Will it be good?

Will it be good?


yes we've all seen your super hilarious take on the subtitle and baseless claims that the game will be full of sjw shit.

I sure hope so. I love Clarke's Third Law.

prolly my most looked foreward to game of the year. Monte Cooke is really underrated

We already know they plan an releasing it as a final product without promised features and met stretch goals. If they're willing to release an unfinished game, they're fully willing to release a bad game.

I really don't want it to be bad. But every single thing I've seen has left me with the definite impression that these devs do not give a flying fuck about this game. I have no idea why they even kickstarted the damn thing, I haven't seen a shred of genuine enthusiasm.

In the same time it's taken to kickstart, develop and NOT release Torment? Obsidian have kickstarted, developed, released, developed two expansions and released them, made a decent profit, and are kickstarting a fucking sequel as we speak.

These fucks seem to regret ever pitching Torment, and every update, every shred of gameplay and writing and dialogue I've seen REEKS of that attitude. Yeah I've seen them try and fake being excited and being into it. Yeah I know they'll claim how hyped they were and are to work on and release this game and please their customers. They have to do that shit. It still reeks of people that wish they were working on another game entirely.

Why are you so defensive so sudden? It happened to many other games, especially to RPGs before. What makes you think it won't happen this time?

>Glowing reviews on the quality of the writing.
>devs don't care reeee
Yeah, okay, buddy.

Trying to ride off of Planescape Torment whilst being laden with sjw shit yeah you'd have to be part of the Nu Men Era to buy this shit.

A game with barely any gameplay.

Take a guess