Where can I find custom maps? Also E.Y.E. general I guess, I've beaten the game once, got the Mentor ending. I plan on getting the other endings too.
Also, what's the easiest way to farm brouzoufs?
Where can I find custom maps? Also E.Y.E. general I guess, I've beaten the game once, got the Mentor ending...
In the hub you can do endless missions on the campaign maps, that would be the easiest way to farm brouzoufs without cheating
Good idea, I actually haven't done any missions in campaign maps, but knowing the save system in the game is weird, I'm afraid of losing my progress. If I finish a mission and come back to the temple HQ, and then enter an area to do missions - can I leave whenever I want, or will it return me to the previous campaign mission that I've just finished before entering the area to do missions?
Man i wish the netplay for this game wasnt so shitty.
Is there a good group on Steam for this? I'd love to play it in multiplayer, but I'm still going to level up my character, and I haven't even bought cyber upgrades (I only have one cyberleg and one heart upgrade), gaining Brouzoufs in this game is hard, at least for me.
>game can't be mirrored
I dunno, i tried to coop with a friend and it was a mess, so i just gave up. The best level to farm shit is the one side mission in the hub in the jian temple, it gives a shitton of money. (You have to set difficulty to max to get the highest amount of money possible, i think)
Also, if you want to farm artifacts or whatever they were called there are custom maps made for this, look it up on google,
I searched for custom maps on Google, I only found one site which has 4 maps. Is it possible there's no more maps? The game got map support in 2012. I think, is it so dead that under 5 custom maps exist?
There are a shit ton of maps, no idea where they are available to the public though
There are a bunch of Christmas maps I used to play with the lads
Maybe you can point me towards some group on Steam which maybe has the links to the maps?
look up cm_farm_alpha23
i wish i could point you to a certain general on /vg/ but it is not tobe
>tfw cyberlegs
Already checked /vg/, there's no general
stop reminding me
stop reminding me
hold me lads
Fuck, am I late to the party? Now I won't be able to enjoy this shit in co-op on crazy custom maps. Shit like this is why I have a dislike for games which are partially or completely dependant on multiplayer. After certain time passes, they lose their worth. Compare this to Deus Ex (which had multiplayer too, but also a big singleplayer campaign), it's a whole different story.
why are we still here? just to suffer?
Can anyone send me an invite to the Steam group "E.Y.E Di/v/ine Cybermancy"?
apologies friend, i'm in that group but it doesn't seem possible for ordinary members to send invites
you aren't missing out on much anyway, it's a pretty dead group
What a shame