Lara Croft was born February 14 1968

Lara Croft was born February 14 1968.

Wish her a happy birthday!

Other urls found in this thread:

>I share a birthday with Lara Croft

Second best thing about Valentine's Day I've heard all my life.

Post her feet

>49 years old

Lara's the type that would still be hot at that age though

>Classic Lara would probably be retired now

I wonder what she would have done after her adventures. Professor at a University? Gone back to Aristocratic lifestyle and lived in her mansion?

if anything she would look fantastic at 49 being in the shape she should be doing all the tomb raiding

Hopefully Craiglisting herself as an oral slave.

>there will never be a Tomb Raider game with a cool mom Lara Croft
