Dec 21

Dec 21
The comic that Blizzard just released I refuse to believe, I refuse to believe that Overwatch has become a platform for gender-politics propaganda.

If anyone was in any wonder why Donald Trump won then this is it, this incessant worship of !@#$%^-*!@ity that it must be forced down everyone's throat, this 'Multicultural' 'Tolerant' subservience to every insecure SJW whim, that our entire culture must change to suit every foreign religion and ideology to cater to them, and not be allowed to have our own opinions that do not conform to 'Political Correctness'.

There is nothing wrong that Tracer is gay, but that you choose to release this information during the Christmas season, amounts to nothing less that than having a gay pride parade inside the vatican.

'Tolerance' is a two-way relationship, where neither forces their ideology upon the other, 'Tolerance' does not work when judeo-christian values are systematically 'corrected' and replaced with liberal gender politics.

Tracer being gay is fine, but suddenly telling everyone that Tracer is gay, during the Christmas holidays to peddle an ideology that is being rejected in the USA and Europe, is just desperate propaganda.


Buff Winston pls. Angry monkey mode needs damage buff and his shield needs a cooldown decrease or a health increase.

would having a guy kiss a girl be forcing straight tolerance down gay peoples throats?

if the answer is yes, then you need to fight this hard to get rid of that in the media

if the answer is no, youre a bigot


This is now a Yuri thread.

Post some Yuri.

Yeah, okay. And all that lesbo Tracer x Windowmaker fanart isn't propaganda. It's only propaganda if it's canon.

>peddle an ideology
Liking dick/bagina isn't an ideology, jesus christ.

widowmaker has a penis so it doesn't count

Nobody cares you false-flagging faglord