>killing people in stealth games just makes me feel bad now
now what do i do?
>killing people in stealth games just makes me feel bad now
now what do i do?
Play dishonored or thief where you can just ignore or bruise people instead of killing them.
Don't kill them.
>playing stealth game
>overhear guard talking about how he really wanted to be a pilot
>you can find his resume on a desk in the facility and put it in a post box
>in NG+ if you get back to the facility that guard is no longer present
What gam
What kind of stealth game doesn't let you succeed without killing anybody but the targets if any?
do people do non-target pacifist runs in sniper elite 4? i was going to buy that game but i watched a video about it and sneaking up and stabbing young men who were all minding their own business is not my bag, baby
play non-lethaly
>the only mission in which enemies talk about their lives and families is the only mission in the game you can complete without killing anyone
i'm not good at video games
Had the same exact feelings. I couldn't tell you never played Sniper Elite 4.
Stick with the prod
Splinter Cell Blacklist
The freak. I played that game and don't remember NG+
>target is a samurai
>try to have honoraburu katana duel
>he flees to his helicopter instead and his guards start shooting at me
wish more games had this. like, just because im doing shit doesnt mean i wanna kill the guards. theys just doing the jobs man, and im doing mine. we mind our own business
I made it up, I didn't expect anyone would have played Blacklist to call me out on it.
>someone shoots an enemy in a game
>they empty the magazine on the dead body
i was about to say. that idea makes no sense
It was easy for me in Dishonored 2. My first run was completely non-lethal but it was also on hard and I was going for no detections and no powers. By the time I finished the game I was so fucking mad that playing it again on very hard was cathartic because I could just go around slaughtering everyone who caused me so much trouble in the first playthrough.
SWTOR has stealth classes and then quests where you have to kill 8 random dudes to progress quests for no meaningful reason.
>someone holds up any enemy in a game
>shoots them in the dick and runs away, leaving them alive
>someone holds up an enemy in a game and lets them run away
>shoots them in the back and teabags them
>holding human shield
>release them but character throws them across the room
>don't know if they're dead
im sure you could avoid the grunts by using distractions and only killing your target. i might try it out once i finish my first playthrough
>hitman: blood money
>attempt to sneak up on someone and inject them with sedative
>fucking headbutt them
>blood everywhere
>playing deus ex HR
>There are conspiracies upon conspiracies, nobody should trust anything
>people still just keep all their passwords on their emails/smartphones
>the chinese megacorp actually enforces a max professional inbox capacity of two oldschool emails without embedding nor formatting
>someone tranquilizes or knocks out an enemy
>kills them while they're unconscious
Grow up.
>stealth my way in Deus Ex: Human Revolution
>there is a non-lethal takedown
I couldn't care less about which one death or alive but don't force that shit on my hand.
>Playing Splinter Cell Blacklist
>Usually do non-lethal playthroughs in stealth games
>But all the enemies are epicted as being horrible terrorists who like to killl people
>End up just stabbing and killing everyone
>Uncharted games
>Try to take out enemies stealthfully each fight
>Either he snaps the enemies neck instantly or knock them out
Damn it, make up your mind. Kill or knock them out.
Deus ex HR is nice with stealth gameplay being rich when you snoop aroung for info in emails.
The only thing that makes me angry is the need to hack everything even if you know the code for max xp gain.
on that note:
>nonlethal takedown is barely different from lethal takedown
>like three nonlethal weapons with few upgrades vs. a heap of fun lethal weapons with fun upgrades like explosive rounds, homing ammo, etc
>sometimes guards are cops, sometimes they're druglords or private armies of barely human mercenaries that litterally rape innocent prisoners
>no difference for the moral record for killing either
>even when the aforementioned mercenaries are gunning down a non threatening friend
>killing but one guy taints the whole thing and locks some story events
More like Welrod Elite 4.
>playing RPG
>stealth is an option
>there's no reward for non-lethal playstyle so you just lose out on XP for not killing everyone
I've had some crises of conscience when I I stab someone through the neck who never saw it coming. Does seem a bit skeevy.
>find a key to a locked door
>don't pick it up because picking the lock gives you XP
>dialogue system
>pick the line that gives you XP instead of the one you actually want to say
>it's okay since the outcome is the same
kill yourself
>Trying Postal 2 "Jesus run" for the first time
Is saving Malik impossible in a stealth run unless you're willing to somehow stealth pacify everybody?
