
>console 300$
>game 60$
>pic related 20$
>actual controller 70$
>online pay 25$
>...charger 20$
All of this for 2007 graphics. I mean, i skipped the wii U, and nintendo is making it even harder for me to win me back.

Other urls found in this thread:


you forgot the SD card

>Not buying the $120 edition
People this poor shouldn't be allowed to post on Sup Forums.

forgot the REQUIRED SD card

Thumbnail Zelda has some sweet cleaveage.

>and nintendo is making it even harder for me to win me back.

They want the tablet generation OP. They don't want the old fans back.

REAL facts for people still undecided and seeing this thread:

>console 300$
you need this (300 bucks)

>game 60$
you need this (360 bucks)

>pic related 20$
you will want to get this too if you got the game, its just 20 dollars, should be free but you will want it (380 bucks)

>actual controller 70$
people that actually played the switch said that the grip is good enough. So the controller is optional. It WILL have better ergonomics though and if you have huge ass hand you should consider it. Sucks that Wii U pro isnt compatible

>online pay 25$
since OP refered to "2007 graphics" he is only talking about Zelda. It doesnt need online services to be played.

>...charger 20$
Totally optional. Also a modern phone cable will do too. If your phone doesnt have USB-C there are 1 dollar adapters.

so 380 bucks total for playing Zelda. Personally i will pay it because im very excited about the game. I gotta admit its expensive though.

>forgot the REQUIRED SD card
it isnt required since the interal switch storage can hold Zelda just fine

>it isnt required since the interal switch storage can hold Zelda just fine
>half used by OS
>Zelda season pass dlc day one
i bet youll have 1GB free after its done downloading

it has only 32 GB

What about the couch or chair to sit on? And the TV, so the dock isn't a waste? What about the food you'll need to eat to keep yourself alive and playing?

I want the real price of the Switch, user. Don't leave anything out.