Antibirth update coming out Thursday

Antibirth update coming out Thursday
Isaac thread

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>It's a hornfel episode

who cares about more horsemen. Any boss with a guaranteed drop can fuck off, especially if its shit like cube of meat where i gotta keep wasting item drops to make it usable becaue lol bandage girl

dont see anything on the blog, source?

where, nothing on the antibirth site

Naaah, it's not two enemies pasted on top of each other. Why would you waste time on that? Buy Afterbirth+ and enjoy your steak.

Cube of Meat is fine, others are unnecessary like Steven, Chad and Gish, but then again, Little Chad + Dark Bum can work, and Little Gish is kinda useful.

>Cube of Meat

I hope you're trolling

Probably the antibirth discord

>shit like cube of meat

Given how much projectiles both Antibirth and all Rebirth expansions have these days, orbitals which block them are not shit.

>Their Pestilence Variant is a Corpse-1 Exclusive
>Is fucking heinous
>Conquest is a valiant warrior

Also, it annoys me that the update got delayed 2 fucking weeks.

its shit. a small chance to block something that I can dodge anyway or I can get dangerously close and take a huge risk for brief damage. boring garbage and since theres so many horsemen youre finding this dumb shit on half your runs. go fuck yourselves

>free good-sized orbital
>waste of an item drop

It's better than Wooden Spoon and Booster Pack, scrub.

>Horsemen that actually have an appropriate sprite that matches their theme
>They also match the floor they will appear on


Also, mind posting some source for this update release date claim?

Angry and Bad usually go hand in hand

Post playtime

>blocking damage in a bullet hell scenario.

Jesus the scrubs on this board are sometimes more mentally retarded than usual.

>Orbital that does good damage
Uhh, are you sure you've played Isaac user?

Speed is pretty valuable these days, it's range that's dogshit

Range is the kind of stat that becomes useless once you have a certain amount of it, but Invaluable if you have too little.
Number One as Cain is pain.

At some point range can help
For those Afterbirth/+ players for example, range can actually help against Ultra Greed.

why do i need to block something that i can just dodge. especially when its an unreliable block that needs to be rotated at the right position. you call me bad but youre the one comparing fucking isaac to bullet hell games like are you serious.

yea lets pretend like anything past floor 3 is gonna give you a chance to slowly walk a circle around it to get any damage worth the risk. unless you have at least one other orbital to pick up the slack youre a fucking retard

Will the update add in compatibility for the dlc items?

Wow, 301 hours and still shit at the game? Tell ya what user, show me what you've unlocked in terms of achievements, I'll show you mine.

I hope those random CTDs are fixed in the update, haven't touched antibirth in weeks because I've had several of them in a row one run.


But the enemies on the later floors do allow you to walk around them and position yourself so the cube hits them/blocks their shots.
With a bit of precision, it can deal great damage to larger, less mobile bosses like Gurdy, Monstro II and Mom.
With one cube of meat and two orbital flies you also become virtually unhittable by projectile attacks.

And now Sup Forums turns on the mod and says it was always shit.

Looks like a nidhogg 2 character

chew my steak, choke on it

first i gonna get all achievements in rebirth and afterbith then i gonna play antibirth like normal human being

In what way, other than color?

I can see that Famine matches Downpour, War matches Mines, Death matches Mausoleum and Pestilence matches Corpse... But where does Conquest fit in?

new area
would be cool

Maybe he'll be like the Headles Horseman, and can show up on any floor?

Either that or

He appears anywhere

Just like the regular one

>Antibirths soundtrack
Why is it so damn good?

The regular one only shows up on Womb 1. You're thinking of Headless Horseman.

Regular Conquest can only appear on the Womb instead of Death, I'm pretty sure.

any boss that remains stationary enough to where one projectile can be effective against it is one easy enough where you dont even have to bother. You need other orbitals to make it worthwhile in any other situation. its a boring piece of shit that spawns too fucking much

>Mfw getting to the Chest for the first time

I would be 100% okay with this. I have no problems with paying 5-10 bucks for the ability to play Antibirth on top of Afterbirth's improvements.

Oh, well then he's not like the regular one

This one appears anywhere I think

It can really speed up some fights. Notably, orbitals are really good against Mom, they speed up the fight a ton.

in b4 >needing help on mom

why didnt these retards make their own fucking game instead of whining that they dont get money for modding some elses ip

Here you go then user. For the record, I also have 1001%, just aiming for whatever AB+ has for it's total completion bit.

Should I get the complete Switch version, or Afterbirth and + on PC?

>you call me bad but youre the one comparing fucking isaac to bullet hell games like are you serious.

Half the final bosses in the game have bullet-hell patterns, same with Antibirth. And Afterbirth and beyond have bosses with damage reduction on them, so blocking orbitals are invaluable because you're not going to dodge absolutely everything in this game.

You've never gotten past Mom, if you think you can easily dodge everything in this game and that its not in your best interest to amass as much damage mitigation as possible.

PC is cheaper overall, and AB+ is rather shit.

The rectangular proportions, the cartoony expression, I'm not saying it's a bad thing it just looks a little goofy to me

Just get Rebirth on PC for anti.

Afterbirth and + ain't worth it.

i dont care about mom or how good orbitals are. cube of meat needs to fuck off. its perfectly fine existing in the deep recesses of the item pool but for what it is it should not be a guaranteed spawn for 4+ bosses. i hold r if i get famine on floor 1 or 2.

sweet cube of meat is still a shit boring item that wastes slots

play a bullet hell game before talking about shit you dont know. just kidding ive never gotten past mom

You're just wrong user, that's all there is to it. Cube of Meat is one of the better items in the game. Is it a bit saturated? Yes. That doesn't make it bad though.

