Why Sup Forums doesn't call out newfags like Sup Forums does?
Why Sup Forums doesn't call out newfags like Sup Forums does?
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It'd be 99% of the board. Sup Forums is a bunch of newfags that barely know about anime pre 05. That board is in a worse state than Sup Forums.
Because this shit hole of a place hasn't changed since the beginning. You keep getting older, but you realize the general age group doesn't change at all. All reason is lost, but you keep fucking posting.
Because everyone on Sup Forums are newfags, wait to point out how much of a newfag you are, newfag.
Fuck off back to your cont/a/inment board, weebfaggot.
Because that ship has long since sailed making it kinda redundant now. Sup Forums has been infested with newfags and plebbitors for a good 8ish years now. You're better off putting your time into inventing a time machine to save this board.
Only newfags call people newfags.
i'm calling you out right now
Because we'd be calling out the entire fucking board.
nobody here is over 18 you faggot.
I'm 22 and I'm often shocked by the underagity of the threads
Sup Forums pre-2013 was stomped into the dirt and erased from the history books, so you can only be so new anyway.
Sup Forums doesn't have a right to act superior they have the same shitty template threads you see spammed here.
newfags can't call out newfags
Because Sup Forums is full of newfags that obviously don't know shit about board culture
Lurk more, newfag.
Because you're a delusional faggot for swallowing the Sup Forums is a good board pill like a true retard. Their discussion is just as low in quality as Sup Forums's for the most part and sissies who are impressed by "ur a newfag xD" posts think Sup Forums is better than anything.
Board culture
>It's time
>Why do boys make the best girls?
>What's the best video player for anime?
>What app do you use on your phone to read manga?
>Precure thread
>She sees your dick
>ITT: we have something related to anime but let's just wait for a Keit-Ai reference
>The rest is anime of the season but not really discussing it because it's just talking about who is best girl
If anything they might have more template threads up and active at any time than Sup Forums. Certainly not as much as /jp/ though.
>board culture
Do you know what year you're in? The only boards with a resemblance of board culture left are /jp/ and /tg/. Those are mainly just there because for w/e reason they haven't been as normietized as other boards have been.
>browsing Sup Forums and Sup Forums
You should've been banned from Sup Forums a long time ago, newfag-kun. Also, Sup Forums is extremely autistic with spoonfeeding everything, to the point people that have no Idea of the source try to call out people asking for it, and it's a bigger hugbox than Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
>a/ is a bunch of newfags that barely know about anime pre 05
I know everyone knows Cowboy Bebop, but I'm rewatching it right now, I forgot how good it is. legit one of the best pieces of media ever IMHO
every board is full of crossboarding underage/college students
Every big movie and series pre 2000s really is better than modern shit. Very few exceptions.
You can't talk about gits on Sup Forums. How bad it is.
Everybody but me is a newfag. This is no hyperbole, i wish it was hyperbole and i moved away from here with the rest of the people that left in 2007.
we are all newfags
who the fuck is finding this site in 2017? how?
/jp/ is pretty much something that cant be normetized anyway
>Sup Forums doesn't have a right to act superior they have the same shitty template threads you see spammed here.
and like worse anime
It's been slightly less edgy over the years. The pulls out dick and pleasure of being cummed inside stuff I haven't seen in while.
because they are the majority now and shout down any "dissenting opinions" as they see it
Sup Forums isn't much better either
who do you think?
Becasue this place is reddit now
social media
also Sup Forums has been doing more raids the past few years which net the whole site more media courage
My point.
That anime looks like it's for fucking losers haha
Whoa how the fuck is this site still going with that dramatic increase in traffic and no monies
Name one that isn't
Hard mode: a recent one.
a Netflix series on the creation of Anonymous has led sheep here
Ads. Especially phone ads.
Well, it's anime. They all are.
>implying FBI would lets its biggest honeypot crash
>GG and Trump gave 4chins more traffic
I bet moot is rolling in his SJW grave for all the shekels he's not earning.
>That board is in a worse state than Sup Forums
>circlejerk of sonyfags and pcfags every single thread
>Everyone game is the worst game ever created because that mountain looks off or when you run and jump at a particular location there's a bit of clipping
>any thread is pretty much a carbon copy of the previous of the same game/genre
At least Sup Forums creates webms from airing shows.
>Name one that isn't
>Hard mode: a recent one.
Oh fuck off.
>Sup Forums, a place once known for its freedom
>"waaah, why won't these people follow my rules"
You made a really nice looking map, but your argument completely defeats itself. You are a retard.
Sup Forums is a shithole. You'd have to be out of your mind to stay here for a long enough time to be considered an oldfag.
>At least Sup Forums creates webms from airing shows.
WOW! What a board!
Bebop is overrated as fuck and not even Watanabe's best work
Not him but you are the cancer that picture is talking about. Sup Forums has far less freedom these days.
