New World of Darkness game lads

New World of Darkness game lads.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Told entirely from a mobile messaging perspective

>It's a "Let's make a VN but this time we won't even bother with character art or scenery".
>Guy whining about PC culture in one of the steam pics.


Who the fuck types massive blocks of text while texting? This isn't immersive.

They could probably use skype but didn't want to bother with licensing shit.

Have you seen how fast kids type these days? it's not really the volume, it's the style they communicate in that makes this really unrealistic.

> doeth
It's fucking doth

That's it, sale lost

I'd be willing to waste my time with this if the writing and music were good, but not my money.

>first mage the ascension game ever
>it's a fucking VN

I am beyond mad.

>We want the VN audience
What did they mean by this ?

I think the sad thing is they're already beat even in that category by genuine CYOA games. Developer called Choice of Games has a fuckton of these on Steam alone.

So what is MtAsc about? All I know is the Technocracy is both the antagonistic faction and also the good guys that did nothing wrong.

clingy girlfriends


i have 10$ and want to buy it just to support it cause in the end of the day we all know they can"t make AAA games them self.

These are the people that made the games so you are better informed on what the writing will be.

pls buy World of Darkness Preludes: Vampire and Mage

t. Johan

are these people triggering you?

There is literally nothing wrong with Zak Smith considering what it is he's writing.

so they basically picked up random people and got them to write the games in their entirety? what the fuck is paradox thinking?

>Set in modern-day Sweden, Mage: The Ascension: Refuge


Are you fucking serious?
What's this?

Why are you assuming some kind of insult on them? Or any kind of opinion? It's just information being posted.

this isnt a paradox game.

This lady isn't very good.

Paradox bought White Wolf last year.

>acquire the WoD license
>get a long-term deal going for a full-fledged game
>obviously not earning anything from that
>release shitty cash-grabs that just devalue the property

Why does everyone do this? Give it time and create a good first impression with quality games. These shitty VNs will be someone's first contact with WoD.

I'm not a fan of vampires. I don't care that much about Bloodlines, even though I liked it and it's a great game.

But still, for all of you who do care: F
You deserve better.

It cant be coincidence. Its just too perfect.

From CCP games, who sat on the IP for like 5 years.
Its more that now white wolf is more independent now with Paradox than before. This is them getting back into publishing anything.

Sounds like Warhammer

Nah warhammer pimps out their IPs hard. Sometimes to whomever is willing to pay for them.

>entire game takes place on the phone
>to remind the audience that it's a WoD game characters will talk about supernatural shit
>Nosferatu/Glass Walker/Technocracy hackers discover your texts and send Hunters after you

It's very obviously a small taste of what's to come in terms of writing and mood. We're without a doubt going to release more along the line.

I love choice of games

Literally self shilling his game. Please fucking die you disgusting piece of shit.

Reading through it now, and goddamn the writers are trying reaaaaaaaaaaally hard to write like Tao Lin.

Gnosticm inspired factions of normal people awakened intro magical abilities (obviously) fighting a conspiracy war in the shadows of moder day society(since normal people whitnessing overtly supernatural and impossible thnigs happening fucks the magic up), to deterime the pardigm of the world - sciece and reason or magical logic intent and dramatic build up.
I´m not really sure abut that last part, go ask /tg/ instead.