>tfw split-screen multiplayer died in your lifetime
Tfw split-screen multiplayer died in your lifetime
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Why have four people play one copy when you can make them pay four copies to play with other?
It only died on Sony systems
unfortunately this
local multiplayer is pretty much dead outside of sports games
I bet fucking EA would remove local mp from goddamn FIFA if they could come up with some sort of excuse for it
>halo 5
i didn't even think to check if it had split-coop before buying it
my little bro and i ,had a very disappointing week end
thank god gear of war 4 had it
>meanwhile Croteam recently retroactively adds it into its old games
Halo 5 couldn't run split screen on Xbone.
Curious though, do the new CoD still have split screen? Zombies and Spec Ops were built around it. Feels like CoD of all things, Left 4 Dead 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 were the last couch co op games. Hear Mario Wii U Edition has co op though and I'm sure the new Dynasty Warriors still have it.
Black Ops 3 was the last one I played that did but it's really shitty, cuts off a ton of the screen.
Let's buy games that only have split-screen
So nothing?
There's Rocket League
Good start. What else?
i fucking hated playing with split screen
thank god its gone
>Yes, there will be SSVR: The Second Encounter and Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE!
>Yes, there will be The Talos Principle VR!
>if you have Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter and your friend has The First Encounter HD, you can connect and play coop or versus with one another – using Fusion 2017.
>All games now support SteamOS/Linux/OSX!
>64bit executables
>Support for Vulkan API (DirectX9 is now being removed; so long and thanks for all the bugs)
>Multithreaded rendering
>The new “lightweight” savegame system; savegames are now saved much faster, are very small and stored in the Steam cloud, and savegames still work even if a level is changed in a patch, or if a mod is updated
>Full support for all controllers including Steam controller, PS4 gamepads, all older DInput joysticks
>Proper multimonitor support
>Borderless window support
>Customizable sound outputs
>Proper 3D audio using a proprietary sound-mixer (the same approach as used in the old Classics games)
>Improved physics engine with better handling of character movement
>Texture streaming in all games
>Much better modding support with customizable weapons and items, improved scripting (including better support for scripting networked games)
>Lots of other improvements, optimizations and fixes
>And last but not the least – we will now be able to more easily ship updated code towards all these titles more regularly!
Jesus fucking christ
Man today really sucks
The underage here will pretend it's a good thing that it died. The underage here were arguing that it was good that Halo lost its most notable feature. They're so delusional they cheer when they fucking lose features.
Call of Duty, probably the quintessential modern shitfest features split-screen multiplayer.
Please, don't ruin that scene by making it a reaction.
Nah the underage are the ones pretending halo was ever good
>You'll never play halo infected with your friends at a sleepover while eating pizza ever again.
Because all the Xbox 360s vanished, right?
>they stopped doing split-screen on gaylo
but that was the best part!
were you not alive when this movie was released?
No but my friends did.
>he never grew up
>he cant nostalgia grieve
Honestly that's a huge reason I love the switch. Having 2 controllers on you at all times/right out of the box is a fantastic gimmick and encourages local multiplayer in a way we haven't seen since the GameCube and ps2 era.
Definitely a good sign for multiplayer games
Nintendo saving gaming again.
Best local game this generation. Shame it never came to the PS4.
You'd think with today's larger and better monitors and screens as well as processing hardware, developers would jump at making localized split-screen games.
I had trouble with this when I tried to find some games to play with my qt 9/10 the other day. It's just not what it used to be anymore. Katamari Damacy? Star Trek? Racing games like Gran Turismo or NFS? LittleBigPlanet? The number of games are dismal.
Fuck off to reddit, nintoddler.
I don't know where you mindless hate comes from, care to elaborate on what's wrong with that?
"Gaming" is a neologism which means conspicuous consumption of video games. Just say videogames or vidya next time.
>dont use a term used to describe the consumption of video games
>tfw consolefags silently accepted losing their main benefit over computers
How? I thought most consolefags are normies with friends?
