Loved GTA V, what's the general opinion on this game? Playing on PS3 so no mods.
Loved GTA V, what's the general opinion on this game? Playing on PS3 so no mods
It's shit. GTA games shouldn't have a grimdark hollywood story. Also almost all of the characters are fucking horrible and don't feel like GTA characters. With the exception of Little Jacob, Badman and Brucie.
IV > V
It's shit but the people that hyped gtav and realized it's also shit will tell you gtaiv is now goat
it's better than the shitshow that was GTAV, but that's not saying much
i liked the multiplayer more than Vs
it doesnt have a lot of depth but the the story and gameplay were enough to make it better than gta v
>le Sup Forums contrarian argument
lol no
missions were boring as fuck and the city was shit
this is true though
Lacks a lot of features from gta v and generally feels more sluggish amd restricted. Still an alright game but it shows its age. Mission variety isn't great
Like pottery
Is there a lot of extra content to keep me going in a comfy open world like V's extra heist members/events Easter eggs and collectibles?
It's the best one.
It was OK, I never finished it. I got stuck on that train chasing mission.
>Not liking Yusuf "Arab Money" Amir
Neck yourself.
It's been a while, but
>great music
>very fun multiplayer
>some fun missions(bank heist)
Also unlimited slaughtering potential. I used to get a wanted level, go into cluckin' bell which only has one way in and just slaughter cops endlessly. With blindfire, you could stay there forever and kill cops without dying, occasionally chucking a gernade to make a massive explosion of the piled up cars. Fun times
2>vc>1>sa>5>>>>I fucking hated 4.
Not enough weapons, nothing to do, and all the missions were either driving or cover-based shooting, it was terrible, and all enclosed in a shitty city where you can't see 30 feet in any direction.
Game was annoying with your friends calling you every 10 minutes. It's hard to manage after you get all friends
GTA SA > GTA 3 > GTA VC > GTA 4 > GTA 2 > GTA 5
The start of the decline of the GTA series.
Imagine coming right out of San Andreas and you play IV for the first time in 2008. It impresses you for the first hour because of the graphics and physics but after that it becomes clear the game is really bare bones and shallow.
the base game has the best mission in any GTA game, the bank heist
ballad of gay tony multiplayer was the best
Boring shit, the worst GTA game.
Worst main GTA in the series. It got better with every DLC and was a milestone in gaming though
Also the world is too small and not fun enough. The missions aren't varied enough either, with literally everything being about driving to a certain spot and then killing things TPS style.
Its great on PC with mods. Can't speak otherwise. V was better.
Good game, Worst GTA