Recommend me some Visual Novels
Recommend me some Visual Novels
Anything but HoshiMemo, it fucking sucks
Ever 17
Rui wa tomo wo yobu
chinami best gril
This one is really good.
Naw, it's not
Visual novel is not game
But it is
Here OP. I'w like to play some VN in each i have to make decisions, not only read the story and be passive.
Asuho a best
This chair.
Otomaid Cafe
Grisaia no Kajitsu and squeals, you can thank me later or now.
Sharin no Kuni
asuho best girl
This, and Fata Morgana
>Unironically recommending garbage writing
I guess I shouldn't be surprised Sup Forumsirgins like eating shit. This is the same board that tries to defend Pillars of Eternity and garbage like Ever17 and 999.
I could understand not liking Sharin no Kuni especially with that poor translation but Fata Morgana?
>Amnesiac main character
No thanks. I'll not claim it's shit since I haven't actually read it and it might as well be surprisingly good, but the premise alone makes my skin crawl
mabu rabu
Her and the twins were the only routes worthwhile.
Yume was a fun character, but her route was so boring and unsatisfying. Shoving Mare's route onto the end made it even worse.
Expect 50 hours of Takeru switching between unwarranted arrogance and pathetic self-pity.
The conflict on her route was fucking retarded though.
Read this for Chinami and drop the rest, what a fucking snorefest.
>eop release NEVER EVER
Only one I've ever played was Saya no Uta.
Was bretty gud.
I will never understand the hard-on for Looseboy games in the West. His twists suck. He's the M. Night Shyamalan of visual novels.
I seriously regret holding off on picking this up, it's one of the funniest novels I've ever read. There's also a fucking sequel that continues the main routes, and even has new routes, and 5 extra spin off novels. There's so much fucking content, and I love it.
Have you played MGQ yet?
It gets more stale with every sequel though.
But yeah, the first game was pretty comfy and had a good friendship mood.
Even that is giving him too much credit.
The ero scenes felt so out of place, the game could do without. 10/10 game for anything else.
>Mare's route comes last.
>Mare is your daughter in Yume's route
I dunno if that enhances or sullies Mare's scenes.
I didn't mind the H-scenes, to me it adds to how fucked up everything is.
Read the Clannad visual novel if you haven't already. It blows the anime out of the water.
>the wrong scenes felt out of place in Saya no Uta
Alright, that's it. The most retarded thing I've read all year.
Fuck this board I'm going to bed
This is the only VN I've played, I thijnk about playing it again almost every other week though because I think I got a bad end for the blue haired girl.
>It gets more stale
Is this just with burnout, or are they all similar? Because every route so far has been varied enough to keep me interested.
Nope, but im looking exactly for this kind of games!
I mean, games where you have to make decisions and select what to say.
Anyone knows more games like these?
Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
I've been playing Clannad, pretty fun and all, but I feel like I totally fucked up by watching the show first.
Is it even worth it to keep reading for anything but more Sunohara?
I believe they're called visual novels or adventure games.
I want adventure games with cute girls and sex
The latter
>Oh it's yet ANOTHER contrived martial arts competition
Visual Novels, then.
Not exactly similar as far as I remember, but the vibe gets lost. It feels like Takahiro just writes the A routes because there are still girls which need Yamato's D.
What? You haven't got the 2 maids endings? user you must go back right now and play that shit right!
It gets more stale than the Tales of series.
There is literally nothing wrong with 999.
I'm sick of this meme.
Why do Favorite VNs get more shiny with every release? Hoshimemo was still bearable but nowadays you need fucking sunglasses if you want to read them.
>Route building up to some big secret, to the point of breaking up with the protag over it.
>She never shuts up about a story that could easily have herself and the protag take the roles in.
Det Våras För Lilljorna
>Little Busters Ecstasy
One of these days the full translation will be finished. One day.
The shinier it is the more fun it is. Keep up.
Not video games.
I just finished The Silver Case, would definitely recommend it if you want something "unconventional".
Umineko remains the best one.
not even a visual novel
Bernkastel did nothing wrong.
Kindred Spirits in the roof
Grisaia or this one Someone decide for me what I read next, I am incapable of deciding things on my own
literally name a genre
I don't need to name a genre I just told you to pick between the two, slut
please help
sorry, i'm a superior plotge man
you are on your own
Swan Song.
Play Root Double OP.
It's super comfy and entertaining.
Root Letter, and Euphoria.
majikoi if you want fun and friendship
grisaia if you want fun and some drama
Euphoria was my VNOTY in 2015.
I have so many visual novels download but I'm always on this damn site
Reminder that Rika was the worst girl by a dominating landslide.
About to flip a coin, which one is heads?
Yeah, still, I liked her ending and how much batshit she gets in the others routes.
And Majikoi wins. Thanks for the help!
I still can't believe that I shed a tear while playing a fucked up rape VN.
if you can't read japanese just give up
enjoy the game, Chris best girl
Fair enough. One redeeming quality is hers was definitely the box full of water scene. That was actually probably my favorite one in the whole game.
That, and she was fun to bully.
She's a really well written character as a subversion of the innocent loli type.
Fuck you, and your shit taste.
This actually, the overall message was very nice.
fate/stay night is better
Period is pretty good. The art style is really polarizing though.
Not only you, my friend.
Yeah, it was really fun to play with my knowledge in psychology and get the meaning of Euphoria.