>tfw DSP's channel is dying
>tfw he's in debt with two mortgages (his old condo has no tenant)
>tfw his girlfriend is probably leaving him soon
>tfw no one is coming to watch his streams
Do you feel bad for him, Sup Forums?
>tfw DSP's channel is dying
>tfw he's in debt with two mortgages (his old condo has no tenant)
>tfw his girlfriend is probably leaving him soon
>tfw no one is coming to watch his streams
Do you feel bad for him, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sometimes I actually do feel bad about him but then I watch an old tihydp video where he is a complete asshole then I don't feel bad anymore.
RIP dsp.
Pretty much this
Not familiar with the whole backstory but seeing that makes me feel really bad for him
Is he the guy who jerks off in his streams?
No. I look forward to the montage video of him slowly losing it and committing suicide.
I want him to fail so hard. I fucking DESPISE every single person who supports him on patreon, you are fucking ANATHEMA to me and my dreams
would you live in his condo?
For what purpose
That's actually depressing as fuck.
Damn, is that really how you feel? I hope you're meming buddy.
He got himself into it, it's not my place to feel sorry for him just because he's a meme
>move to washington
>buy an expensive as fuck house
>buy an expensive as fuck car
>end up with massive debt
>condo has lost over half of its value
>trying to work out a deal to sell his condo that will destroy his credit rating
>wants to sell his BMW so he can buy a cheaper car but won't be able to because of his ruined credit
>beg for patreon money all the time
Kind of his fault for putting shit content.
I tried being subbed to his channel way back for the mockery factor and the guy spammed the shit out of my sub box with low tier off screen recordings. It wasn't even funny content 99% of the time, nothing makes me lose interest more than 20 videos a day.
Also don't post Rustle I just cummed.
What the fuck?
How was I supposed to know I needed to pay for things? Woooooow. Fucking awful world design.
Friendly reminder he will never, ever top this video.
>his old condo has no tenant
A condo is a land purchase, just one with a contract to the land association to pay a fee in exchange for lawn and utility maintenance. Why is he looking for a TENANT for the condo he owns? If he has a mortgage on the place, why doesn't he try SELLING it?
I wonder how it feels to be a living meme
Wait you can't sustain a fanbase if you always call all of them retarded and never listen to any advice?
That is weird
He's gonna be around for a while. No use for people to be Nostradamus and predicting how he'll be done by the end of the year.
Guy's a cockroach and will abuse every system he's a part of to stay on this easy Youtube shit. That and his fans have way too much cash to spare so he'll sooner move in with one of them than take any fucking responsibility.
>tfw DSP has been acting stupid all along, all part of his master ruse
dude, people support worse on patreon for far FAR more money
shit, people will give you silly amounts of money for potato salad parties or whatever that shit was
have a dumbass idea? let people give you money for it and just say it was a good effort, but the dream really was impossible.
no sympathy for youtube celebrities
time to get a real job!
Whaaeeeeeet? I have to pay back money to credit card companies after I use cards? NO ONE TOLD ME THAT, WOOOOWWW.
>has a condo
>isn't living in it
no sympathy
find a real estate broker and turn that into a 6-figure profit
Is the Youtube/Let's play bubble finally bursting?
I lost my sympathy for him long ago. This is funny
he deserved it
nope i've heard enough Sup Forumsedditors saying WOOOOOWWW to feel any sympathy
He actually is, but it's lost so much value that he's trying to do a short sale on it
One of my twitter followers told me... get this, you're supposed to KNOW that you have to pay back loans, but of course the banks never explain that. AH AH AH AH fucking stupid
he isn't a huge YT person, but he still got in at the right time
though, i don't know how long YT will give him money for ad shit if he isn't pulling big numbers.
what are his average numbers for videos and shit now? they can't be anything amazing.
a sissy pedo boi like you should be put into chastity and stepped on to ensure you don't pass down your poor grammar
After what he has done to people in the past . Calling everybody morons and such for offering advice he deserves everything bad that happens to him
Rarely top 10000
Cummed sounds cuter than came, fuck off.
He uploads way too often
He is trying to sell it currently, or try to get a deal to reduce the mortgage (I forget what the term is called). His aunt had apparently lived there as a tenant before, and didn't pay enough money for it to even break even on the mortgage.
Since you seem to know what you're talking about, is there any reason not to default on the mortgage if you think the price you're getting is going to be less than the total mortgage payments until you sell it? Keep in mind his credit is already fucked.
for stupid people, sure
though, it wouldn't need a bubble burst for that. DSP is doing that via bad decisions
if anything, anyone high enough, like JonTron, Grumps, pretty much ever YT e-celeb that everyone here hates will be fine because of patreon existing.
if it didn't, then they would be in trouble, but no.
hell, even spoony has like 1k a month, probably from a lot of 2-5 dollar donations that just forgot about them giving him that month per month.
i mean, shit, i could probably work up enough 5 or less dollar subs and be more fine than working a 9-5 giving me 10 an hour to do mundane shit. spoony hasn't put out a video in a good long WHILE and he still is getting 1k a month.
I hope so. It's about time.
>tfw missed the let's play boat so never bothered
>fat lazy piece of shit needs to get a job
I think hes fine
>owns 2 houses
>getting lawsuit money from lady who "broke his back"
>he even said his "business" pays a lot more than average job
>his GF is working
breaking point has already happened.
long live the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""king"""""""""""""""""""""""" of hateful faggotry.
jesus man!
i mean, fuck.
like, why would you do that and kill your views?
let people soak in an episode of it before spamming 1 million videos
shit, hes making it through Nioh?
hes shit at games!
What's the difference between DSPgaming and KOgaming?
