Heard Sup Forums is a bunch of poorfags.
Post your specs and prove me wrong,
Heard Sup Forums is a bunch of poorfags.
Post your specs and prove me wrong,
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Here I go and prove you right
it did cost quite a bit when I built it... still works great.
Here I come
Poorer than the rest of them
Holy shit why do you have so much shit connected to your pc?
For some reason Speccy shows my TV three times one with 60Hz, one with 144Hz and one with 180Hz. Multi monitor on Windows 10 is fucky as hell
Nah man I've seen some 2001 tier pc's here
I thought it would be the worst, what year would you put mine in?
I also have a DS and 360. Can provide screenshots if that helps.
Depends. What games can you run?
I will never upgrade
It can run some games from the PS3 era if available on steam. Dragon's Dogma's settings are set to low-normal. I mostly play 2D fighting games on lower settings, they run fine, and the only game I can run at consistent 60 fps is League of Legends
Thinking about upgrading to the 6700k and trying to start making videos.
I'll say you have a 2009-2010 tier pc. It's not the worst thing and the fact you can run league of legends at a constant 60fps is pretty good. Unlike my old dell desktop.
>All these windows 10's
So is it good, is it worth moving on from 8.1? I've been planning to put it off for another year or two just in case something happens.
the i3 6100 is the best budget cpu for 1080p ultra gaming, good choice op
Been running W10 for about a year now. No problems whatsoever. But at the same time nothing is really forcing you to upgrade (unless you want dx12 and some xbox games)
Thanks m8. I'm surprised it holds up pretty well. Only problem is i'm using the stock Intel cooler and during gaming my cpu like to sit around 70-79c
i`m using the same stock cooler and it never goes beyond 50c, perhaps its caused by your case or pc placement
Thanks for the suggestions. Tbh I think I put too little thermal paste on the cpu. This was the first PC I've built and I was really paranoid on how much I should add. Might have to re-apply some.
Don't have a Speccy on my phone, but
>AMD FX-4200
>Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3
>MSI R9 280
>G.Skill RipJaws X 1600mhz 8GB
>Seagate 7200rmp 1TB
>Seasonic (Rosewill maybe?) 620-650w PSU
It's shit. I asked Sup Forums for advice when I built it and they said it was great. They lied. I've learned a lot more since I built it, which makes my choices and their "help" all the more irritating. That said, I've overclocked it to the point I can't overclock anymore (thanks shitty mobo), so it's not BAD perse, just mediocre.
>FSB set at 216
>CPU frequency at 3888mhz
>RAM at 2015mhz, CAS 13
>GPU at a stable 1150mhz core, 1575mhz memory
It handles most games surprisingly well now, but still not what I'd call great. Looking up upgrade to a Ryzen 1700x, one of the top of the line mobos, 3200mhz DDR4 CAS 14 16GB RAM, and maybe my buddy's 980Ti once he's done with it. Dude's gotten massive gains from overclocking it, to the point it's better than a 1080, so why not
i didnt do this cause it was already pre-applied and my temperatures are really good, a thich layer will do
>i5 shitters
>i7 good goy's
>server cunts that think their shit counts
Go away
Ah my bad. I forgot to mention my old motherboard died so I got it replaced, having to re-apply some thermal paste. But your right I never had a temp issue with the pre-applied paste so I'm almost positive I put too little
>cheaper CPU's
>cheaper RAM
>more PCIE lanes
>much more reliable
buying cpu/ram for new prices is stupid
Then what is wrong with i5s you fucking faggot?
Also ECC memory is expensive as hell over here.
Same for the motherboards for Xeons.
I've got the same mobo and CPU.
you get jewed by intel
there's no reason to distinguish between a i5 and i7 when literally the only difference is there's a microcode update to enable hyperthreading
those cpu's were $20 each, the board was $200 when I managed to snag a sale on one
You are like a little baby, watch this
>worse minimum
>worse average
Getting rekt by your own self?
