X games thread

Why are you not space jewing right now Sup Forums?
Any similar games except Evochron: Autist legacy?

>Also X4 hype thread.

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Because I've been playing Starpoint Gemini 2.

Is it gud? Can i space jew like in X?

I just do the combat, the games fun but it's not exactly the super detailed shit that X is.

Think of it more of a X lite.

If the combat was as addicting as Starsector I'd have played more.

Why is it mostly negative on Steam now?

I had to look through the forums to find out, seems the game went on sale and a bunch of hardcore X series fans came in expected a game that is as detailed/complex as X, but didn't even read about it. So they ended up very disappointed.

There's a X4 coming out?


I hope they don't fuck it up and trying being different like x-stillbirth.

I think (hope) they learned the lesson and go all out autism on this one because X will never be more than a niche game for autists and I would cater to that audience instead of trying to break it to the normies.

>X Rebirth VR Edition

I've been so utterly disappointed by space games, year after year, that I just stopped: X:Rebirth, Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous, Infinity, Limit Theory... I'm longing for so much more now, I want a full-fledged game with on-foot action as well as space combat, but then I realize we haven't even got a proper space sim, ever. I mean where is our space Morrowind already?
Each one was always flawed, whether plagued by shitty AI, buggy as fuck, with terrible lore, boring combat, atrocious economy, complete lack of content... or just cancelled.

But then I realize I've been out of the loop so much, and focused way too much on the big names, that I must have missed plenty. I haven't even tried Evochron, Starpoint Gemini nor Starsector mentioned so far. How much have I been missing guys?

SPG isn't bad, but it's also not extremeley deep I'd say, It has a trading sytem, bounty system, I find the combat fun but not overly complex. It has both a story mode and some campaign stuff, different classes you can play for some skill tree shit and of course a full sandbox mode you can go out and do the fuck ever you want to do.

You can hire crew members, board other peoples ships, take parts off their ships and sell it, destroy it that sort of stuff. Theres also world events and what not.

It's the kind of game you can sit down for an hour drop some time into and get out and feel rewarded enough.


yes I know I sound like a faggot.

>Star Citizen
But it's not out yet. Not that it ever will be.

What's currently the must-have mod for X3AP?

Hell yes, I've been meaning to make a thread for past few days. I'm genuinely excited for X4, even after the whole X:R fiasco.

Good thing Litcube brought his divine gift to our community.

>When we worked on X Rebirth we needed to make a lot of simplifications. We removed some features in order to be able to concentrate on others. But when X Rebirth was released, many fans expected it to be an "X4"; a game with most of the key features of the X3 games and then some. Since then, we have worked hard to make X Rebirth a better game, incorporating player feedback, continuing to develop the engine it is based on, and releasing many updates and expansions. However we also realise that there are still many unfulfilled wishes, some of which would require extensive changes that couldn't be implemented in the existing game. Many of these are things we would also like to see in a space game and these, along with the foundations laid by all the work and feedback that went into X Rebirth, have been the basis for the big project that we have been working on for the last few years: a real X4.

>While I cannot say much about its features yet, what I can tell you about it so far is that it will allow you to fly many different ships, it will give you an all-new interface to manage large fleets, and it will give you full freedom when building stations from individual modules.

>Please be patient with this and we promise to show some really cool things later in 2017!

Litcube's, no need to look further.

Xfans are always spergy retards, you have to be when you think the most entertaining thing is making the game optimize itself just to farm money pointlessly.

t. tried the game for 10 minutes and never touched it ever again

Like this guy said Litcube on X3 is probably the best.

I don't play it, the UI is atrocious and is part of the engine, so it can't be modded, and that's the main and only major reason.
It's literally one factor away from being a 10/10

Limit Theory, havent heard that one in a long time.
Update vids never ever.

Yeah, Egosoft's UIs are always lame. Once you get used to it tho, it's really easy. Just like Dwarf Fortress : You don't rely on visual cues, you just do shit with muscle memory. I can see why people hate it though.

Litcube's made a pass on the UI to make it somewhat bareable. I'd say it's the most in-depth and noob friendly version of X3 out there.

I don't want this thread to die so I'll bite, what the fuck is your deal with Star Citizen?

Latest patch they added Mega Maps tech (in testing only offline for now but still). Same high quality PBR shiny spaceships in dogfighting, but only
seconds loading screen time. Also 60FPS without any hangs.

