Dlc is expected for most new games today...

dlc is expected for most new games today, some companies like ea even go as far to leave stuff out that should have been in the full game and then sell it as dlc like the sims expansins. but when nintendo announces dlc for 20 dollars they're literally hitler, like actually hitler. nintendo is giving you a full game and the option to buy dlc, they aren't leaving anything out except a hard mode which i can't imagine is just a hard mode because it says "new hard mode" which could be anything.

inb4 nintendo more like defendo

nintendo more like defendo
you're right tbqh, Sup Forums is extremely biased against anything nintendo, whilst blatantly ignoring when others do it. For example, did you know Horizon has Day 1 DLC? I bet you didn't as it's literally never mentioned as it's just accepted as part of the industry these days

sony isn't nintendo so it's ok

Even EA has more in their shitty season passes than BotW. After MK8 it's like they stopped trying.


No stop being a shill.

When nintendo does it its okay? How do you know nintendo isnt leaving anything out. They have had YEARS to work on this game. Yourr telling me that cant just make the whole game they wanted?

Jesus christ, Nintendo fan boys are off the chart.

Im a Sony fag myself but i still wont ever defend day one dlc. Nor this season pass bullshit of turning $60 games into $80-$100.

If you still think Nintendo is great, thats fine, please just realize theyre not impervious to shitty decisions.

>x company does y
>Nintendo does y
>Sup Forums: the saviors of gaming!

Every time, every god damned thread

20 dollars for an additional story. you want a whole other story to be part of the base game? hello? i'm not saying they're impervious to being scumbags, all i'm saying is they're selling you a full game, other companies sell you fragmented trash and people eat it up and buy all the dlc like it's okay but the moment nintendo does dlc everyone freaks out.

i guarantee you if they JUST announced the additional story and not the hard mode and everything else, and they just added that in as a "free update" to those who bought it last minute when you're actually still paying for it no one would have said anything there would have just been more hype.

Fuck that. Nintendo is probably the only company that outright does not need DLC. Period.

The only worthwhile excuse I can see for DLC is that companies want to make a little bit more money when their game drops down from 60 dollars to 20 dollars after a few months. Nintendo games are almost always priced at 60 dollars, they never go down in price. And now these jews want me to pay even more than that?
Fuck that
Fuck Nintendo
Fuck their DLC

>Even EA has more in their shitty season passes than BotW. After MK8 it's like they stopped trying.

this is what 20 dollars gets you in one of their "game packs" on the sims 4, some people actually think this is acceptable. you get some new clothes and furniture.