I'd be down to watch him play some Injustice. Fightan games are the only games he knows how to play.
Nioh is really easy
Especially for people who have played all souls games before.
>thinking youtube would be a constant income
How do you fuck up that much?
>Guy's a cockroach and will abuse every system he's a part of to stay on this easy Youtube shit
That's not what he's doing though. DSP has either too much pride/ego, or is too stupid to play the youtube game optimally. He has had so many chances to unfuck himself, but hasn't managed to do it.
Get a job, hippie.
>there is a group of autistic losers who sit in Discord and talk over Phil's videos and nitpick him for 3+ hours
This is pure kino.
>he even said his "business" pays a lot more than average job
this shit is whats the problem
its just paying more than the average job and you get to do what you want
sure its not stable, but fuck, it should be easy as hell to save up
no commute, no eating out for lunch, no possible getting into a car accident or car issues outside of non "work" shit, like going to the store for food and such.
So where does this ruse pay off now that he's in dark red credit irl?
>Joined Apr 15, 2010
>41,206 videos
What I want to know is why he thinks it's a good idea to throw out over a dozen videos a day.
I somehow stumbled into learning about DSP recently. Not like, learning who he is, I've always known of his existence, and that he's the worst guy in gaming because he's been on Sup Forums forever.
But I just learned HOW horrible he was by watching This Is How You Don't Play's and stuff.
Holy fuck how did anyone ever tolerate him;
>That fucking laugh
>That fucking voice
>That fucking blaming the game for EVERYTHING
>Seriously, every fucking game is 99% "What the hell! Shitty fucking programmers! Learn how to make a game! Fucking glitch! I was pressing the button!"
>Literally just skips past everything, and then complains when he doesn't know how to play.
>That fucking being handheld through games by his viewers.
>That fucking insulting his viewers and supporters including PEOPLE WHO ARE PLAYING IN THE GAME WITH HIM LIVE ON STREAM
I can't even.
And the reason it was such a fucking sharp comparison was because I had just done watching EpicNameBro's streams, literally an infinite amount better as a human and a player.
Fuck, why is Phil even still alive?
No, that's Razorfist.
DSP sadly is as captivating as CWC.
Lolcow faggots are cancer.
YouTube is like anything else.
Clicks generate profit. More videos, more clicks.
you sound like a bigger piece of shit than phil does my man
How many people only heard about him from his masturbation incident anyway?
>is there any reason not to default on the mortgage if you think the price you're getting is going to be less than the total mortgage payments until you sell it?
I'm not too familiar with the law surrounding that. He certainly could just let it go and allow the bank (or whoever) to retake possession of the property. The biggest concern is that he is making payments both for the mortgage and for the condo fees, and if he tries to just let both default, then things might become a problem. He might also end up responsible for the shortage even if he defaults on the property.
It doesn't sound like he can go fully bankrupt, seeing as how he also owns another property. He might lose that one as well, if he does, or if he attempts to default on one, the mortgage payments on his other house might go up. That is not an aspect I am familiar with in mortgage law. A mortgage always sounded like a stupid idea to me, so I just stayed the hell away from that idea.
in a lot of cases most lenders will require you to be behind on their payments before they'll even let you attempt a short sale
short sales aren't even that bad anymore in terms of credit, most loans lenders wouldn't care about them after ~2 years with nothing else major on your credit and you'd be able to get another mortgage with no issues
My guess is it's a holdover from the old, old Youtube days when most videos were only 10 minutes? Plus it's probably easier for him to save onto his computer because it's a smaller file, faster to upload, etc.
Whereas here I am on my channel uploading 3-5 hour Twitch VODs of fucking D&D and doing 10x better than he is.
what went right?
that's different now
it's no longer clicks, is comments in the comment section.
No. It would be funnier to get more people as JUST as Chris chan. He is babby tier. He needs to go down further
>mfw I'm just as much of a salty bitch as DSP and I won't stop but as long as I'm not recording no one will know
>What's the difference between DSPgaming and KOgaming?
He edits the footage in KOGaming. Also he's apparently started posting TIHYDPs on it that have been made by other people and given to him
It's a trick
what kinda campaign you running?
If you have EVER complained about a game being badly programmed or not tested just because you died, you don't deserve to live.
>feeling bad for Human Blockbuster
Would you?
What do his livestream viewer numbers look like?
What's his average live viewership?
didn't he accidentally show an image of her tits on stream one time
We should make an e-celeb board where we can discuss video games instead of """""celebrities"""""
Too skinny
Sure, paper bags are not hard to come by.
It's still true.
I remember some of his old Tekken videos he basically stomped most people he played online. He still has his "WOW" moments and blames them on lag which is half the entertainment. He's an above average fightanfag. Not tourney level but he doesn't just mash buttons.
Didn't he literally maaturbate on cam?
I've masturbated to this before
Do you have a link to the discord? In case I ever feel like killing myself with an autism overdose.
Well him being in dark red credit would be part of the ruse. In reality he's well off from some inheritance.
Just Youtube "Sons of Kojima".
Be nice, he has gout.
Was there something at one time some kid donated about $1000 and then Phil banned him
>Nothing I could do, [insert character] has no anti air
>What!? I didn't want that! I wanted to throw
>Bullshit, I would've won that but the game just drops my combos for no reason
>He has frame advantage, there's nothing I can do
>Whaaaat!? That's not safe on block?
>My fireball won't come out, look! Its just doing crouch medium ha ha ha ha ha
>(loses match) Fucking scrub, all you can do is spam fireball
>(loses match) Of course, he throws me again, that's all he can do, hahahaha fucking scrub
>(gets lucky and wins a round) Good fight