Don't kid yourself, Sup Forums is even more contrarian and autistic than Sup Forums. Just look at the season's most popular anime, this time Konosuba
I love how dumb niggers are so proud of the fact that you're too stupid or poor to have other hobbies.
>hurr durrrrr I only browse one more board
Broaden your horizons you uncultured nigger.
This. Sup Forums actually puts a bit of effort into their shit posting
Sup Forums is a shithole
Sup Forums buys things when they could pirate them
although Sup Forums is becoming pretty newfag friendly lately too
people actually make non-ironic dub threads, which get lots of replies and don't get deleted
Is this a JoJo reference?
>and no monies
Oy vey! Donate or die, i am keeping Sup Forums alive with money from my pockets and i cant even afford to put pita on the table!
also check this meme website's estimate of Sup Forums's value
>I can't read
>All those Sup Forums children who came for trump memes and facebook tier shitposting
>All those mobile users.
Jesus christ, people aren't kidding, this place has changed.
because "call outs" of supposed reddit posters or trolls did wonders for the board, right
The average Sup Forums poster nowadays is WAY too retarded to "call" anyone out, and that include Sup Forums posters that have such a terrible taste in media they call anyone that doesn't enjoy their fotm slice of life cute girls doing cute things shit a troll.
>this place has changed.
We're just going back to our roots, Fuhrer's Fridays will return soon enough.
t. redditor
Aren't you part of the problem though? You see this chart the first times? It's been months since it's been going around. If I'd get to ban newfags based on reacting to stuff that's been posted for weeks this board would improve a lot.
I admire your optimism, but do you think the facebook crowd is capable of this?
not your secret club faggot
Why don't you learn basic fucking English before shitposting?
Because most of Sup Forums are literal underageb& and are all newfags.
Fun fact: there have been more posts on Sup Forums between Trump's announcement and his victory than there have been in all of Sup Forums's years before that COMBINED
not an argument
Honestly, the more Sup Forums posters exist on a board the worse the level of discourse on the board becomes.
>people still think it was GG and not The Fappening
Lurk the fuck more, newfags.
nice blogpost.
rei a best.
>not your secret club faggot
that's exactly the mentality that killed the site
Yes, you wouldnt believe how many of my normalfag friends think Hitler did nothing wrong and i always thought they were the left leaning kind of people.
Sup Forums was 10 times better when it was a secret club though
Weird, I've really never seen it and I've been here since I was 12 (21 now). I must've been too busy playing video games when it was posted.
Are you mentally disabled?
I've been here longer than you, guaranteed. Sup Forums was always shit. Sup Forums was less vitriolic in the past but only because it was more hiveminded. The userbase was also far younger and more retarded and mostly consisted of people who came here from GameFAQs because we were allowed to say nigger.
I was here in 2005 and you're wrong
>that chart
>implying anyone beside those retards on Sup Forums gave a single shit about that
No I'm just pretending to be Sup Forums
>implying you even know what the filenames are
I was here in 2005 and I'm definitely right. You can't say Sup Forums is better now than it was 10 years ago.
>I was here in 2005
>and you're wrong
Nohohohohoho! no you have been not.
>I've been here longer than you, guaranteed.
I highly doubt that. Sup Forums pre 07 was far better and rarely to never talked about cancer games.
The majority of Sup Forums's early userbase came from sites like newgrounds.
I saw it posted alot on other sites though. Sup Forums traffic is still traffic.
The fuck does that even mean? Learn English
Why doesn't Sup Forums call out Jews like Sup Forums does?
It means exactly what I said. You have no idea what Sup Forums filenames are.
They do, except the entire vidya industry is controlled by jews, it's been talked to death.
>impying anyone besides those retards on THE LARGEST BOARD ON THE FUCKING WEBSITE gave a single shit about that
Wow gee tell me more, you fucking chalkboard.
Sup Forums is as contrarian as this board.
Their AOTY is fucking witch academy, with the most generic characters and plot ever
>Hehe cute girls doing magical things xDDD
Still not making any sense
It's the newfags who don't call out the Jews though. Been here since 2006 and I've always called out the Jew.
because I am not a Nazi, Sup Forums
To be fair we're only half a season into the year and the only good things are sequels.
>Their AOTY is fucking witch academy
>Sup Forums is a single person
Wow please tell me more.
What's your AOTY?
>Sup Forums is a single person
I wouldn't call Sup Forums being in a worse state, but pretty much this, Sup Forums is just as full of newfags. They have just convinced themselves that they are not, it's like 2012 fag here calling newfags guys from 2013.
That's mostly because you were unaware that Sup Forums filenames had any significance at all until I called you out a few posts ago. This is why my post doesn't seem to make sense to you. Here's a hint that will help you narrow down the answer, newfriend...
LWA is trash and is only meme'd to death because it's Trigger. Half of the posts are from people meme-ing and the other half are newfags who actually think it's good.
The actual AOTY is Kanna's anime.