Ok folks I'm going to buy a PS4 where can I find cheap digital downloads?


Kill yourself faggot

>says PC very high in corner

Why would you buy a PS4 when PC does everything that a console does, but better and beyond?
Did you know that videogames are created with PC's? Did you know that PC can do a lot more than just play games? The more powerful PC you have, the more you can push it to its limits to create something.

PC is a fucking investment, not a money sink.

I switched prices. 399 is PS4 pro, 700 is PC.

>Install 70gb of malware
>play through steam
>Update video card every 48h so games can be played properly
>Have to spend 50 hours configuring Window 10 so it won't crash in games released before 2015

>windows 10

>Have to spend 50 hours configuring Window 10 so it won't crash in games released before 2015
You reterd right?
got instaled IWD1/2 on my rig, press and play, no crashes no problems. That game is like 2000 or 1999.

>FX-6300/GTX 760
>good by today's standards
a pentium G4560 + gtx 1050 ti would turn in a better performance than that for much cheaper


I can see the micro stutter from here


>literally what?
>have to have PSN account for the station, no difference
>literally not true
>also literally not true, playing VTMB on w10 just fine

Okay, next

>>literally what?
PC bloatware race
>>have to have PSN account for the station, no difference
No you don't thats the thing about console. You don't need internet mate.
>>literally not true
No but you have to update it everytime a game gets released.
>>also literally not true, playing VTMB on w10 just fine
Maybe not 50 hours but many games run into issues if you don't.

>many games run into issues if you don't.
like what? heck I even played NOLF without problems

>PC bloatware race
>implying consoles aren't subject to the same bloated, unoptimized and uncompressed assets

>Maybe not 50 hours but many games run into issues if you don't.
You literally never used a PC before, then

Literally ALL games have run into issues for me.
Including all classical blizzard games.
>implying consoles aren't subject to the same bloated, unoptimized and uncompressed assets
You don't know what you are talking about. Exit life pls.
>You literally never used a PC before, then
Could say the same about you mate.

Of course, I guess the Fallout 4 Hi-res texture is, somehow, much more compressed for the console version. Also, you've literally never used a PC before. Stop being retarded

>Literally ALL games have run into issues for me.
if you play something from 1996, maybe
everything past 1998 worked fine for me

>Have to spend 50 hours configuring Window 10 so it won't crash in games released before 2015

That's an advantage because the PS4 can't even play games released on last gen

>works on my machine
cool story bro.

And PC players can't play any games at all because they don't have any.

>play RA2 the other day
>only problem was being able to alt+tab out
>game worked perfectly otherwise

>He never tried playing Fallout 3 on something newer than Vista

>Promoting the platform with such shitty compatibility
Suit yourself.
The rest of us will be considered connoisseurs in the future for not letting this keep happening.

>PS4 can't even play games from the original PS

I'd agree with you, but that's not an argument when we're talking about the PS4 as well here.

Now back to the topic. Where the fuck can I buy cheap PS4 games? I ain't paying 30€ for a 30FPS ratchet and clank

You can very clearly see that PC looks better.

Consoles and cheap games don't mix well

You forgot that playing online will cost you an extra $59.99 per year for a grand total of ~$600 extra over the course of the console's lifespan.

>PS4 can't even play games from the original PS
Id rather not bother with spending my valuable time fixing something i paid for.

>Window 10

>paid for
emulators are free, a lot of the really old games can be easily acquired for free
new games will run fine on a new system, if it doesn't it's the devs' fault and will be patched soon. The consoles aren't exactly safe from botched releases, m8

>wanting half functionality in Blizzard games
PC gaming was great when it had online. But now its fucking trash mate.

>put disc in, install
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming

Yes user, yes. It is HE who is the "reterd" one.

>half functionality
Considering that online multiplayer games are one of the biggest moneymakers in the PC market, I see that you're complaining about really old games with online multiplayer. Is it any different for console games from generations ago that had online multiplayer? I doubt you'd be able to play Halo 2's multiplayer on the OG Xbox. Meanwhile, really old games on PC, if popular enough, will have custom servers running for it. You just need to look for them.
>paying for decades-old games

>No you don't thats the thing about console. You don't need internet mate.

