Nioh petition growing fast

Nioh petition just hit 12,000 signatures! Last week it was 3,000 and the number has been growing at a really good pace.
This is gonna be another Dark Souls situation where the PC demand is just too great and the devs can't resist the rich and massive PC cock.

I kind of feel bad that Sony fans don't get to keep any of their little exclusive but maybe by 2020 they'll have Knack 4 and other great "games" at their disposal/

Other urls found in this thread:¥112-1-billion-movie-business/

>ahhhh yes Sony spent millions on making nioh and promised customers it'll be an exclusive.... how about they just fuck over their fans and put it onto PC? I'm sure it wouldn't hurt Sony in the long run HHUUUURRRRRRR

>Being this much of a retard
Look, kid.
Sony is not doing great financially and Nioh is one of their few decent titles, if they want to stay in the race they need to accept PC as the superior platform to make $$$ so they can make another blunder platform, easy as that.
The PCMR is willing to buy some of Sony's game once ported and they know that, when the shit hits fan you will see every Sony exclusive on PC which will be in a few years, 10 at most and I'm being generous for your sake.

>Sony is not doing great financially

Sick delusion.

Exclusives are cancer, but, so are petitions.


Millenials continue to belive that petitions actually have some kind of legal standing

>sony not doing well financially

You have to be 18 to post here user



Sony always wins baby