What does Sup Forums think of Evangelion?
What does Sup Forums think of Evangelion?
gay shit
Just a bunch of whining.
I dont watch anime.
It's not a video game. Unless you want to discuss the games that no one ever played, but I know that won't happen in this thread.
Stop it with the EVA threads already.
It's a vidya thread now
don't try to pretend what you just posted isn't mediocre at best
The original is the best. Hell, I prefer the shitty zero budget original ending over end of eva too.
>someone in a korean knitting commune insulted my taste in vietnamese scribbles
Everyone and their mother hates 3.0 and to some extent 2.0, user
An absolute masterpiece that is only enhanced by its flaws.
end of evangelion makes me cry every time
w-what is this?
Get in the fucking robot already
>dilbert in the filename and bottom center
what the fuck?
To be honest, I don't think I'd like evangelion that much if it weren't for EoE. It wraps everything up perfectly.
And by "perfectly" I mean everyone died.
anime is shit I thought this was Sup Forums
I think it isn't a video game.
Evangelion is pure kino though
>the third impact in EoE
>a horrifying apocalyptic event with bizzare religious imagery and all of your favorite characters dying
>the third impact in 2.0
>bright purple flashing lights and weird unfitting background music
I disliked everyone dying. However what made me hate it was how fantastical(?) they made everything become. Series went from these organic mechas stopping strange, alien like creatures to suddenly everyone's souls become one unified entity bullshit. My suspension of disbelief was destroyed.
It's good, end of eva is fantastic.
Love this shit. I wish you started the thread with a Vidya image though so the thread won't get deleted
03 is best Eva
Well, since this is Sup Forums and not Sup Forums, I'm guessing you're talking about the game (Battle Orchestra for PS2).
I think it sucks. And yes, I actually have the game. Well, not the original game. Burned to DVD-R and played on modchipped PS2.
But it's always had a sense of mysticism and somewhat "magical" elements. EoE just takes it to the extreme.
baby's first existential anime
not bad, but it misses the mark on being too cryptic and not being subtle enough at the same time, the characters are good and the animation for the most part is great
The games suck too, all of them
>Being too cryptic
The TV ending is as straight forward as it gets, what are you on about
tfw no asuka gf
>baby's first existential anime
Well what else is there? Lain is just boring and even more cryptic than Eva.
>dude leave this frame up for 2 minutes to pad out this episode we ran out of budget
i never finished it but it was pretty good. i only watched until episode 8 or so
hits uncomfortably close to home
Lore wise it's pretty crytic, the story itself it's pretty straigh foward, but if you really want to piece everything together it's not clear enough.
Before this thread gets deleted, is Ghost in a shell worth watching? I really dig the whole "somewhat-horror philosophical anime" genre
>muh suspension of disbelief
You're saying this because you were too dumb to pick up that everything was leading to the crazy shit in EoE.
Pro-tip: EoE and the series have the same ending.
>Lain is just boring
Delet this nao