1991 - 2017

did skychi died


Heart attack this weekend

Is he really dead?

I remember watching his vids as a kid.

who is this guy?

>heart attack at 26


Guy I work with had a heart attack, induced by asthma or something, after work a few weeks ago. He's 21 this year. It was minor or something since he didn't need to stay at the hospital or anything. Not sure of the details. He's a skinny lanklet and isn't unhealthy at all.

Any proof? Shame if true

>mfw I have chest pains all the ding dong time
>mfw every time they happen I think they're a mini-heart attack I just get over on my own

Literally who

having asthma means youre pretty unhealthy

since its one of those things that kills a couple hundred million people a year

IIRC, he mentioned it started as a chest pain.

you should lose some weight

>sitting on my leg right now

I'm actually pretty healthy, user.

Yeah, chest pains and a numbing of the left hand.

We're both kebabs, it's pretty common among us. I had an asthma attack as a kid, like 5 years old, but that's it. I'm 19 now.
Not sure about the second part.

>unhealthy fat fuck dies

>every week or so feel like im dying and my heart is exploding
>decide to get this checked out
>doctors check it out
>cardiologists check it out
>hospital stays overnight
>thousands of dollars in medical bills

Who is this?

>have same problem
>also have issues where my brain just kind of stops working for 10-30 seconds which probably means some sort of mini seizure

Most likely a very very slight irregular heart beat that's triggered by specific conditions. It's hard for them to replicate your daily life in a doctors office, so pretty hard to spot.

Or maybe you're just a hypochondriac.

just like every idiot in this thread probably, because otherwise you would have real problems you know, and would really try to treat them.

I used to have that as a kid once in a while, it was a mini seizure. Weirdly enough, I can recall parts of it. You know the fucking DIGITAL STYLE part from dont hug me im scared, where it gets faster and faster? That shit is so close to what having a seizure is like it's scary.

Is this dedotaded wam kid?

He was great in Superbad.

unless the cause is FUCKING OBVIOUS and/or you're literally dying modern medicine won't do shit for you.

t. experienced patient

I guess ruling that shit out could give you peace of mind though? Whatever

Yeah, cause it's totally not possible to get doctors like this idiot who only gives a shit if he can get 100k in his pocket from open heart surgery

im glad i quit smoking and took up regular exercise

Seriously this, fuck off.


High blood pressure does you that. I also think it can make the heart do irregular beats or sudden high pulse rates, mostly panic induced. Other signs is small cuts with sudden blood pooling/bleeding worse than it is or nosebleeds, even accidental is pretty much the only way the body uses the sources as a waste gate for blood.
I think the density of blood to capillaries is completely dependent on the intake of nutrients and calories in which are passed in the circulatory system before arriving at a fat deposit. Instead of immediate exercise I think minor fasting related dieting before cardio would be more healthy for naturally improving the cope of high blood pressure. Otherwise donate to blood bank often.

Good job, bro. I quit two years ago myself.

>Yeah, chest pains and a numbing of the left hand.

Not sure if stroke but what is the use of the left hand?

>Be back when I was 17
>6'0, 200lbs, have asthma
>Wake up to a beautiful morning, decide to open warm up some milk and appreciate the weather outside while I wait
>As I stand admiring the breeze, the equivilant of television static creeps from the corners of my vision
>Likewise, my hearing tins in pitch before it softly fades out completely as my vision goes completely black
>Everything loses its sense of smell and I start losing the sensation in my legs
>I reflexively start ambling forwards in the dark towards where I can remember my car was parked
>After a few paces, I can't feel my body anymore
>It feels as if I walk off of any physical boundary and yet haven't fallen completely unconscious
>Somehow I'm still aware of what's going on and that, amidst the loss of my senses, I feel like I am drifting in some sort of void
>When I regain my senses, I'm laying on the hood of my car and I hear panicked screaming
>My senses dip in and out until when I reach the hospital and I'm plugged in
>I lapse into sleep finally
>Wake up and am wheeled out eventually just in time to see the fireworks outside. Today is July 4th.
>I'd never seen something so beautiful in my life, the way the dazzling lights shone against the dark sky

It's crazy how frail life really is. Enjoy it while you have it because it can be taken from you at any moment.

I've been having chest pains for the past two days. It may just be sore chest muscles or acid reflux, but it's scary not knowing which it is for sure. It goes away temporarily when I drink something, so I guess it's the latter? That or it's anxiety related, but I don't feel anxious.

literally who

quit pretending like everyone will know who this is, let alone care about their death.

if it truly moved you that much then you should at least have the decency to tell us who they are you fucking mongoloid monkey faggot.

>has a car
fuck Im jelly.

Closest to your heart.

start eating properly and work out. it all goes downhill from 30 on.

absolutely kino

A car my parents owned but let me use*. I was spoiled. Ironically enough, still living with my parents is what saved my life. The most scary part of moving out was the idea that if this happened again, I'd probably die, naked, sprawled out across the stairs of my place.

