Sup Forums will defend this

Sup Forums will defend this

no Sup Forums won't, because Sup Forums hasn't played umineko

This board is for Video Games, not PowerPoint

Love is magic.

battler was a numale cuck.

After 8 episodes of Umineko and 600 hours of reading, I have finally come to this conclusion.

Seacats has more player agency than most games. You actually have to think about what you're experiencing.

>those bland characterless sprites

>when your soundtrack is so good it elevates the cringiest script of all time to the best VN ever made

Yeah after I completed it for the first time I thought that this is the greatest modern media product that came out of Japan's gaping creativity.
Then I've read it again recently and it only strenghten my resolve.

Beautiful, beautiful thing

No you don't you can just brute force your way through the story and not care.

Truth has a value far higher than we give it credit for.

To be fair it is confirmed that both he and George would still fuck Yasu even if she had a cock or some horribly deformed vagina.