PC version will be announced today
PC version will be announced today
the only good crash game is crash team racing
Looking forward to the petitions and fake gamespot links when it's not.
>inb4 Switch version
If it's going to be anything it's the Switch version
>219 pages of Activision games
Crash is no longer Sony exclusive.
Mind over mutant was on xbox.
It's coming to PC whether you like it or not.
>Looking forward to the falseflagging sonyggers when it's not.
It doesn't even matter if it comes out on PC PS4 or Switch
No one is going to buy this shit
Looking forward to you crying about it when it comes to Steam
>everyone that makes me look bad is a falseflag
>everyone that makes people i don't like look bad is always genuine
May 19th
>everyone that makes him look bad is not a falseflag
>everyone that makes people I like look bad is never genuine
Something something sauce something
who are you quoting
I wasn't saying everyone who wants bloodborne on PC is a falseflag, but the vast majority are falseflagging sonyggers desperate to shit on PC gamers.
Do people really care about some fucking temple run clone?
I wouldn't care unless they decided to remake CTR as well. Still the best kart racer of all time
Sony owns the rights to the original trilogy
Cry more
Who were YOU quoting
stop making the children cry
So what? The Crash games are primitive fucking trash.
>vast majority
There's no way to tell if this is true
This is why everyone hates nintendrones
Spyro >>>>>> Crash
Look at some of the bloodborne threads posted here, no PC gamer would talk like that.
>doesn't buy trilogy memaster
>complains when they don't make a spyro memaster
The reaction and backpeddling from that was hilarious.
Anyways, I doubt it'll be on anything other than PS4 because I think Sony has the rights to the PS1 Crash games, but I guess it'd be cool if it came to other stuff too.
I just hope they show off footage from the second and third games and we get a release date today.
>Babby shit
>Better than crash
Good one
And PCfags and xbots.
SonyMasters are the true master race and the only likeable fans on Sup Forums.
I'm an PCfag, but you are delusional, OP.
The original 3 Crash games are still Sony-owned. Activision has no ownership of them.
>The reaction and backpeddling from that was hilarious.
Wait wut?
Did they apologise or something?
I thought they just ignored
The only reason why they don't say that Crash was never good is because they know the internet will turn against them again
But I bet my two kidneys that they hate the Crash series and they were listening to Green Day and smoking pot when they were originally released in the 90s
I'll buy SURELY, i brought the entire Mega drive collection on Steam!
Shitposting aside, I'd love that.
Used to have a PS1 as a kid and I played the shit out of Crash 1, 2, 3, Bash and Tag Team Racing.
Now I only have a PC so being able to play Crash would be great
>Don't shoot!
Spyro is more of a breezy collect-a-thon, Crash is an obstacle course test your skill kinda game.
Both are fine, both are different, both are shambling corpses. I hope Spyro also gets a remaster.
In a PAX video the next month they said everything they said in that video were "hot goofs, no really, we love the old Sonic games"
>Did they apologise or something?
Two weeks later in some event in the United States one of them tried to apologize
He said "I didn't actually mean that I loved Sonic 1 and 2'' but he said that while laughing so I doubt he was being honest.
>Now I only have a PC so being able to play Crash would be great
$299 and you can enjoy the greatness of Nioh, Yakuza, Crash, Horizon, Uncharted, GR2...
Sonyggers are fucking cancer as well, mainly because they blame PCucks for things that they do as well.
I found the video. It was the editor of IGN who "apologized". Excited for Sonic """""AGAIN""""
Please give an example (I didn't say I disagree with you)
have they shown any more gameplay since the reveal?
The remake is a separate entity. Sony only owns the PS1 versions.
Do you think anyone in reality cares about those? (they don't going by sales, stop shilling)
Rights to old games doesn't mean rights to a remake by another company. I'm not saying that it will come to other systems, I'm just pointing that out
definitely not going to happen
it seems they allowed some of them to record at PAX
>recommending good games is now an act of shilling
Stop being so nihilistic you fucking steam cancer
I'm excited for these remakes, I loved Crash as a kid and these will give me a chance to help my little sister get into this stuff. She finds it hard to play the old ones because games have moved on so much, you know?
She was playing Crash 3 on my Vita and thought it was a PSP game, I had to explain to her it took a whole console to play it and she couldn't believe it.
post pics of sister
insane the crash guys went on to this
Go fuck yourself cuck.
was wrath of cortex any good? missed out on that one
No, really, user. Go ahead. I find myself hard just as your sister does.
>you fucking steam cancer
Steam has better games than PS4 user.
We've seen screens of Crash 2
No its not twat, you can't change the graphics and suddenly own full rights
You wish jellyfish.
I'm not gonna lie, I would LOVE an actual PC Release. But a Switch Release sounds far more plausible.
Looks like shit
Yes, nostalgiafags will say otherwise. However the loading screens are bad at times.
Explain why Banjo was able to be put on the XBLA despite starting as an N64 game then
Aside from the lackluster bosses and the overuse of vehicle levels, I'd say it was a pretty decent Crash game.
Graphics don't always matter, user.
is this a reddit post?
Rare was a 2nd party developer and they owned all rights to the franchises
Now explain why Crash Trilogy is on PSN right now but not on XBLA or PC
They better not fuck up Ripper Roo.
It's looking good. Thanks for posting them user.
It also doesn't look fun
>but not on XBLA or PC
These are the only areas that look good
The character models are still shit though and they probably won't fix them
How much do you love auto scrolling levels?
because it is the orginal one and sony has the rights on the assets etc.
the remake is using fully new assets and that´s it. Activision has the rights and nothing else.
it is fun and you're a retard
Just because you are a 12 year old with ADHD doesn't mean that RTS games aren't fun.
The only actual problem with it were loading times, which with emulation should be fixed.
Also the last boss battle was kind of meh.
Judging the context, I'd say that the other user meant natively, user.
That's his entire point
Follow the whole conversation
But what is 'natively' on PC?
>the remake is using fully new assets and that´s it. Activision has the rights and nothing else.
Doesn't work like that
Exclusive deals aren't at all uncommon for Sony
why the fuck is he going backwards there's been no such situation in crash 2
Nostalgiafags? The game is only 2 years older than Crash 3. Shit is 16 years old now. The reason Crash PS1 fans didn't think too highly of it was because it was barely a step up from 3.
Like a weird Crash 3.5. Looking back, it wasn't a bad game at all, just more of the same but without Naughty Dog's touch.
Just because you have autism doesn't mean RTS are fun
Of course its not uncommon to own rights to things you fully funded
Buying Collectors edition the second it's up on Amazon because Activision now have me by the balls since they own Crash
This will sell like 20 copies on PS4 because Sonyggers only play CoD, FIFA and Fallout.
Gravity Rush 2? Sold like shit
Tearaway Unfolded? Sold like shit
Nioh? Japanese release sold like shit
Yakuza 0? Sold like shit
Even Bloodborne barely passed 2 million with a 60+ million userbare.
>Playstation vs PC
>"G-graphic doesn't matter"
>Playstation vs Nintendo
>"lol look how bad Nintendo grafix are, is it still 2003?! XD"
Why do sonyggers do this?
Your ADHD is showing, user. Go back to playing movies.
Sonyggers aren't the only ones with Ps4s, it's the console of choice for most normies this gen.
Crash has that sweet nostalgia coin though. People have wanted Crash to come back properly for almost a decade.
All Naughty Dog Crashes were in the top 10 most sold PS1 games