Why isn't Dark Souls 3’s world as openly interconnected as that of Dark Souls 1?

Why isn't Dark Souls 3’s world as openly interconnected as that of Dark Souls 1?

Why do my farts hurt so much

Its explained through world convergence which is what the last DLC is about.

Shut the fuck up.
Nothing screams fanboy more than justifying bullshit with "lore".

There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to rush to the Archives for Soul Stream or Power Within or whatever without having to kill all the main bosses for a key to just appear on the corpse there for example.

DaS3 was rushed and half baked compared to BB. That's why. They wanted to release by a certain fiscal quarter in Japan for business reasons.

Same reason why the DLC is done and no one but streamers can play until next month. Bad business.

>theres a lore explanation for piss poor replayability and boring world design

uh huh

>Nothing screams fanboy more than justifying bullshit with "lore".

This desu senpai

Lore should inform gameplay and provide context, but the game mechanics shouldn't be changed to accomodate it. Fun>background story


gee you mad

Why is it so important for Darksouls be a walking simulator to fanboys?

lol ye, he mad

"world convergence" and convolution are literally only piss poor copouts for not having to explain bullshit like 3 different Firelink shrines or why you can make this dumbass Tsorig fight himself.

Yes, I fucking am. DaS1 is one of my favorite games and 2 and 3 are massive disappointments in comparison.

They both come fairly close in varying areas but little things drag them down hard and it all boils down to a lack of development time and poor decisions.

technical issues

>why isnt it like dark souls 1 waah
>i want to run past everything and get that endgame weapon for my original pvp build
fuck off back to /dsg/

Dark Souls is ruining video games.

the world is literally fucking it self to death because its the age of kings and theres a dark sign in the sky that is shitting out lava, and you still wonder why?

But /dsg/ is the home of the DS3 defense force
i.e. You

Dark Souls 3 is the best Dark Souls.

Not an argument

That's not the main concern.
In DaS1 you have options as to where you want to go and in what order, specifically with the Master Key and player knowledge. It's about player agency and replayability.
Catacombs, New Londo, Valley of Drakes, Burg, Darkroot Garden, Darkroot Basin, Swamp, Return to Asylum; all available in the first few minutes of play.

Even DeS gives you options after getting back to Nexus.

In 3, you get Highwall into early Lothric and then a roadblock or into Settlement. That's all.

How are less options better? Retard.

>road to first bell
>leads to second bell
>nowhere to go but seinfeild tower
>anor londo
>fight last bosses in any order you like

Wow so much non linearity

You can kill the yaoi brothers before the giant, that's non linerar, right?

Go back to r/Sup Forums screencap trolling or whatever fag

Except it is not dark souls, but people who ruin video games

I liked the DeS world system the most

>le reddit boogeyman

>being a retard

Make me

What's your take on this?

i think cities suck. gimme a cool place like lake of ash

It was designed that way by From, the people who made the game. Try asking them, not a bunch of sperging autists.

because it sucks balls

nope. the only choice you get there is watchers->yhorm+aldrich->lothric

you can kill either aldrich or yhorm first


lol ds2 was terrible

Would say "wow those place look gorgeous" if I haven't played the game. Those areas are supremely boring though. Especially not-Hemwick.

Would say "wow those place look gorgeous" if I haven't played the game. Those areas are supremely boring though. Especially not-Hemwick.

why do you always ask this? Dark souls is literally the only one that is like that, Des, DS2, DS3, Bloodborne all are not interconnected


Because that would take effort, which is the rarest resource in the making of AAA games nowadays.

Because it was just a cashgrab

theres also Ash lake or Big skeleton wolnir, before that you can go to the cathedral or kill abyss walkers first

dark souls 2 was such a good game