This. Feels nice. I put in RE VII on launch and in 6 minutes it was fully installed and gave me no issues.

I hope that is copypasta because if you typed all that you need a new hobby

Thats why i am PS2, PS3, PS4 and N64 guy.

If you remove league of legends, Dota 2, Counter strike Go. Then Online PC gaming is basically dead.

So in other words. Play these old as fuck online games or suffer dead online community for the rest of your life.

>playing online
>with other people

It took me about 10 minutes to download and install res 7 from steam. Not much of a difference desu. I'm sure I've saved the rest on load times.

> ITT plebs that only want to spend £300 on their hobby.

Awh, bless, I'm sorry, is that all your mummy would give you for spends this year?

>build gaming pc
>use ps2 emulator
>my screen freezes and my mouse melts
>BIOS releases infinite viruses
>pc hacks into my tv from three feet away and plays a constant stream of child porn and big bang theory
>my bank account is now zero
>my car is driving itself and my neighbor has been run over
>my microwave burns my house down
>my girlfriend has been converted into a jpeg image on my virus-powered gaming pc
>I have now lost control of my life

>turn on ps3 and play killzone 2
>playing killzone in a matter of seconds FOR FREE


>if you remove the conditions that make you win, you lose
literal retard

Fantastic refute user

If you never play games online, then a console will cost you hundreds of dollars more throughout its lifespan in the cost of buying games as opposed to pirating them.

>Wanting to only play 3 games online
What if i want to play newer games online?
Stay mad.

Can you please try a better argument that doesn't involve arbitrary conditions that have no reason to be there?

>overwatch is an old game

>not much of a difference desu

Exaclt why i don't spend more for a PC t b q h

>boot ps4
>install 40gb of updates
>put the game in
>download 60gb of updates
>can't play the game because the ps4 HDD is to small

>You get to play only these 3 games on your platform
>no no the other platforms are communism prisons
You can play that on any platform mate.

>You can play that on any platform mate.
Yeah, with a monthly fee.
>I've never played multiplayer on PC
any game can be a dead game if you set your own numbers high enough

>Yeah, with a monthly fee.
Eh.. id trade that with bloatware launchers from all the different companies any day.
Especially when it brings value in other areas aswell.
>any game can be a dead game if you set your own numbers high enough
Compared to PS4 most games are dead on PC.

>This is what consolefags belive
WTF I hate PC now

>most games
Yeah, if you start counting the really fucking old games. Consoles don't have that because they can't even play old games at all.

>bloatware launchers that you can just close when not in use
>wholly unflexible machine with paid online and with half of its functions available on a standard Smart TV
That's a ton of value right there

Just nick them

Unless you literally stole your PC, and all your other possessions, fuck off.

>Consoles don't have that because they can't even play old games at all.
The main point is being able to play new games mate.
If you want old games then go ahead. Playing baby games with rose colored glasses isn't my thing.
>That's a ton of value right there
That smart TV functionality you are talking about is available for free aswell. Very specific things are behind that paywall. It isn't xbox ffs.

Besides monthly games, from 2-6 full games, is quite the value.

>Playing baby games with rose colored glasses isn't my thing.

til that the absolute best games of all time are on the current generation Playstation Four Pro, and no other platform.

90% of new titles run fine on PC, and almost all of the time you hear people on pc bitching about how bad/buggy/unoptimized a game is, it ran exactly the same on console, people just didn't care at all.

>The main point is being able to play new games
That's basically the point, if you start counting old games, most PC games are dead. Which then implies that newer games are, indeed, alive.

>That smart TV functionality you are talking about is available for free aswell.
The fact that you have a console connected to a TV that already has the functionality is redundant and not good value. No value is to be found in a console when it comes to its other features.

>Besides monthly games, from 2-6 full games, is quite the value
I find more value in free online and deep discounts compared to paid online with being lent 2-6 full games that you don't get to choose

New pentium has i3 performance for gaming, it's enough for 1080p.


All these people falling for bait and pasta

>replying to bait

explain this image because it makes no sense

$700 $399 $550 $299, what?

>buy a powerful PC
>deface it with VIDEO GAME malware.
This stays clean.

inb4 le windows 10 is bad meme

oh wait im too late, probably posting from INTERNET EXPLORER LOL XD FUNNI