Any games that scratch the itch of Diablo 3?

Any games that scratch the itch of Diablo 3?
I play with buddies so when they're at work i can't play, and playing alone isn't the same because i want to play with my qt barb.
Didn't like Path of Exile
I'm considering checking Exanima, but i think it's not quite the same.
I also tried that other indie game that is like diablo but didn't enjoy it that much either.

Other urls found in this thread:

Grim Dawn?

Path of Exile


Exanima is fun for 2 hours. Don't know if they've added anything since I played though.

Diablo 2 is still fun.

Exanima is garbage. Its """realistic""" combat is just retarded flailing around.

Path of exile

Diablo is a game for low IQ idiots who just run their face into a wall with no depth or difficulty

If you like ARPGs but don't like PoE you're just casual

I was afraid it would be like that

This. It's like Diablo 2. Quite good.

Torchlight 2 is good

shoot yourself
path of exile is hot garbage

I'm playing this right now and it's pretty great


They are nothing but grinding simulators for people with nothing better to play.

And playing hardcore is just doing the same thing but taking zero risks aka having no fun.

Allright i think grimdawn it is.
Looks great.

Exanima is a piece of shit.

The only good, I would say great, thing out of that game is the features that it provides. More games should take note on it's equipment layering.

Standard chest, pants, hands, and feet is so fucking antiquated and simpleton, its ridiculous we're still using in modern day gaming. We need to fucking evolve to full-on customization.

>like diablo 3

>don't like poe

you're the worst kind of human

poe is really bad man

If you like diablo but don't like PoE you have major brain issues or haven't actually played PoE

Isn't it time to go to bed, Chris?

>playing alone isn't the same because i want to play with my qt barb
Just play with your qt barb. Your friends will catch up to your progress pretty soon since you'll be boosting them.

>i cant deal with a game that has actual depth


>muh depth
depth has become the new buzzword for kiddos, just like atmosphere used to be

I came here to post this

Great game all diablo 3 should've been

>Diablo is a game for low IQ idiots who just run their face into a wall with no depth or difficulty

Thats the point, who wants to come home from contributing to society and do something non relaxing?

Fuck that, video games are a hobby.

End game is shit.

>Didn't like PoE

Well.. then there's either Torchlight 2, which is objectively shit or Diablo 2.

>If you like ARPGs but don't like PoE you're just casual

Or perhaps people like ARPGs with build variety like GD.

This guy gets it.