I would rather have Cube of Meat than 60% of the boss pool

Compared to the other items in the boss pool, a guaranteed orbital is amazing. Do you REALLY need that Range Up, or a Tears Up?

There should be downward progression after the chest and dark room with new enemies instead of just boss rush floors, but really hard, scummy shit, so amazing runs actually get challenged there.

>Tears Up
That's the second best thing to get in the game though.

Tears Up yes, Shot Speed up is shit tier, I'd rather Cube of Meat than Cat-o-Nine-Tails

Tears up helps you to get your bearings and clear rooms fast enough. damage-blocking stuff helps you being immortal against bosses like Hush, Delirium or Witness.

>mfw Lil Haunt+Smart Fly+Gnawed Leaf
gg Witness

to be fair the guy spent like $5000 on making this mod

I'd buy it for $6 even though it's better than every other fucking isaac game except for maybe rebirth

i would love to get literally anything other than a cube of meat every single time i fight a horseman.

no u
its garbage and needs either more cubes or more orbitals to make useful outside of a handful of situational bosses that are quick enough on their own anyway

>I'd rather Cube of Meat than Cat-o-Nine-Tails

I'd rather Cat-o-Nine-Tails that's a damage up

Yeah, I'd much rather have Belly button, caffeine pill, Dad's lost coin, magic 8 ball, match book, any of the five mom items, pageant boy, polydactyly, safety pin, the belt, or wooden spoon.

Just a great item pool.

Growth Hormones is good tho, Damage + Speed

What, you'd rather get Mom's Underwear than Cube of Meat?


Don't you mean "too"?

shot speed up is great for bypassing low range
one cat o nine tales is all you need to make range stat completely obsolete

its amazing with proptosis but proptosis is also the best item

I'm completely fine with this. AB+ + Antibirth is what most people want anyway. I'd pay for that.

>shit fanfic
this is the bugfixes changelog, btw actual one, not steak format

>Added new tracks for the Catacombs and Necropolis
hell yeah new music

>tfw finally beat Delirium as Lost with Blank Card Algiz + Golden Sad Scatter Bombs with Brimstone
Feels good man. Now to do it with Keeper

best news there. Necropolis is fucking shit right now

yea at least then i could make use of items that lower my range or a synergy other than MORE ORBITALS


Is anyone else salty at how Angel rooms work?

>First deal is guaranteed to be a devil deal
>Even if you turn it down, Every deal is still half chance to be a devil deal
>If you ever take a devil deal, you're permanently locked out of angel deals
>But it doesn't work the same way vice versa
>Angel room pool is absolute dogshit anyways, and only got worse in Afterbirth and +
>Eucharist doesn't exist in Antibirth

Please tell me the horsemen will drop something else than Cube of Meat, PLEASE

I'd buy it

>New music for Catacombs and Necropolis
Thank god
>Fixed the Witness not transitioning into her second phase in certain cases

Pyramid of Tofu :^)

That, and Angel rooms don't give items like WotL did, there is now
>bunch of coins
>bunch of soul hearts
>1 or 2 eternal hearts
>blue chests that you need a key
Conquest and Headless Horseman always drop their horses, so be hype for Golden Conquest horse

>Planetarium chances now in the HUD
That's neat.

Angel rooms being shit is another of Steakmunds 'subtle' commentaries about how shit Christianity is :^)

I can't find anything else Mudeth has done musically.
It's like they just found some random Indian man and asked him to do the soundtrack.
And he did an amazing job too.

>mfw this item

Antibirth is truly the Isaac game we deserve.

You didn't know?

The Witness is Mom but Zombiefied with some of Isaac's imagination

I don't know how I feel about book of virtues.

I needed it on a low charge for the bullet hell bosses that kill all my fires.

But it healing the fires on use means making your armada is so much easier during floors

I don't have a problem with angel deals giving non-items, as long as I get something good. I'm fine with the Antibirth one that just gives five spirit hearts, or the one that lets you trade keys for spirit hearts. Also, the same can be said about devil deals. I just fucking love it when I get two homing troll bombs and a teleport to the room I'm in.

>First time I pick it up
>"Huh, twelve room charge huh? this better be good."
>Complete a room
>Break a tinted rock
>"This better be fucking worth it, holy shit"
>Get really low on health thanks to LmaoNoSpiritHearts
>It finally pays out
>mfw Sacred Heart

I thought The Witness was meant to be the posthumous version of Mama Gurdy.

I think the Witness is just a representation of Isaac's guilt for killing her. In Antibirth canon you actually kill mom, and the Witness is basically Isaac's imagination saying "I know what you did, you won't be forgiven"


It has a knife, the Witness is dead Mom, that's why you kill the heart before going into the corpse

That's Mom's corpse

Why would they make the posthumous version of Mama Gurdy the final boss

If you are good enough then the items do not matter, nor arguments about them.

NotYourSagittarius had the idea of making a supersized Gurdy called U-Gurdy

I assume The Witness was inspired by that, but it's clearly a posthumous Mom

Are these new horsemen sprites coming with the update?

I though it was 2 regular troll bombs and 1 homing bomb per chest

daily reminder that these are the 4 horsemen rankings




But Famine is fanfiction