How was your valentine's day Sup Forums?

How was your valentine's day Sup Forums?

I spent the whole day playing xbox with my gf.

I mean you have to use your hands to play ps4 too

Why would you ever be in a relationship when you can be single, save money and fuck who you want so long as you're not an ugly autist?

Also if you are an ugly autist you get to save money and have a loyal waifu. How many of you in this thread are married cucks then?

fapped twice and played video games.

because i believe in love

I'll get a bf next year
next year for sure

sounds fun user

>because i believe in love
I hope it works out for you OP

>I have a GF! Congratulate me!

I'd inb4 shitposts from sad "girls" but we already have one:
Fuck, this board is sadder than /r9k/ now.

Slept for half the day and played Monster Hunter while listening to stuff the remainder.