Was he right?

Was he right?

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>inhaling the herbal jew
I sure hope none of you guys do this

>when the Dai Quentin is back
Feels good fám

Just because somebody is a faggot doesn't mean they can't be right sometimes. Quentin is a good example.

Nobody likes gaming with stoners and you shouldn't play handhelds in public.


Only one thing pisses me off more then the LAWL SO DRUNK or LEL SO HIIIIIGH dudebros on comms, and thats the SILLY BOYS DONT HIT ON ME shitters.

>stoner gamer
>clearly enjoying himself having fun

>straight edge gamer
>uptight, robotic, boring, wasting his time doing the same thing the stoner is except with a pretense of superiority and haughty pretentiousness

Is that Adrian from Watchmen

Now is the sound of vaping.

t. weedfag

get lost homo, fun is for degenerates

Is there a more influential tripfag than quentin?

I don't care about potheads, but post millennial MMO players are undoubtedly degerate scum.
So I guess he's wrong

>you must be high on weed if you don't give a shit what strangers over video games do in their personal lives

I like to explore and take my time when I smoked so I stay away from multiplayer games when high.
Not only would it be annoying to me to have to perform time sensitive actions when I want to take it slow, I also don´t want to be a dickhead and annoy my teammates

>bashes anyone playing videogames
>still displays himself as a gamer

No, that's Quentin.

You should read The Great Gatsby.

no one cares about your insecurity
apply this rule to all posts on all boards

Stoner gamer wastes your fucking time, wipes your progress, and fucks everything up. He's not funny, and he's not cool.

Autist gamer may be a fucking autist, but he gets shit fucking done. You don't gotta hang out with them after the game, user.

>i like to explore
Explore what? The bowels of a fellow gay crackhead?
Everybody knows that hitting the weedneedle leads to gayness and butt pregnancy

t. newfag

Yes. Say what you want to Quentin but he's the best tripfag this board ever had. He made lots of OC was fine with the bantz. I really miss him

I play handhelds in public
literally no one cares what you do in your own free time

>Posting content from a permabanned user

Enjoy getting banned lol.

>playing Destiny Raid back when RoI came out
>get a group together from /dg/ a cancerous den of faggotry, but still better than LFG or randos
>one guy keeps loudly hitting his bong directly into the microphone
>keeps fucking up his tasks and causing wipes
>"lol guys I play better when I'm high."

I wish I could hate people like this to death.

Hes absolutely right. Stoners destroy serious comms every time.

But he didn't have to be so douchey about it.

thanks bro I'll check it out

That's right. Literally nobody cares about the loser playing his kiddy shit in public. Men and women both will avoid you. If that's your plan then you succeeded.

>Not working to unite the Holy Roman Empire under the banner of Austria in Europa Universalis IV while high

You guys know nothing of fun.

I love weed but I try to hide it as much as possible because I can't fucking stand "dude weed lmao" guys. You come into a room with the slight scent of weed on you and some dickhead wearing a ganja hoodie will try to talk to you about strains and how "weed is so much better than alcohol" for 35 minutes despite having absolutely nothing in common with this moron other than inhaling the same herbal jew. I don't try making a lifestyle out of the soft drink I enjoy. It's just a fucking plant.

I mean I guess the straight-edge anti-weed fags are probably worse, because the pro-weed douchebags are just annoyingly naive and retarded whereas the anti-guys are normally very knowingly uptight, judgemental and fedora, But at the very least, where I come from, they're few and far-between.

So if i stop weed i start taking games too seriously like that faggot on the right? Nah bro i'm good.

>Nobody likes gaming with stoners
Nobody like gaming with me when I'm high because I'm a fucking wrecking ball, bitch. Literally pwn every noob that comes at me bro

user. I wAnt you to read you post, I want you to read it slow. Over and over again until you see what's retarded. I could spoon feed you your autism. But you'll never learn that way.

you being so butt-blasted about what I do and what others perceive of me is really something interesting

Today I will remind them.

what's the problem here?

Should have smoked some pot with his friend to feel better about life.


You clearly haven't spoken to many people or you'd know that I'm completely right. I don't care what you do. I do care that some fucking loser has to reply to my posts, though. Why can't you just be a faggot in silence? Clearly I'm the one who struck a nerve.

It's weird how alcohol drinkers don't do that.

> getting high and colonising the new world as portugal
Its really played out at this point but its still nice

I will reply once again since you seem so bothered by it

>newfags discovering this annoying faggot with their strawmen pictures

can you double niggers stop bumping shit threads

I hate stoners, every stoner I know is a fucking bi-polar dipshit


checks out

>hehe, nobody cares that im playing my mario game in this park!
>I mean, I am doing it alone because I don't have any friends but that doesn't mean anything

Get fuckin' rekt, kid.

I occasionally smoke weed with friends, but I don't do it when I play multiplayer games.

Only when I'm reading, watching something, playing with my dog or cat, listening to music, or playing a single-player game is it really enjoyable.

I made a stupid decision of getting really stoned before seeing Beach House with my friend, and I felt super paranoid and out of place the whole time. Also the music made me want to take a nap.

Stoners are pretty terrible people though, so I can understand why people hate them.

>Stoners are pretty terrible people though

You do know you're included in this group, right?

