"For Honour" sucks. Get over it.
I literally had more fun playing League of Legends and Overwatch. Infact it's not even better than WoW lmao!
"For Honour" sucks. Get over it.
I literally had more fun playing League of Legends and Overwatch. Infact it's not even better than WoW lmao!
well its not a mmo
I haven't played it but it looks pretty boring in my opinion.
Hello, Redd!t.
uncultured americunt located
yet it has worse combat, worse gameplay and less content than a 10 year old MMO
Fuck Noah Webster
God Save The Queen
Game's absolute garbage, nothing new.
>game where precise movements require extremely accurate and fast servers
>use p2p
But why?
>p2p in 2017
>full price AAA game
>focused on multiplayer
Actually p2p is the way to go for fighting type games
>this reverse shilling
Try harder ubishit
please do not post anti semetic pictures on Sup Forums video games
This. Sup Forums is a liberal board accepting of all races and religions.
are you retarded? since when are crusaders anti semitic? they fought muslims
Hello, Redd!t.
I can tell this is a shitpost because I end many of my shitposts with lmao.
You use p2p for 1v1. They shouldn't also be using p2p for 2v2 and 4v4
i guess that means you read the whole post. it means a lot to me user
once again I ask you, are you FUCKING RETARDED?
do you even know what that word means?
Another very insightful post by an american
that's my gf
why did a bunch of faggots have to go and ruin the image of a knight
any more lewd pics from this set?
I agree
No America, you are Reddit.
>tfw you find out the entirety of the United States is rebbit
I don't care, but do post more crusader waifus
You realise p2p is not "pay-to-play" here, it's "peer-to-peer", right?
kid ur dum