Call me when it has real coop, cod5 dropped it
Leave split-screen gaming to me
Move the fuck over babies.
>Kane and Lynch 2
K&L3 when?
>playing Halo
Underage fag detected.
Why the fuck did everybody stop doing this?
I still have friends in the real world that I play games with, my best gaming memories are the all night long split screen sessions
BLOPS 3 had a full co-op campaign user
You missed an adjective there dumbass redditor
Quit being a goddamn retard
I had fun with it playing with my gayms frend
castle crashers 2?
Nah, it's a top-down game. The one-life mode is some of the most fun I've ever had with local play.
Graphic whores.
These days graphics have to be so good to be competitive that the console can barely run one screen, let alone four.
Why the fuck do people care about graphics anymore? We've been in diminishing returns for the past 10 fucking years already. All the fucking games look the same nowadays, who cares?
Screenshot-boxes can't even run one instance of a game adequately let alone 2 or 4.
Also that's another shitsole and another copy of a game sold.
And then there's Fast RMX looking amazing and running at 1080p/60fps, even in 4 players split screen. So there's something wrong with all of this.
>We've been in diminishing returns for the past 10 fucking years already
The fuck are you even talking about there are huge leaps and we are at the start of a new engine era...
wow this looks shit
>huge leaps
Oh, yeah, in crispness.
It's something that doesn't deserve to be desecrated by being put on this shit board
>So there's something wrong with all of this
Because of one game that is obviously not very demanding if you'd know your shit.
Nintendo is the only one that has a right to still exist. Sony doesn't.
Realism was a mistake.
Oh sorry, I didn't know you were a console peasant.
>10 years
Holy shit not even console peasants could say such a thing
It's fucking Ferris Bueler not high art
I always hated playing with split screen, couldn't see shit
Nigga please, it was all about two players on one screen
Bitches don't know bout my Pocky & Rocky
>We've been in diminishing returns for the past 10 fucking years
modern day shitsoles are holding back technology since then, you got that all mixed up son.
>64 Era
>Every fucking game has a 4 split screen multiplayer mode on a TV where you can't see shit
>PS3 Era
>No fucking game has a 4 split screen multiplayer mode on HDTV
What the fuck is wrong with modern devs, should we gas them like the jews they are?
>local MP dying due to incompetence and greed
>charge for online on all new systems
Kinda glad I started losing interest last gen and just started going through backlog.
Working at a game store then let me see how shitty companies can be with online passes (at least the attempt), preorder 'dlc' and price hikes. Not to mention many inconveniences or headaches on the hardware side from model changes, incompatibility, shit build quality and cheaply manufactured shit. IIRC MS used to require gold to access Netflix. Pay to access another fucking paid service.
yeah i know it can't run split screen that was my point but thanks for reading the first 6 character of my post
Whoa watch your tone man. You will not be asked again.
every call of duty has 4 split screen
blackops 2 even had 4 split screen in zombie mode
using a LMG drops frame like crazy but it's still fun
sorry sir will not happen again
>Saints Row 2 and 3 have split screen
>it's online only
>local MP dying due to incompetence and greed
>charge for online on all new systems
Yes it's all one huge sweep for nothing but ultimate control over the Monetization of the whole medium.
>no custom map/modding support, hell they even monetised fucking mods
>all made way for day 1 DLC and Season-passes
>removed custom servers/server lobbies so that you have to use their paid online and never get out of their greedy clutches.
Welcome to video-games the medium equivalent to North-Korea.
But their most genius move was to indoctrinate and steer the dumbass masses/console kids/tweens to shill for them and their wallets.
Just look at this board it's working so disgustingly well you have to stand in awe.
This all happened slowly but steadily and while we were standing at the sidelines pointing it out all the way until today while getting shittalked by the very fucking dumbass consolefreaks that made it all happen.
I got nothing but disgust for any of you brats on this board that is still oblivious to it all.
Make me mod for a day and I permaban the cancer out of here.
Are LEGO games the last bastion of couch co-op?
I only ever played the original Lego Star Wars games