
>horizon zd

Other urls found in this thread:



he looks amish here tbqh

>sonyggers are so used to playing their handful of games over and over, that they even repost the same threads over and over

>only 4 games, 3 of which I don't care about.

t. pcucks

fuck of fwith your mmmmoMOVIES

>Implying I don't have PC, PS4, and WIIU

>not being a poorfag

I still don't get who in their right minds would approve the title

Detroit: Become Human

>Nintendrone trying to shift attention away from Nintendo's DLC disaster


>Persona 5
>Tales of
> old FF remakes
>crash bandicoot
>Gran Turismo
>Ratchet and clank
>the last guardian
>Dragon Quest builders and others
>more to come
>and all multiplats

>shitty DS clone
>probably going to be shit just like every other hyped game



How can Sony even compete?


>he thinks he needs a ps4 to play bloodborne.

how is that going to turn out?

> People are upset about not being able to play uncharted

Who? I thought the game was a total flop?

Stand aside, mortal! I, the almighty Thor, shall play this device!

>4 games I'll never ever play
not because I don't even have a PS4 but rather because they all looks so goddamn boring

i think part of the reason PC users don't make these threads is because they're too busy playing 144+FPS video games with free multiplayer on ultra settings with all the mods they could want

Does your machine read the disc?


Fuck off

Dont worry pcfats, you still have undertale the best exclusive for pc in recent years.

>Horizon zd
I may be a sonygger but I'm gonna have to stop you there.




Attila is the best exclusive we've had actually

t. PCfat

why are you putting Spiderman? You literally know nohing about it.

these are all objectively better games than cod, fifa and madden that is top seller on ps4

What about
>Total War Warhammer
>Divinity Original Sin 2
>Unreal Tournament
>Civilization VI
>Endless Legend
>Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
>Path of Exile
>Stardew Valley
>Rising Storm 2
>Quake Champions
>Star Citizen

Will they all sell so few copies as Bloodborne did?
Maybe you should shill your games to your fellow sonyggers first?

Also sage.

>even thor can't carry the mighty Sony game.

That's some idort rig!

But you can enjoy all those games on youtube.

That guy is so cute.

delete this before sonyggers suicide

bet that's the reason you watch porn

or your just ugly as fuck

>he thinks there are more active players on psn

top kek Who played it better?

there's only one good game in that list op