You sure you're not some robot malfunctioning?

good, keep at it.

>have smoker friends
>watch them getting angry when they run out of cigs
>watch them cough like they're about to die

Viruses, you say?

Yeah, that's stopping me from moving out, too.
I decided to settle on van/cardwelling, but still living with my parents.
Also we have an adorable dog, I couldn't just leave her.

Stroked out? Shit sounds terrifying.

My had a Ram 1500 by the time he was 17. It was a birthday gift, and meant specifically to help him get a job since every opportunity was miles away. Guy now works at Publix.


I want to ____ that donut.

fuck i want that donut in my asshole by tonight

fuck you

Sorry, what? I-I don't understand.

Guy I know just dropped dead at 24 after a bike ride.

No cause, he just dropped dead.

>american "heart healthy" diet
>full of sugars and flours
>people in 2017 think that fats are bad

>mfw I wake up to hard chest pains
>Father died of Heart Attack, and his father before as well.
>Think my time has come, I'm only 23 woe is me
>Call the 9/11
>2 CUTE EMT's break into my fucking home
>Get the works going, start hooking stuff up to my chest and stomach.
>Fire department comes as well for some reason
>Everything is fine, turns out it was a nasty case of heart burn.
>Never been more embarassed in my life having to smile and apologize while signing a waiver saying that I didn't want to go to the hospital anyway

Great thing is, it only took like 4 minutes flat for the ambulance to get here.

moar details pls

I'd have trouble eating that. I feel like I shouldn't even touch it since I'd get fingerprints on it.

i would eat it with a knife and fork

goddamn man. Thanks for posting that.
Need a little perspective in my life

>implying you wouldn't be seduced to go raw like in your Chinese cartoons

It's the weirdest thing, I tried to explain to my mom that heart problems are caused by inflammation resulting from eating things like sugar, flour, and alcohol rather than saturated fat. She didn't believe it until she read it online on some newsblog.

you had a possible hereditary and valid reason for it user
better safe than sorry

You seem to be a preposterous faggot

Okay, but at least sharpen the knife first so it doesn't crumble or flatten.

>be 20
>father has had a total of 5 heart attacks in his life
>also got struck by lightning once
Hopefully I inherited his instructed

EMT here
dont feel bad better to be save than sorry

Eat my ass gay boy.
It's real and you can't prove it otherwise.

people will just never change their ways

>people believe home made bread is any better than store bought bread
>people believe grains are gud
inb4 someone calls me a keto fag

nothing wrong with some brown rice

Well I'm not sure if it was a stroke, as apparently the cause was the oxygen level in my body dropping absurdly low for a reason they didn't know. They said they worried if it could have caused brain trauma. Years later I have significant memory issues, as I found out by how often I would reply to my own posts here before (You) was implemented.

Yep, exactly what I mean. Life's fleeting. Shit sucks.

I suddenly have the urge to go bowling.

is there a green one

my dick would be so hard omg i cant explain

I wasnt even talking about your story, all I was pointing out was that you're a fag

>can't stop thinking about how terrifying death is

>literal nobody

Cheers to you, user. Live long and prosper.

Go ahead and eat up then bitch boy.
Don't ever reply to my posts ever again.

>0.71 second google search
also sick reddit syntax

>over 400 million diabetics in america in 2015
>problem never gets better
>big drug companies promote imflammatory sugar laden foods
>conveniently have drug to control it (not cure)
>people are ok with just taking more and more insulin while the condition gets worse and worse
>people needing to get amputations and shit instead of changing their food habits and not fearing fat


Really, you dont find death exciting?

>not 5MB
One job buddy boy

>fearing people will loot all my stuff

Is your dad my dad?

>Shit several times in different occasions
>Was hit by a train, had a growth spurt a year later
>Suffers nerve damage, literally just force of will tolerates it
>Can eat any expired food, even a year old

Most people need a kick in the ass to get motivated.

i already demonstrated i dont care who this porky pig fuck in the OP is or if he's really dead

also lol you would know if this is reddit syntax or not. i do it regardless bro. does it make you angry or something

How old are you?
At 23 I found life terrifying. This doesn't go away, I wish I could freeze time in my sleep.

Boogie is next.

Here, you can use my bowling ball.

people probably died because you took the precious time of these life savers

chest pain can be anything from dying heart to bad gas, or lung shit.

He might be. I remember him saying he had dysentery for a while and shat himself on numerous occasions.

Thanks, man

There are anons who are scared of death in this thread its embarrassing




Thanks, doc

can someone explain this meme to me?

>Years later I have significant memory issues, as I found out by how often I would reply to my own posts here before (You) was implemented.

Thanks, Doc.

>keto fag
fuck you. i've been on the ketogenic diet for almost 17 years now. feels good.