>It is just 3 fps lol
It's not really GOOD desu, I only installed it on mine because I was having trouble getting 7 to install via USB on my pc since 'lol no opticaldrive'. I used LTSB and it just werks since it's super stripped down.
I hate the new "settings" menu though since I installed a browser to replace IE as the default, uninstalled it, but it still remained in the "Apps" list despite apparently not being in my programs. Had to go manually clear every instance in the registry. Overall it could be worse, I could be using W10 Home with forced updates.
>intel core 2 duo
>gt 610
We have a winner!
Here getting a 1080 when I get my refund and saying hello to overkill and never having an issue with anything again and possibly either an SSD or a kureig since I am far too lazy to clean a coffee maker
minimum is due to cpu bottleneck, which isn't a issue most of the time
average is off 0.3 FPS, which is literally nothing
Forgot image
You're forgetting the abysmal clock speed compared to consumer CPU's. Also depending on what you get a common problem is rarer or more expensive motherboards.
>windows 10
>other people are poorfags
Ok m8
Islam is a cancer on this Earth
these turbo up to 3.33ghz, which is pretty decent
>Also depending on what you get a common problem is rarer or more expensive motherboards.
what do you mean?
If all you do is lurk, are you part of the community?
So is your face
Ohhh BURN!!!!!!
>ISIS member jealous of muh rig.
Yes the longer osmeone spends lurking the better
Lurk more
The point was for you to post your specs and outdo mines.
Are you scared to post your potato user?
>Sli meme
Can you even overclock Xeons?
I get over 100fps in OW and other shooters.
it does it's job well, I know a single 970 wouldnt cut it.
seems about right
you can with some motherboards like the EVGA SR2 or some newer supermicro boards
I don't like overclocking intel because it's hard to get some cpu's stable and they run way too hot at stock clocks
Why not get a 980 my man
trash that 7800 and get an rx480 son.
Anyone have any advice for mine other than what I already got planned?
Yeah, you ought to get yourself a monitor with a higher resolution and/or refresh rate to go with that new 1080 of yours.
When the 1080ti drops, i'll be picking that up and selling my 970s to fix the hole in my wallet.
It's all gucci, bro.
This is almost the same as my second build except with a 750 instead of a 550ti
I thought the 480 and 1060 were supposed to be close in performance to the 980? I'm
SSD is the only upgrade you actually need.
The hole point is to be overkill like crazy it's not like being ran at a very low level is going to kill the card
Well that's just a waste of money.
What's the point of a 1440p 165hz montior when it's only being powered by a 970?
>I can emulate anything up to the Wii with this at over 1080p/60FPS
I already have more ganes than i could ever play, the only worthwhile PC games are consoles games
looks like they should be, it's probably down to the benchmark
The 1060 is good, but my cpu/gpu isn't overclocked.
Also do you have ddr 4 man?
In practice my 1060 is basically a 970, but without the 3.5gb meme cause it is 6gb.
Still good for the price.
What should I upgrade Sup Forumsros?
And no, these aren't idle temps. I'm mining right now.
If I want to feel like I'm getting my money's worth I'll downscale doom 2016
That's probably it, both my CPU and GPU are overclocked. Just seemed weird.
What do you guys think of this?
Get a 144hz monitor, thank me later.
Spending money on shit that you don't need=a great way to stop being a richfag.
RAM, senpai
Or MOBO if you're only running DDR3
I was never a richfag I just have a rule that tax returns don't go towards bills
Oh forgot to mention yeah I have DDR4, Skylake needs or DDR3L.
It is alright.
Enjoy your games.
If gaming is your favorite interest then spending $1200 or whatever on a computer isn't that big of deal. Look at the people who put a ton of money into cars or guns.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
is windows enterprise ltsb is memes or fine for gayming?
>Peak of anything
anything past 7 is shit
Windows 7 won't last another 2 years unfortunately. Microjews have made it obsolete.
guys why does speccy shows 4gb on pascal high end gpu?