Hooooly shit. What went wrong?

Hooooly shit. What went wrong?

How do you go from Symphonia to this garbage?

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Nintendrones that never touched another Tales game
One elder god amongst men, Legendianon
>Tales of the Abyss autists
Niggers that think plot/story > gameplay
Bandwagoner 360 shits or hardcore weebs that modded/imported
First timers strictly, or combofags with Ludger
Completionists that enjoy postgame


faggot. abyss may be a bit outdated but its still a good game.

>that belly

Ok I'll bite. what's wrong with it?

those fucking berseria generals need to end the amount of cancer they are generating are starting to leak out of it


All of you babbies compared to Eternianon. Also, fuck off, Legendia was a piece of shit with a dick-hungry loli fanservice.

Symphonia is shit compared to Phantasia.

Watered down, casual friendly game.

Symphonia was a fluke success.

Or they dropped all their talent and hired anime flunkies because thats all Tales has been since. Shitty, cliche animes.

Tales of Symphonia was my first game. I loved the fuck out of it. Every aspect was perfection. Then I didn't play another Tales until Vesperia, which I thought was another supreme masterpiece.
I hated Tales of the Abyss when I first played it on PS2. I dropped it almost immediately because I disliked the characters and thought the combat was too restrictive.
Years later, I tried playing it again with a friend. We dropped it, even after Luke stopped being a piece of trash.
Years later, I bought the 3DS version. I was appalled by the 30fps, but I somehow started to get into it. I started making sense of the story, and I also followed a guide for all the missable sidequests, with minimal spoilers. While the battle system is still quite restrictive, and I can't seem to figure out how to increase peoples' combo counts or link more artes in different orders, I'm starting to utilize the FoF system, and coming to terms with the characters' personalities. They are somewhat likeable, deep down inside.

I really don't think Tales of the Abyss is a bad game. It's mechanically sound, and everything works. The characters are a little bland, but they actually have some depth that requires analysis. The main story alone has you backtracking between areas and there's some fleshed out recurring side characters, and both of those aspects make the world feel REAL and ALIVE, unlike the railroads that recent Tales games have become. I can appreciate Abyss.

Every game in the series has its good points that make people latch on to it.

>played Symphonia on PS3 for the first time, and later played Abyss on 3DS.

I thought both were pretty cool, I liked Symphonia more, I don't know why, maybe because of the characters and the story. There was too much shit going on Abyss but the gameplay was fantastic, it felt more fleshed out.

Now I got to play Phantasia and Vesperia. Then I will think about Xillia and the new ones.

Cool order, but the best way to play Symphonia and Abyss are GCN and PS2 respectively. 60fps battles are a must.

>retards that actually think abyss is a good tales game let alone a good game


Thanks for the you, but abyss is garbage.

Your taste went to shit sadly.

where is this from, originally?
hope it's hentai

>Abyss on 3DS.


some kancolle doujinshi

which rpg's gameplay is closest to the tales series?

Akiba's Beat is a straight-up ripoff youtube.com/watch?v=sZilOfyifkM

Star Ocean I think. I never played it but the gameplay looked similar.

Is Legendia worth a playthrough? How good is it in PCSX2?

I thought Symphonia was garbage after playing Abyss first. Didn't really like a single character there too.

It's pretty hard to go back to Symphonia's combat after Abyss, but the characters aren't really any worse, aside from Colette ofc.