Horizon has: >Better resolution >More stable framerate >Better graphics, textures, etc... >No downgrade >Better setting >Better music >No DLC, only a pre-order bonus (some skins) >No amibo bullshit or whatever >No pop-ins >People have actually played the game for multiple hours and posted their hands-on and it was all amazing, people praised the deep combat >Reviews coming out way before the game so people know what they get
The only shitposting haters can do is some cutscene from a sidequest from an incomplete build and hur dur the main character isn't pretty enough
Anthony Foster
still not 60fps. But the game is going to be amazing.
Jaxson Gray
Are you gonna post this every hour?
Christian Sullivan
You're better off talking to a wall, OP.
Console warriors are gonna praise they game that they want to like better and ignore all facts for a shitposting narrative. Whether or not Horizon is better than Zelda, or Zelda better than Horizon, shitposters will find a way around the logic.
>Zelda gets positive reviews >Zelda always gets good reviews because Nintendo has paid shills!
Jace Thomas
>no dlc
Jack Garcia
Literally the only reason I'm not buying Horizon Zero Dawn is because the main character won't shut the fuck up.
William Hughes
For the millionth fucking time, the director of the game already cleared that up in a tweet. He said it was just a way to convey information in the demo build.
Samuel Anderson
This post feels like an advertisement.
Brandon Williams
>It's another Horizon Zero Dawn turns into Breath of the Wild or vice versa thread