In those words, yes. You have to intervene in some way to save her. You can keep the cloak on the whole time and do it undetected. Make sure you have a thousand candy bars.
>Playing Far Cry 4
>Stealthing through outpost
>Overhear guard say things like "When ever I shoot I dont aim because I dont want to hit anybody" and "I'm having second thoughts about joining the royal army"
>think to myself "sorry bud" as I put an arrow in his head because theres no non kill options and all guards have to die to take an outpost
this really triggers me to see
That reminds me that I only got the no kill and speedrun cheevos for the base game and not Paradise Lost
Need to get to work on that
>first HR playthrough
>Cant be fucked with limiting my options with a non leathal/full stealth playthrough, just go with what i feel
>Dont kill soldiers/civilians/guards because they are just in the way/doing their job
>Kill the harvesters etc because fuck those assholes
>Get to pangea
>Get cornered by a bunch of the fucked up people
>have to gun them down
>Feel bad because they couldnt help it, they were just average people
Yeah, it's easy to just kill them or pacify them with the PRIME wihtout them reacting but still being seen.
You'd think using nonlethal riot gear on an illuminaty private army would not rustle your morals too much but stealth is stealth.
You know the funniest part?
By the time you get to panchaïa, all variable story parts have been seen. Your moral compass doesn't affect your choices anymore.
So feel free to use all them guns on innocent suffering civilians that were the least deserving targets of the whole game. They're here so you can finally use all them plasma/lazer guns you were hoarding.
is this moralfag thread?
So you affect the story options by using high tech weaponry on soldiers who are trying to kill one of your friends, but not on a bunch of unarmed civilians?
I wasnt aiming for a particular ending on my first playthrough so i wouldnt have cared, but that is pretty retarded
Yeah, stealth is supposed to make the game more challenging and so intresting.
But if your definition of challenging is "bide your time behind that corner a bit more" what's the point?
Also it's satifying being literally never being seen but why give you any award when you never triggered the alarm but knocked every guard unconcious?
>Playing Deus Ex: MD
>Tranquilize someone
>Try to hide their body but toss it too fast
>Their "Zzz" icon becomes a skull icon
Doesn't affect the endings, the 4 endings being available depend on people of interest you visited during the last part and then you make a choice.
Moral compass affects the reaction of people you meet, like that indian guy who will kill himself if you killed harvesters or belltower when they invaded the slums killing everyone.
The game is pretty cool with gameplay otions thanks to all the shit you can learn in emails/the environment but the moral compass mechanic is retarded and always will be.
Dude how about a stealth game in which you change people's lives by not killing them?
I did that when I when I played Deus Ex Invisible war, because I didn´t realize knocking somebody unconscious was permanent, I tought they´d wake up.
Are there even stealth games were knocked out enemies can wake up by themselves? That sound lke it ´d be artificial dificulty.
In Dishonored 1 it can be argued that some people's lives get worse if you don't kill them
This, I have to snoop down and do the nonlethal takedown for the XP gain in Deus Ex HR.
Wish the game give more XP for not touching any of enemy.
In Hitman 2 you had a limited amount of chloroform and how long someone stayed down was dependent on how long you kept the rag over their face but they'd always eventually get up. After seeing that guy wake up and cause me trouble I just decided to never use it again.
Glad they changed it in the next game by giving you a single permanent sedation needle. 2 with an upgrade. For the one guy that's in the way.
>Are there even stealth games were knocked out enemies can wake up by themselves? That sound lke it ´d be artificial dificulty.
..Most of them?
just remember:
you are the good guy and everyone else that tries to stop you its automatically a bad person.
>you were the villain all along
not shooting everyone in a dick, what's your problem?
>assassinating commanders for side missions
>commander's file says he's a local hero
>don't kill him
>never finish list
I'm pretty sure sedated enemies woke up in Contracts
Also in Dishonored, it seems as though Daud reforms himself / retires if you spare him instead of killing him.
>games and movies with horrific disregard for human life now make me sad
Those poor Chinamen and BSAA agents in Resident Evil 6 and all those cool characters that die for no reason in the RE movies.
Contracts? I completely forgot that game existed, since I never played it. I was thinking of Blood Money.
Why not just fulton him out to your base?
>tfw games don't have Poetic Justice Points for hurting people the exact amount that they have hurt others, with bonus points for causing ironic twists of fate
>game gives you a ton of fun weapons and tools to fight enemies
>enemy ai in alert/combat mode is incredibly well made
>you're not expected to use any of it because lol killing is bad