ITT: Games overshadowed by their inferior sequels

ITT: Games overshadowed by their inferior sequels

Other urls found in this thread:

ITT: Earlier, inferior games in a series that people pretend to like in order to look "old school."


stop shitting up swat 4 threads you hipster faggots

>no 10 player co-op for 4
>can't change ammo types in gameplay like SWAT 3.
>in SWAT 3 you can shoot through objects, walls and doors; in SWAT 4, only doors. Suspects will use this ability as well.
>in SWAT 4, surrendering suspects will stay there forever if you leave them uncuffed, even with their dropped weapon beside them. Only the SWAT 4 expansion fixed this behaviour. In SWAT 3, suspects will run away and pick up other weapons if they're not secured.
>SWAT 3's officers will usually handcuff everyone and secure weapons after clearing a room without having to be ordered to do so. Admittedly, this happens less in very large rooms or the later missions with a lot of suspects and hostages.
>suspects and hostages in SWAT 3 can hide in smaller spaces like cupboards and in one early mission, under beds.
>you can toggle between stealth mode (you and your officers will whisper orders and calls for compliance, move quietly, mirror rooms etc) and dynamic mode where movement is faster, you yell for compliance
>full body awareness view; you see your weapon, your legs, your hands opening doors, pulling flashbangs out of pockets etc with a console command
>mod support was easier and there's a lot more mods available for SWAT 3.
>your team-mates are smarter (and move faster) when it comes to clearing stairways and T-intersections/hall-ways. They'll cover the landing areas and doorways better.
>booby traps on doors are present in some SWAT 3 missions.

anyone who prefers 4 is a pretty much retarded

Holy fucking fuck. I fucking love swat 4, but even I'm not so stupid than to deny that maybe swat 3 is a better game? I mean ffs how dumb are some of these people?

>can't see gun in FP

you could argue the same for this game vs quake fortress

It was a thing in that era, not the problem with the game per se. Many splitscreen xbox games had this too. Yeah it looks kinda dumb, but at least it's not a 60 FOV game like every cod game after Cod 4, with massive gun filling whole screen.

Lotsa complicated bullshit that isnt fun to deal with.

Christ games are ment to be fun, not unfun.

Go take your shit taste back to god damned reddit.

>what is -handsup

>In SWAT 3, suspects will run away and pick up other weapons if they're not secured.
I think this might happen in 4 too

I like to post this same thing on so many threads, but here it's inappropriate.

>zero argument

I was trying to play this earlier but it runs like shit, the framerate is horrible. I looked up the fix but I'm not going to bother, fuck you GOG.

What's a recommended swat 3 mod

its still ptsd inducing
>waaah why do i have to restrain all the suspects and hostages!
>why do i get blasted when i try rushing up a staircase into an open room with no flashbang or cs gas?



theres a reason swat 4 came out. the dev team realized "oh lets streamline this so its fun".


>No 10 player co-op in 4
Yes there is, The SS expansion adds it, which if you don't have that; you might as well go fuck yourself now.
>Surrendering suspects will stay there forever
No they won't, if you don't have Swat 4's expansion in 2017 you might actually be retarded.


>people defending swat 4 this hard
It's one of my all time favorite game, but jesus christ you people are actual degenerates.

Last Resort mod is good if you want high resolution menus and textures. There's a bunch of map packs and weapon mods too along with some qol fixes like suspects lying down after being cuffed.

It has a guide to fix performance on modern PCs too since it lags on Win7 and up without dgVoodoo2. Windows 10 doesn't even support proper 16 bit mode for games.

It is fun to plenty of people. Don't be an autist.

Better than what ghost recon and rainbow six were on xbox, which means it's plenty of good and fun.

Thanks user.

As much as I like swat games, all the swat threads are always garbage

if you make a normal thread it hits page 10 in a couple minutes


breach, bang, and clear.
go when ready.

They've got supers!

go go go any day guys

thats a really fun time you're having it would be a real shame if something happened to it

Thought Thief 2 is still an extraordinary game, no doubt.

Thief community seems to consider TDP the best from what I've seen

Did you just watch Gggmanlives review of this too?

No but if it's anything like his other reviews he whines about it being too hard for stupid shit.

I did, the cunt

This level makes me nauseous for some reason. It's disgusting on a subconscious level.

We lost a command post but not the battle.

He spoke about it pretty highly. Praised the AI and the realism. Complained about the lack of checkpoints or quicksaves though.

3 also allows you to include AI during co-op play, and the AI is so good that you can assign them to lead an element. You can play one element as humans and have the other element be entirely AI and they will autonomously prioritize clearing parts of the map different from what your team is clearing. They will secure and evacuate hostages, secure weapons and even find and defuse bombs.

Also, the NPC SWAT members have varying characteristics that are not just superficial, some will be more aggressive and more likely to gun down suspects right away instead of trying to get them to comply, or maybe they will be more likely to chase down a fleeing civilian or suspect instead of sticking to their team.

>all this good ai lost in modern games

Because Thief 1 is the better game. Unfortunately Sup Forums is casual and prefers 2.

Is thief 2 that bad then?

No, it's amazing, but Thief 1 is the superior game.

no and it has some of the best levels in the series
it's more handholdy with the maps and has some really shitty missions

It's not bad at all. Just completely different tone and atmosphere. Depends on taste.

To put it simply, 1 is thieving as in grave robbing. 2 is thieving as in mansion robbing.

1 is such a perfect game that it's hard to beat it.

2 has bigger missions, but some absolute shit missions.

thief 1 involves mansion robbing too

Lord Baffords Manor and the end part of Assassins. That's all. Unless you want to include some parts of Gold.

The Sword is just too weird to be considered a mansion.

2 also has some small grave robbing too like in Trail of Blood sorta. I was just talking generally.