Now I just need to see multiplayer hangs fixed and I can actually play it, and that seems to be almost just my machine with that issue.

The biggest problem I have with it is how you have
1 limit of menus/windows open at a time
No native pointer support for a ton of features including the map
Single item only selection

This means no context menus, it's like it's a normal game that's actually entirely run on a terminal behind the scenes. You can't click-drag select multiple things, you have to fucking manually add one thing to a group at a time, or issue orders at a time and with Litcube especially fleet management just goes to shit in the end.

It's way too much hassle just to move a wing of ships.

True, the setup for fleets and shit is atrocious in vanilla, and to some extent in Litcube's. But the MLCC module in Litcube's was specifically made to ease that clusterfuck. You can tell which ships need what, organize wings and automate ship production / equipment / restocking in just a few strokes. After that, you just have to send a go code and watch the fireworks.

I seriously hope they'll make a RTS-like UI for X4. Some mods have hinted that it may be the case. One can hope.

When I play these games, much like EVE I get bored. Is this what will eventually happen when we finally travel the stars? You finally realise space is fucking boring?

It's boring to you.
I have 1.5k+ hours on X3 alone, not counting Freelancer, Elite, EVE and Starsector.
It takes a certain mindset to like these games.

Well it's a long story. It was planned to be released 3 years ago, then they "changed their plans", changed them again, again, and suddenly it was always pushed back, always getting new milestones but never reaching any. From the beginning it lacked direction, they were going nowhere, terrible technological choices were made that had them lose a fortune, and two whole years.

With that much money, it's surprising. But then that's where the problem comes: they get themselves a five figures espresso machine on crowdfunding budget, then Chris Roberts reportedly gets a mansion in Pacific Palisades... staff is leaving, project seems stuck in development hell, meaning work is indeed being done but no actual progress made towards a release, they keep redesigning new shit from scratch, it's a neverending iterative process... Then they still need more, claim they're out of cash, they put up outrageous ship packages at equally outrageously high prices, people have finished the game before it's even in alpha, black market begins, ships are resold, the whole thing becomes a farce, its community is cancerous as fuck...

Now Chris Roberts is kind of the Peter Molyneux of space sims. Each Wing Commander underdelivered, so did Starlancer, Strike Commander was a failure, he quit halfway through the development of Freelancer, leaving behind him a buggy engine and storyboards, and somehow manages to both blame it on Microsoft that the game is shit, and take the pride of this incredible game even though it's actually Microsoft that it without him. Trusting him can only end poorly, especially with so much money.

For someone that learns about it today, it looks fucking awesome. But that's all there is to it, a dream being kept alive by a steady flow of cash, that'll never deliver on expectations, nor be on par with its budget. Now for the past year it seems they got their shit together and are making some progress, but they aren't there yet, and its past is ugly.

Old mate sent out an email for the folks who haven't bothered to get on the forums and read about his mental breakdown. I feel sorry for the guy, but at the same time I'd like to think he's capable of finishing the game without falling off the radar again.

>claim they're out of cash
Whilst I agree with just about everything else, I call bullshit that they've ever claimed they're out of cash.

It's crazy how many space projects never see the light of day. It's like there's a curse on those.

I myself was looking forward to Wings of St Nazaire, a small indie game that looked pretty cool, and even though it would have surely remained very basic, it was a breath of fresh air. Well there's a playable alpha version which looks dank, but project is dead: wingsofstnazaire.com/

Well indeed you're right, they didn't claim it. But employees talked about it: escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/features/14715-CIG-Employees-Talk-Star-Citizen-and-the-State-of-the-Company

CiG will just keep pushing back the release date, since they make most of their money selling pre-orders for DLC ships.

If you're talking about that part where they say additional funds are still needed to sustain that level of development, I can see why you'd call bullshit on their claim of that. I'd say it's a load of shit, myself. Anyone is free to chime in and correct me if I'm wrong here, but chances are they spent a few million getting their multiple studios set up, a few million on hiring and marketing, possibly a few million on server and distribution costs as well. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they're shedding between 8 and 12 million a year in wages across all of their studios (both internal and contracted). At the rate development is going, they're in for a bumpy ride if the finances slow or stop. I just want them to stop redeveloping shit and get a move on with it.