>playing TK raid
>2 friends rest Randy
>me and 2 bud smoking lelkekweedbro
>some butt hurt Randy can't stand it, convinced we're a liability now
"Lol what?"
>he's a hunter an insists on running relic. Keeps fucking up the jumps, hitting the ceiling box in that one area
>"it's these fucking warlocks man all they're doing is smoking weed and screwing us up."
>bud"wizard weed bud. Purple magic"
>3rd bud points out that we havnt died and it's him fucking up that making us wipe
>offer to run relic
>scuffs at me "yea whatever".
>hey is easily on first try.
An autistic faggot is an autistic faggot regardless of the substance they consume.
Of course we all know this is a meme thread

here, have another

>Smoke weed once, maybe twice a month

I'm not an alcoholic either but I drink maybe once every 2 weeks.

>cultured man Quentin
>playing MMOs

Probably because its socially acceptable to chat about whiskeys, wines, and weak piss swill and their flavors
If it wasn't seen as an edgy thing for smelly teenagers things could be different
But unfortunately, its for smelly teens who feel edgy talking about leaves

These threads are the biggest bait fests. Just shut up complaining about absolute bollocks you autists.

>"Only when I'm reading, watching something, playing with my dog or cat, listening to music, or playing a single-player game is it really enjoyable"

>But its only twice a month!

Lol you started lying in your very first reply to me. How fucking pathetic.

I dont know about you but I have met plenty of people who talk about what they drink on a daily basis and shit on anyone who doesnt drink the same pisswater or get blackout drunk every weekend for being lame, boring and/or gay

Weed must have scorched your brain because your post is unreadable.

>multicast x4

Because everyone knows alcohol fucks you up really bad but it's socially accepted. I mean, if I had to consume weed or alcohol often, I'd definitely choose weed because alcoholism is fucked up and will definitely ruin your lfie.

I'm not gay, I only suck dick once per month.

So you only read, watch something, play with dog or cat, listen to music or play a single-player game once or twice a month?

>tfw the head in quentins pics were actually him

How did someone who looked so chad manage to be such an autist?

What the fuck is bantz? I've been seeing this word a lot recently

>What the fuck is bantz?

Spot the American.

Hasn't he played FF14 for 2000 hours?

right here

alcohol drinkers are more annoying than weed people, from what i've seen.


The ones telling you they are stoned, are either:
>new to smoking

you'd be surprised.
a lot of them are really good at hiding their powerlevels too.


I think he means that if you so much as imply you drink, you don't have under-dressed alcoholics flop over to you and begin sloppily discussing the finer points of Canadian whiskey for half an hour before they leave to use the bathroom and don't come back for a few hours

That post is completely readable. Mistakes? Sure. Blame my phones auto correct and my haste in typing. But if you can't make heads or tails of that post, your the one with reading comprehension issues.

>high schoolers actually believe this

It's when a meme-loving fuck tells a pathetic joke about someone and a boardful of retards goes apeshit saying "kek", "rekt", "based" and "burn".

He's saying those are the types of things he does while stoned. Not that he always is stoned while doing those things, you moron.

You know what? You didn't get buttmad as fuck like the rest of your fat brethren, so I will actually answer your question rather than be a cunt.

Bantz is short for banter, in which playful insults are thrown around in jest. You do also get "savage" bants where the idea is to cut somebody down with a one liner.

For example, standard bants would be something like
>They just burned down a McDonalds in germany, after an attack on their embassy the Americans prepare for war.
Or something like that. Where as savage bants would be:
>Pattern Oswald says Hilarys health is A-okay
>If he's so good at telling a womans health from a glance, how comes his wife is fucking dead?

Keep in mind, the bants in this post is absolutely low tier, as its usually "statement then reply" bants which is funnier.

I wasn't lying though.

I don't smoke at home or around the girlfriend, I come home from smoking with friends and then I'm left to watch t.v., play vidya, read, listen to music. I don't just stay at my friend's house until I'm sober, that could take hours. Monster Hunter in particular is what I like to waste my fleeting high time on.

Now that's different, user. You're not a gourmet chef if you make lunchables pizza once in a while.

Nah, maybe I should have been more specific, but when I'm high, I like to do those things, and not play multiplayer games. I only get high maybe once or twice a month at a friend's house, then I head home and usually do one of those things I enjoy. Does that make more sense?

It's not reading comprehension, you just write like a schizo who can't into greentext.


lol nice try

Bantz is banter, or basically teasing between friends, not malicious.

>arguing over whether weed shitters or beer shitters are worse

Dealing with anyone that has an addiction is shit.


Almost forgot I'm out, thanks for the reminder.
Where are you from and what's the prices in your area?
Unterfranken in Bavaria, Germany. Usually around 11-15€/g.

>sit in calculus lecture
>play fire emblem on my 3ds like most others around me
literally no one cares

will NEETs ever stop being triggered by drugs they are cucked from because they're too autistic to interact with other human beings?


>you're not using le meme arrows right
Neo Sup Forums is the worst

How would pretending to be someone else invalidate what I'm saying?

>what I'm saying?

Fucking hell.


I don't think anyone actually does this unless they are an edgy teenager bragging about underage drinking. Anyone 21+ isn't going to do this.




You're right, they do worse things when it comes to alcohol.

Well, I DO agree that white guys with dreads are human garbage and should all be burned as fuel in large furnaces.

Addiction to weed is closer to addiction to vidya gaems than to any hard drug, such as alcohol, nicotine or painkillers.

An addiction is an addiction.

Eh, no. There's a reason heroin is seen as super dangerous.

It's literally not. There's a difference between physical and mental addiction.