> Still triggers fanboys weekly after 11 years
How does he do it Sup Forums?
> Still triggers fanboys weekly after 11 years
How does he do it Sup Forums?
By being a complete retard.
>hurr I'll beat the Great Jaggi in Monster Hunter and then act as if the game sucks.
This nigga ain't ballin'
The only thing that triggered me is him implying axiom verge was a good game.
He's such a poser.
I don't see anything wrong with Monster Hunter being a shit game, it's very adept at being a single player mmo with the same bland combat for the entire series. If you've played the first monster hunter you really aren't missing a whole lot of fuck nothing in the others.
The only good thing he's made was let's drown out
>tfw no more gabe and yahtzee shenanigans
How do I fill the void?
The only thing triggering me is him saying system shock 2 was bad cause you could fail a game if you didn't put 8 miserable point in research even tho shodan keeps telling you to and gives you extra credit for it
Holy shit this guy's still around?
I remember watching his stuff in like 2007 and it seemed like he petered out years ago. Genuinely surprised that he's still making stuff. Is he even remotely popular anymore?
>watch his Yakuza video
>some twit losing his shit ACHTSUALLY style in the comments because of a joke about street crime
Pedants are a crime against nature.
Does he still stream on twitch?
watched his bioshock infinite review
dude's a smarmy fag
The RE7 one was decent.
He's the John Oliver of video games.
>literally no idea what he's talking about and completely incorrect 95% of the time
>funny delivery
the post zp streams aren't the same, the escapist goons feel like they're contractually obligated to laugh at yahtzee's quips, it's quite sad to watch actually
By not actually finishing games.
Another triggered fanboy.
I think he's the only thing keeping the escapist site alive, heard the rest of them are a gaggle of SJWfags. I wouldn't know since I don't go out of my way to aggravate myself looking for material about video games written by pretentious jackoffs trying really really hard to pretend video games are a mature industry for mature people like myself *tips fedora*
>trigger trannies
>ask for forgiveness
Exactly this.
Never really watched his videos, but I did see one of his last ones that was posted in GR2 thread. He was complaining in the video that the game doesn't resolve Kat's storyline, which means he makes videos on games without finishing them. And that's usually a red flag.
he seems the one constantly triggered about Trump winning though
>le wacky british man that talks fast
Americans are easily entertained.
I find the idea that The Escapist is a delicately balanced house of cards only being held up by ZP genuinely funny. He must have them by the fucking balls, considering how everything else they host is irredeemable trash.
he does, why would he stop
>streamed yakuza 0 yesterday
>first thing that happen is that he get in a sidequest about teaching a dominatrix how to do her job
>proceed to dub the whole dialogue
shit was hilarious
Had to do it for his job. He even said on stream later that it was the reason. If all I had to do was apologize to trannies to get paid like a proper job for playing videogames then I would do it too
>e-celeb thread
/le sage
*tips fedora*
by doing reviews after playing a game for 10 minutes without understanding even the basic mechanics.
>Undertale was his best game of 2015
>Shadow of Mordor was his best game of 2014
>Couldn't beat Demon Soul's but """reviewed""" it anyways
This shit is still going?
Haven't played Undertale but SoM was really one of those extremely overhyped games of recent times, what a shit taste he has.
He also said Mass Effect 3 had good writing
My biggest issue with it was it had "I'm a child and don't know how to play video games" combat. AKA Batman combat. just mash the attack button and press the dodge button when everything slows down.
The faggot basically said in his 2016 best of that he cried over Undertale.
Literally who?
He does?
I haven't even watched anything this retard produces in ages. His shtick is just garbage and unfunny.
by being a contrarian snob
Thing is Shadow of Mordor is one of those games that got really popular because it launched when there was nothing around. It's a solid 7 game, maybe an 8 if you're a Tolkien fan but since it came out on a time where it had no competition then everyone got busy sucking it's cock.
It was the exact same deal with Crackdown back in the 360 days, it was a solid game that got it's dick sucked a lot because there was no games at the time, which is why the Crackdown 2 tanked. Once people had choice they realized it was shit.
>maybe an 8 if you're a Tolkien fan
Game takes an utterly massive shit on the lore. I'm a huge Tolkien fan and it doesn't bother me because I'm capable of enjoying things for what they are but I know a lot of people that despise it for that.
Hence the "Maybe" faggot.
I remember Sup Forums used to fuckin' love Yahtzee until he shat on Smash Bros Brawl. And it wasn't some gradual shift, it was overnight that Sup Forums suddenly hated him.
>maybe an 8 if you're a Tolkien fan
it's a 2 if you're a tolkien fan, it completely misses the tone and point of middle earth
how did anyone get triggered from him doing a glowing revue of yakuza 0? it was the single most flattering revue he's over put up
"Maybe _ if" implies that the statement following that would have a positive correlation to the statement in the blank you illiterate fuck.
How about "if you're a normie who liked the LotR movies", not "if you're an autist"?.