
I love it when people dont fuck around and just say it.

Other urls found in this thread:



I hope they add pants microtransaction for us sensitive folks who want to shield our eyes from the buttocks of females. I am good male feminist who hates female beauty.

You can't really say a thing like that in the West because you'll just get attacked by feminazis with connections and it will severely hurt your employment status and your ability to do business.

Waifu faggots are fucking cancer.

Worse than SJWs.

If I pulled that off would he die?

Look, a wild neofagger.

That he loves women? Isn't it sad that we live in a time and age where you to be afraid of saying you like women or express it in some extravagant way?

You heard it here folks, he just loves women. Definitely /ourguy/.

2B is pure fucking eye orgasm candy. It's not outrageous to say she is the pinnacle of female character design.

Yea, everyone is like "lol we need an excuse for it"

Anyone got that NeoFag screencap with some SJW being offended by Taro's statement? How it's problematic that he likes women?

both are obnoxious retards that don't actually play games and only highlight the most shallow aspects
two sides of the same coin really

>only likes woman
That's not very inclusive of him to say the least.

>muh two sides are same
Nah you're just a faggot who have learned to hate beauty because it makes tumblrinas insecure. Yoko Taro is giving you the best of both worlds in one game and you're still whining and screaming.

>ton of new information from the leaks
>zero game discussion, lets discuss SJWs/feminism/womyn now

No, he is not your guy.

>wanting to spoil yourself the game instead of just enjoying 2B butt until you can fully enjoy the game unspoilered
What a dumb fag you are

>theorizing is now spoiling yourself

So you don't want to get spoiled and yet come into these threads? what a dumb faggot you are

You're the one coming into a non-spoiler thread whining about the lack of spoilers you dumb fag. holy shit how is it possible to be this much of a retarded neofagger?

Y-you don't know what spoiler means?

MGSV was completely spoiled through "theories". Obsessing over every single detail revealed will eventually spoil the game. Simple as that. Just enjoy the fanart until you can play the game for yourself without dumb theories either spoiling the game or setting false expectations. Just chill.

I love it when game designers or whatever are just honest with themselves. Game design lately has been super pretentious with everyone claiming to be an artist and that some random jump and run or walking simulator is a living piece of art comparable to [insert your favorite piece of art here]. Vidya is just mindless entertainment. Never has been more, never will be.
If some arts student with no job opportunities whatsoever tries himself at game design and makes a game about a winged wiener navigating through an endless maze of vaginas with varying tightness that doesn´t make it a postmodern commentary on the destructive force of masculinism. It´s still a platformer with dick jokes.
Would you ask a porn producer why he decided on that low angle shot in the moment of penetration? Will he answer while quoting Freud and Nietzsche? Nope he did it because it´s hot. Why does everyone always expect there to be a deep and meaningful reason for every shit that gets made on the world? [/rant]


My theory is that there is a demand by (primarily liberal Americans) to legitimatize gaming as an art form on par with movies and literature and therefore seek the death of interactivity and instead focus on story. These people are too dumb to read books so they're obsessed with turning games into something they don't want to be.

What's funny though is that they've done more harm to a game's artistic value than good by limiting free speech and developer freedom in making games. It's either the liberal agenda which is then praised as GOTY Citizen Kane (Uncharted 4) or it's considered problematic and should be buried forever (every Jap game ever).


Thats because MGS's story is an incoherent piece of shit so anyone else spouting incoherent shit will be pretty close, and the twist could be deducted in the first day.

I loved the demo. Can anyone tell me how parry timings work? Is it when the enemy flashes red or just before impact?

Any other gameplay secrets you can easily miss out on?

>this thread
>all these heterocucks everywhere

>Never has been more, never will be.

I'd agree with part of what you say, but you fall off the horse on the other side if you seriously think this.

>being a fagfag

Theres no parrying in the demo.

And Taro isnt? You know if you keep throwing a hundred darts, youre bound to hit the bulls eye eventually. Youll only set to disappoint yourselves if you overdiscuss anything.

>giving a shit about random peoples sexual orientation

thats gay in a way thats insulting to both of you

Not buying this game, i don't support he's way of thinking.


And "over" starts for you where discussion does, nobody discusses this game here because everyone here is a newfag secondary who only comes in the thread for ass posts and acting like a faggot.

>not wanting to fondle delicious boipussi

Taro's way of thinking is the only way of thinking that isn't terrible anymore tbqh

I mean the reversal attack that occurs when you block in a perfect timing. How exactly is that triggered?

Then tell me, what game you would consider art. And then try to compare it to art, literature, music whatever. I at least could not name you a single game, that had any artistic value.
>inb4 pretty artwork/ graphic design
That´s design, not art

Didn't this same guy make it into another post collage about 2B's butt

but girls also have boipussi

r2, attack

>can't find cyborgs attractive while being sexually indentified as attack helicopter
no fair desu

holy shit, you're right
but do they have girl penis?

