Show me your toon

Show me your toon

Other urls found in this thread:

Killer7 is basically about some old guy and his 6 toons.


I'm sorry user, just haven't been in the mood.

I actually like the standard healer armor as is.

can you not?

fucking kill yourself

Nice character creation skills user, i like the FFXIV one the most

We need to build a wall around /vg/

Can you use your FFXIV account form PC on PS4? I just got a PS4 and it would be nice to switch between the two.

It happening


Think you can use the same account, but have to buy another license for the system you want.

Thanks, her and my DDDA character have been my personal favorite's I've done.


>female when you're clearly male irl


negro, come on now.

Looks familiar. I want to say PSO2 but I'm probably wrong.

It's people like you that devalue the (You)

The game is boring but it gets my dick hard

>Looks familiar. I want to say PSO2 but I'm probably wrong.
God Eaters Resurrection, then it's EVE online and Vindictus.


Give me (you)'s instead I'm fucking starving.

Damn, I thought that was Vindictus.

what game? she looks nice

Only ones I could find screenshots of on here.

Also this:

Every 3D fighting game should have a character creation system, it redeemed the mess that was SCV and it's half he fun of the Xenoverse games.

Black Desert Online

Here is a (you) for the cute whm art



I haven't played in a couple of years but boy did I love flipping around and parrying things in my underwear


I wonder why most korean game female character has shiny skin? It make my dick hard even though the game itself is complete garbage.

Black Desert literally has a slider in the character creation settings to oil up your character. They knew exactly what they were doing.

whats this game?

cant believe im posting in a >toon thread

looks like Dragon's Dogma with a bad SweetFX preset

you are cat, you cant help yourself

Dragon's Dogma.

You just jelly.


>Current Year

actually ive got a bad preset too because muh saturation


That screenshot is also Dragon's dogma?

Not sure why the word "toon" annoys me so much.


>joke race
>meme hat
>cartoon weapon
>shit mog
lol try again

I want to go to the beach with her.

Yeah. No one else understands your autism either

Why you are angry though

>Blood Elf
>Female (Male)
>Criticizing anyone
Cancerous shitter

I like your toon's transmog!


>he fell for the shaman meme

so did i

Who /hot blood/ here?

nah thats an alt i hardly ever play i just like its trans mog the most
most gear like that helm looks awful on cows
feels bad

this is real autism




I have one of each class.
Six 110's and the rest are between 100-106.
I'm leveling my Shaman because I want to see how much I'm going to be fucking insulted by Magatha Grimtotem becoming a Shaman champion.

You get used to most armor when the race you play the most is Tauren. I've been using that mog for a few years now, or at least that hat and tabard. I've grown too attached to change it.

without autism power, no non autist could possibly do that.

Do what? Take screenshots?

i dont play too many games with character customization

In the manner you take them, yes.



I don't play Toontown anymore or have any screenshots.

That doesn't make any sense.


Well yeah, i don't expect an autist to understand why he's an autist.

i can do that 2

Maybe you're the autist since taking pictures seems like such a foreign concept to you.

>Au Ra
>shit name
>fuck-ton of uninteresting posing screens
what the fuck is wrong with this meme race

Go look at your screenshots. If you can't see why they're clearly autistic, you never will.

Dabbin's Dogma

>can't list any reasons

Opinion discarded. If that's autistic so is pretty much everyone on /vg/ because they do the same thing in games where you can make a character.

>he doesn't know

>If that's autistic so is pretty much everyone on /vg/

Well yeah..../vg/ literally is autistic children playground the board

Are photographers who take pictures of models and scenic shots also autistic?

What about painters, or sculptors?

Autist here, please don't tar me with the same brush as these catfags and au ra ERP fuckstains.

This is not autistic behaviour, it's just lonely beta behaviour. Autistic behaviour is spending hour after hour getting the tiniest details accurate in Japanese plastic robot building games.

Speaking in third person is not, has never been, and will never be cute.

>this fucking guy

I'm out.

Your autism truly is strong, so strong, that i feel it almost taking a hold of me.

Thinking of getting into this. Do they ever do promotional deals on subscriptions? Or is it always the same rate


>Autistic behaviour is spending hour after hour getting the tiniest details accurate in Japanese plastic robot building games.

>game has enjoyable gameplay, pretty visuals, cozy atmosphere, fun content
>run out of actual content I want to do

It's literally what young children without vocabulary would say
There exists a proper word for what they want to describe, and toon is not one.

This is my cat!

>game has lots of content, compelling world, active community, interesting systems for character building and more
>can't stand the gameplay

'Kay. I hope you have a nice day.


Hey now. No ERP here boss. I mean it. I swear on me mum. I can't get into that stuff.

give me succ

Back when Toontown was shutting down and Sup Forums decided to raid the servers together.

Your cat is adequate.


>game has pretty visuals, big world with cozy atmosphere and a lot of life coming just from the npcs, enjoyable gameplay, a lot of content, even somewhat enjoyable grind
>it's practically a singleplayer game

what the fuck guys

You wouldn't want gross slimy cat saliva all over your dick, would you?
I turned into an Au Ra for a while and it felt wrong, I eventually had to change back!

>deleted his post to fix a grammar mistake on Sup Forums

that guy is right you are autistic

feels badman

Did they seriously put a Windows 10 joke in there?