For Honor was worth full price. best multiplayer game in the last few years.

Incoming Chilvary faggots, maybe even a M&B snowflake.

how long is the campaign? I love how the combat looks but I don't give a fuck about multiplayer.

Fucking ubishill

It's garbage SP user, and I love 4H. You can try it for a couple hours on Steam tho

Ubisoft will never appologize for this travesty
a great concept ruined by greed and lack of vision

It's like 2 hours long.

It took a long time, but a western developer finally -- FINALLY -- made a game with good melee combat.

Short, linear, simplistic. It's more or less a glorified tutorial to teach you the different characters. 12 missions long, the levels are mostly just the multiplayer maps with a few extra areas added to them. Takes maybe 6 or 7 hours on hard.

You get any steel for it?

Pic not related.

It's a lead into the multiplayer. You can treat it like a tutorial. Bosses were cool.

Thanks guys, I'll give this one a miss. I don't know what it is, I can play a single player grindathon for dozens of hours, but with multiplayer I just hit a cap of feeling "done" with it at around 15 hours or so.

meh. another meme multiplayer which will die within 6 months

Yes. And emblems, color schemes, scavenger crates, etc.

Like 3k
Campaign isn't even that bad, it's pretty decent considering the effort they put into it. VA is kind of endearing, boss fights are really cool, story is just kind of "why are they doing this? What's going on with him? Why does she do this? What makes him do that? Why attack here? Why start a battle there?" Stuff

I made 6k steel and it took me 6 hours to complete on normal, probably missed half of the collectables s on the way, lots of loot crates too and cosmetics

3 acts with 6 missions i neach so thats 18 missions, half of the maps were probably completele uniqie while rest had parts from multiplayer maps

i kind of want to play this game, the beta was okay, but idk $60, even though it literally wouldn't hurt me at all to pay it, just seems like too much for this game.

I love this game.

Ubisoft's netcode is still shit.

Just like Overwatch, eh ?


Everyone with the ability to think can already see how shit it is.

>need to do elimination matches
>vote for elimination maps
>some douche picks skirmish
>the skirmish map is picked
>have to endure the loading screens just so I can leave the match when the game actually starts

Just wait for it to go on sale. I'm enjoying it, but don't buy it if you're unsure.

Sup Forums is full of poor shitskins and only praise F2P games

Overwatch wasnt 60 + 40 + buying heroes and weapons. Also the concept of fps game is much more fun than a slow qte game.

The beta was like 80% of the content. The matchmaking and P2P shit is terrible and the combat system is flawed at best and horribly imbalanced. Up to you if you want to spend $60 on it, but your Instinct that it isn't worth that is correct.

overwatch has moba/shooter elements that will keep it going. not really with for honor, or souls games for example.

Just to let you guys know, all the APOLOGIZE, what did he mean by this? What was his problem? threads are all made by shills.

the campaign aint even that bad, play it on realistic niggers

For Honor/souls games
how are those thongs related? are you just parroting things like the idiot you are?

yeah, i just feel like the multiplayer will be dead by then, but whatever.
all good points

Typical tutorial for multiplayer desu

I figured. Ubisoft is desperate as fuck right now. If this trash and Ghost Recon flop, they're basically fucked.

lock on combat
waiting for opponent to hit

if you had to pick between "souls like" or "fightning game" it would be the first.

It's virtually SoulCal2. Not him, no joke.

>qte game

oh boy, now we know that you never played For Honor :^)

>80% of the content

>half of the maps
>4th of the classes missing
>90% of cosmetics missing
>1 game mode missing
>single player campaign

Don't lie.
Combat system flawed? Probably. But so far I've seen almost every character as viable save for a few.

do it on realistic , it unlocks all the lower tier rewards

Dead wrong. The beta was only missing 3 of the 12 characters and only about 4 maps. The single player campaign is fucking nothing as are the worthless cosmetics and skins. Eat shit and die shill faggot cunt.

t. poor shitter who is jelly that he can't play the full game

t. lying marketer trying to cover up the truth

Calm down, faggot. Talk about getting triggered.

