>Bioware forces you to choose between a turbo manlet and a girl
this is the state of gaming in 2017
Bioware forces you to choose between a turbo manlet and a girl
Even without the reference you can tell he's a fucking manlet. How embarrassing
REEEEEEEEEEEEE I want vidya characters to be as tall as me REEEEEEEEEE
>5"8 fatso neckbeard
No see thats the thing. Hes not a manlet. In fact hes not human at all. His proportions are completely absurd and aren't actually in the form of a human's proportions. This isnt a matter of Bioware making a small main character. Its a case of the modelers doing a bad job and the higher-ups OK'ing it.
With all the shitstorm created by Space Todd Howard, do we know if Andromeda will have a height slider or some shit? Maybe tallfags will get their wish.
Looks like a dwarf, and that's not a height joke it literally looks like a Dragon Age dwarf with those proportions.
>tall as me
I want him to be as tall as a respectable human, not some manlet freak
I just pissed its a carbon copy of Casey Hudson.
He doesn't even work for BW anymore
Finally a protagonist I can relate to.
It isn't Casey Hudson, both default characters are based on models in real life just like male Shepard
He isn't even a manlet. He's got borderline dwarfism looking at those fucked up limbs.
>Bioware forces you to play their shit game
Ew, Geralt is that short?
Damn, was Shepard that tall?
its not even that he was that tall in game, but in natural human proportions, that would be his height
so thats the thing, this new character could be drawn out to a taller height, but he would still have turbomanlet proportions
they need to do a complete overhaul IMHO
I don't know that Bioware has ever offered a height slider ever before. It would be really hard to implement as well because it means the character has to change in cutscenes and how other characters interact with him/her would change as well.
Man, I cant wait for the day 1 mods of this game that increase this manlet's height. Fixes the chick's horseface. And otherwise corrects any other glaring flaws that will trigger the sjws at bioware. I want to see the shitstorm of "HER FACE WAS ALREADY PERFECT" "NOW WHO WILL THE MANLETS SELF INSERT AS?"
Torso and legs the same length, ggwp. Not to mention the stubby arms. One could say its a perspective problem but i seriously doubt it.
>mfw pcucks are too entitled to play a game with its original assets
Stop violating an artform's artistic integrity you fucking philistine pillagers.
>Bioware/Papa EA
>artistic integrity
bioware isn't forcing you to play their game, retard
Nigga of course im not going to play it. I haven't played any of the ME games. Im just here for the luls and sjw drama.
only Biodrones or manlets will defend this
>western devs trying to adopt a chibi look
>thousands of years in the future
>thousands of years of genetic advancement
>men under 5'6" still exist
what the fuck?
Man, the salt from DA:Inquisition aryan photoshop edits was infinite.
Why is his upper arm so damn short? His arms in general are fucking tiny, they barely go beyond his waist. He also has no trace of any shoulders, and his head is just massive. Pathetic work.
The thing is it's not just his height, his proportions are absolutely fucked.
he exhibits the classic signs of growth hormone deficiency, they should reflect that in his face and make him look like a 12 year old boy there as well
his arms aren't even long enough for his fingertips to go past his balls. He'd have to hunch over just to shake his dick after a piss
With this in mind it makes me believe he was modeled by a woman
this whole thing just looks terrible, I can't keep a straight face after looking at the pics of the female version, it just looks so bad
not even worth the bandwidth used for pirating it
What was her name again?
Onion Layers.
>geralt is a manlet
What the heck?
for someone from a medieval society that's pretty tall though
If you're autistic and you absolutely MUST play it, then pirate it. Please do not give them money.
What's wrong with that?
It looks like shit
For an example, see your picture.