Was he /ourguy/ all along?
Was he /ourguy/ all along?
Looks like YT found a good excuse to save some money.
Also, fpbp.
It seems you have us confused with Sup Forums, friend.
Sup Forums hates everyone and everything, not just the Jews.
why do you faggots need a /guy/? stop being so damn gay. he still looks like a fag and acts like one. videogames or not.
I never kept up with this guy but I'm glad that he realized he has so much money that he simply doesn't have to pretend like he gives a fuck anymore.
>e-celeb reddit faggot
>our guy
jews are even worse at taking some bantz than woman.
Nope he always has been and always will be a faggot.
>now rents an entire floor of an office building just to make videos
>that video where he just shoots and burns shit
pretty funny Tbh, so much money he can just dick around