A 4th of the classes missing. I'm not wrong.
There are 12 maps in the game. 6 in the beta.
Some people like campaign, and it counts as content.

Wow another shill thread

>t. Chilvary.
Go away.

counter guard breaks are a joke.

>know they're going to guard break so you're ready for it
>you see them do it
>you hit X to counter before theirs connects
>your character guard breaks
>theirs connects while yours is going on
>theirs is successful and you get thrown off the level

with the shitty connection it's nearly fucking impossible. I went into a duel with my brother on the same connection and could do them flawlessly, but online i have never done it once.

It just makes ZERO fucking sense you can see them GB, then you hit it before theirs connects and you still get fucked.

you people seriously believe companies pay marketers to be in this shithole of a board?

>The beta was only missing 3 of the 12 characters

>4th of classes missing

someone needs to retake basic maths

But 60 dollars is the price of all new games. Are you a poor shitskin or what

The whole game is a joke.

6 months? the game has already completely been figured out in the beta. its so fucking simple and easy and boring if you don't have a sub-90 iq. it wont even last 2 weeks

>Tfw you will never be as upset as t. Chilvary.

This. Will be as dead as Battleborn by March. It doesn't stand a chance with Halo Wars 2, Horizon, and Zelda coming out. Especially not with the meager amount of content, broken online, and pathetically bad gameplay.

For what? This game is garbage.

so it was missing 25% of characters and not 20% as he said?

yea big mistake you should go on and do some ad hominems against him that will show how smart you are

Sure but then they don't have microtransactions and p2w

And hopefully we will get as many laughs out of it as well, but the bar is high.

God you are actually fucking retarded.


almost got me

Friendly reminder to sage and report all Ubishill posters and threads

uh, no? I enjoy it. It's fun. I'll probably put about 30-40 hours in it and stop and there's nothing wrong with that imo. At this point in my life I don't expect a single videogame to entertain me for more than 50 hours anyways.

and yet you expect to pay full price? the very definiton of a cuck


I would never pay more than $5 for this.

>Being so unable to reconsile your tinfoil-tier cognitive dissonance that you can't accept people having fun with a fun game.
feels pree good not to be this, desu


Nobody gives a shit about Sup Forums, why a company would spend money to advertise here ?

You paid 90 euros for this trash? What's wrong with you?

I dunno Ubisoft, you tell me

For Honor = QTE simulator. You don't even have to look at your enemy to win, just pick right icons at the right moment.

A full priced videogame is a trivial cost honestly and if it puts that much of a strain on your finances you should just wait for sales.

At any given time, it's safe to assume every post on the frontpage is a viral marketing post

t.knows an actual viral marketer

>90 muslims shekels for 1 game


Default, mandatory marketer response. You can even tell this fucking retard is French by the shit broken English.

why? game is not only shit, it's actually worse than any prediction made about it before release.

>tfw you enjoy For Honor for it's fin combat despite the desperate cries of Mordhau, Chilvary, and M&B fags.

You have to counter it just after they connect.
Not the games fault you can't time it correctly.

>tfw you enjoy the taste of rancid cum for it's fine flavor despite the desperate cries of vomit, shit, and piss fags.

It's spelled Chivalry you fucking retard. Learn English if you're going to shill here Quebecuck.

More like Battleborn, Canadian shill. Eh?

Well falseflagged

>400 hours in chivalry and i'm having a blast with 4h
It's more about the salt people produce when they lose a melee 1v1 really, never gets old.

>tfw not a contrary wee babe that can't enjoy anything because of his personal dissatisfaction.

I love chasing people around in circles and I love P2P. So much fun waiting for things to happen.

>1 hit from death
>land Extremely telegraphed grab
>100 to 0 one shot.
>proceed harvest salt.
Everytime some one will bitch about it, and it is the main reason to play him.

Right, because didn't attach any picture.



>t. guy saying it's p2w and proceeding to post a completely unrelated chart

you can play the game for free for 14 days. buy the game on steam. start game. as soon the game launches open task manager and close steam. in 10 days refund because you havent played more than 2 hours on steam

top kek

you smart.

>14 days
>10 days

I'll have to see your math there user