I prefer girls (male)

You're literally ignoring everything we're saying so you can make a "muh safe space no asses allowed" argument. Nobody wants to discuss the game's content because nobody wants to fucking spoil themselves. FFXV, MGSV and so on were all entirely spoiled pre-launch. Why the fuck would you want that? Just go in blind which is always the best way to play a game. 2Bposting just makes the time fly is all.

Also this isn't a spoiler/theory thread. Why are you still mad that it isn't? Nobody asked you to come here. I don't know why you even left NeoFag.

>originally, I asked that we release two versions of the game in the same way as Nier. One version offering a normal difficulty for every players, and an hardcore, almost impossible to finish, version. I wanted to sell the regular version at a traditional price and the hardcore version at half-price. But at SquareEnix I've been told we couldn't do that.
The absolute madman.

but they got 2 boipussies instead

How can he love women when Kaine obviously represented his failed relationship with a japanese newhalf that left him emotionally scarred and led to him wearing the mask?

Automata has more fanart than NieR already.


Wait what? Explain plox

Taro has been bizarrely happily married since well before the original Nier even existed m80

That would've been hilarious. This man is too good for the modern world.

>And then try to compare it to art, literature, music whatever
Okay, let's start here. Name your examples of art from these mediums and explain why they have artistic value.


Replicants, I ain't got to explain shit

I sure triggered the fuck out of you.
literally nobody mentioned the things you are accusing me of you gimp little fuck

so let me get this straight, you dont want to discuss the game, you just come to post pictures?
I know you are terribly new on this site but theres /e/ for you, or a few other nsfw ones too.
You never "overdiscussed" anything, you memed hard with Sup Forums, and how can you ruin a shit game like MGSV? it ruined itself.

Anyway, go ahead and over-trigger yourself, and tell me to fuck off back to 5 other meme-tier places you can think of

Automata has more fanart than most games already. The demo set the Internet on fire. Crazy how it spread like wildfire.

This is a top tier 7th graders level of conversation

Reminds me of Dragon's Crown.

Still would've spent money on the Nier Farmville he wanted to make

I really want to play this game and enjoy 2B but I don't know if my PC is good enough to do it at 1080 60fps at max grafix

no, but it would be extremely painful

Literally doing exactly what I knew you would do.

>ton of information from leaks
And then you get surprised when nobody wants to talk about potentially spoilerish leaks. Fuck off and kill yourself man. It seems you never learned reading comprehension or how to compose yourself on japanese cartoon boards.

>Its not art to me, so its not art

...yeah, about that.

>Implying that doesn't make him stronger

Demolishing your stupid post?
Indeed. Telling you to fuck off from a video game discussion board if you don't want to do video game discussion? To be expected.

Time to go looking for something else in the earlier posts to insult me about?

Automata has the best lewd fanart

>you need a reason to enjoy beautiful women in 2017
Holy shit this is the worst timeline

>name something
>but not this something that is exactly what I want because that would prove me wrong

Could you kindly lend my the source?

Hellow guys. Any cute girls here wanna hook up?

And look, you're still unable the grasp the concept of nobody wanting to talk about spoilers. And you're in a non-spoiler thread whining about the lack of them. Holy shit you must be alone in real life with this autistic attitude. The homos at NeoFag would welcome you.

I was impressed by the size of her ass in actual gameplay

Nah. Very few has her lusting over BBC like the cunslut she is.

Why do you hate anime?


this is the most pathetic shit ever. I'm going to make a game with a stupid waifu bitch with big tits and thighs and make money off all of you pathetic, weeby, faggoty little foreveralone virgins

No point, your limited way of thinking makes sure you'll deny any answer as a valid one.

You are on the other end of the spectrum from "everything is art including this shit I just took on this white sheet of paper", which means you are just as deeply entrenched in another stupid absolute.

>The homos at NeoFag would welcome you.

You would know, wouldn't you?

and why do you give a fuck?

Haydee did alright, go for it

>wats the ass called

How much is the game even going to be? The graphics are lame so it will prolly be 40 dollars. Still have to wait for grandma to buy it for my birthday tho since no monies ;p

good luck dude

I pre-ordered it for 45€. But I think you're a faggot for judging a game's value based on graphics. Especially when it's a 60 fps game with gameplay priority. You're the reason why the AAA machinery never dies.

>tfw lost the link to that .zip file that was sent to Yoko Taro
>Never got to download it either

Because I didt like the way a Japanese tourist touched me when I was a kid.


you won't make shit

And you are the reason why baiting will never stop.

Does he need to type

For you to recognize it is bait?

>dat pussy
i want to lick that all day


Just go on Sankaku Channel or Gelbooru and get them from there then retard

2b_butt twitter should be up still

>he thinks baiting exists on Neo/v/
People are unironically waging console wars on the front page and you think Sup Forums is capable of baiting ironically.

This can't be real.

Pc release date when ? Im ready to preorder it fuckkkkkm

Nothing ironical about it, that is plain bait put out for simpleminded faggots like you, who bit, hard.
"Everyone else is being retarded so its okay for me too" is not an excuse.

Looks like he didn't understood the question and just went "whatever" like he always does.