctly. It's one thing to say 'I'd rather do this for a living' and another to say 'I'd rather do this over literally anything else'.
Reminder that Nicalis commisioned this a while back.