Nintendo going Third Party

How would you feel if Nintendo announced that they're going to stop making consoles and focus fully on making games for other platforms including smartphones.

How would you feel about this? Would you be for it or against it? Explain.

why is this picture so fuckin cringe?

Indifferent, as long as they keep up the quality

Why does everyone hate nintendo but want them to make games for their console/system of choice?

Why not?

It's easy

People like Nintendo games

However, people also really don't like Nintendo consoles

So in conclusion, people would like to play Nintendo games but are not passionate enough about them to buy a whole console just for them

>Why does everyone hate nintendo but want them to make games for their console/system of choice?
>Why does everyone hate nintendo
You see people not wanting to buy redundant overpriced and underpowered hardware as hate, but it's just resentment. What if every developer in the industry made their own proprietary hardware that you had to buy only to play their games? You'd probably think it's a pretty dick move too, even if you like those games

I would actually start buying their games instead of emulating them

Sony and Nintendo just needs to go third party.

There's no use for consoles anymore. Poor people can just buy a low spec PC, and people that are too dumb for PC's shouldn't be playing games in the first place.

Nintendo consoles have been underpowered since '06, but the tech ideas they use are usually a lot more interesting than anything the competition comes out with imo. I'd like it if PS exclusives like Persona and Gravity Rush came to Nintendo systems instead. Switch especially, with GR taking advantage of the HD Rumble, and playing Persona 5 portably. Sony's and Microsoft's consoles have just been unmoddable PCs since the last generation. Granted, Nintendo could still do their tech on PC, but yeah. Not on PlayStation or Xbox.

I would only play nintendo games on nintendo hardware.

Because they actually think Nintendo will hand out all of their franchises like candy. It's going to be funny to watch their frustration as they create another console instead.

nailed it

Nintendo should go third party, no one actually enjoys buying their consoles. FACT.

They won't really go third party. They'll probably just start making phone games exclusively.

Nintendo said if they stop making consoles, they'll stop making games too which means sonyggers, will never get Nintendo games

Because the retard who made that image does not know how nintendo operates their buisness

the whole point of nintendo games is to sell nintendo hardware

the whole point of nintendo hardware is to provide novelty and be well understood so you can get the most out of it and focus on the gameplay

going third party would just cause what happened to sega to happen to nintendo

it hangs between a meh, and decent idea.

But it will never happen. nintendo doesn't want it.
for example

>If Nintendo doesnt give us mostly ports from games that came out months ago they will end magicly Third Party despite making millions of dollars profit

>going third party would just cause what happened to sega to happen to nintendo
Make shitty games? That's what happened with the Wii and Wii U.

>Wii had the best rated games in video game history

Please keep the shitpoting at a level people will actually get somehowed trolled thats just emberassing

the wii u had some pretty great games, there just wasnt enough of them

I don't wanna this casual shit on my xbox.
Fuck off.

mommy look, im a big boy, i said no to the colorful video game

Nintendo initially was a toy maker and third party for every other system made before the NES.

>not a casual normie tier trash console

You fuck off!

Nintendo leaving the consle manufacturer industry would be disastrous for the whole gaming comunity: without Nintendo consoles we're left with only 2 console manufactureres, one of which is likely going to leave the market in a few years to focus 100% on PC gaming, that would give Sony the Console manufacture monoply meaning that whatever they want to do (say start selling half assed games at 100$ each) we would have to eat because they are the only company left in the market. Competition is what keeps the industry going, no matter how irrilevant Nintendo/Microsoft become...

>implying games before the nes were even worth playing
theres a reason the industry crashed
and theres a reason nintendo saved its ass

You have to admit they made quite a few real stinkers on the Wii and Wii U, like Wii Music and that Animal Crossing Amiibo game.

>wanting the same shit every other platform gets on Nintendo platforms

Completely autistic and retarded.

the survival mode of animal crossing amiibo was pretty jolly

ive played it over drinks with friends a few times now, and enjoyed it each time

The same thing happened with the NEW, SNES, N64 and GC .
Every generation had shitty games.
Wii and Wii U arent different from them.

No one wants to pay $300 to play 2 good games per year.

All games should be released on pc. There is no point in consoles.


Phoneposter confirmed

Nintendo has gradually getting worse with their home system libraries since the GameCube. There have been both a decline in quality and quantity on their consoles. GameCube and Wii for example had maybe a grand total of about 20-30 titles (compared to over 100 or so on the PS2 alone) that I actually thought were worth my time.


And Nintendoodoo seems to be planning to genocide their IPs by dropping blunder after blunder. It's both sad and hilarious to watch.


This is almost as forced as " this kills the crab".

Get back to >>>/reddit/

This should have happened ages ago, Nintendo hardware is shit

Flawed logic.

I would feel like I'm 40 and people have been making this stupid "Nintendo going third party" meme since late 80s.

You mean since the N64. Everybody knew the playstation was superior.

Switch can't handle shit like Doom or bf1. Just look at the DQHeroes switch port, it looks like a complete piece of shit.

>best selling pokemon game
>best selling zelda game (probably)
>best selling xenoblade game (probably)
what blunders
how will nintendo ever recover

No you wouldn't you shit eater

>You'd probably think it's a pretty dick move too, even if you like those games
Nintend is a hardWarr developer first and foremost. You sound like they hurt your feeling because they're not catering to your stupid ideas, it's not a dick move because that's how they've always been.

nintendo would earlier convert into making playing cards again instead of this

>Nintendo releases console
>first party games and exclusives sell pretty well
>Sony releases console
>its biggest and arguably only killer app, Bloodborne, sells like like complete ass

Sony should go third party.

As much as I wish this would happen, this image is fucking retarded.

But just imagine
>Nintendo Switch fails because it is a piece of shit
>Nintendo teams up with Sony
>Zelda, Mario, etc on PS4/5
>Sony pays to get a new Metroid Prime, and Eternal Darkness
>Everything goes great
>The age of Sony once again
>It goes so well that Nintendo partners with Sony for a new handheld
>Sony controls hardware while Nintendo does software mostly
>Sony does make some games for it
>gameboy Advance 2


Sony doesn't make any fucking games! No point in them going Third-Party.

do not want, sony hardware may have better specs but their build quality and reliability is atrocious these days

microsoft,sony and nintendo went third party

Nintendo makes decent games that are limited by bad hardware.

It's a win win, everyone gets more games.

I think they should go 3rd and make handheld games.

I haven't had any problems with Sony hardware

>OG Vita still working perfectly no blemishes
>Vita Slim is nearly perfect
>OG PS4 works great
>PS4pro is great, well built, and quiet
>never had any dualshocks peel
>Bravia Plasma still nearly perfect
>new Sony 4k perfect
>launch ps1 and ps2 still working
>slim ps2 working
>had 1 YLOD on launch ps3, slim still going great
>Both PSPs still working, had to replace one battery

I literally don't want ANY of those games on the top on my Switch other than maybe RDR2, but I'd rather play that on my PC

Fuck off with that absolute trash

>I haven't had any problems with Sony hardware
>had 1 YLOD on launch ps3

it always felt stupid to me that you cant play marios in playstation. both are japanese studios and popular, just do it

thereĀ“s nothing more retarded than having exclusives but then again console war faggots start autistically screaming no games if you share so they dont give anyone anything

Okay my bad
ONE issue since 1997


My PiiU disconnects everytime I use it and its been in my second tv stand since launch

Anyone thinking Nintendo going third party would be a good thing is a retard. First of all, the quality of their games would decline dramatically. They cant support the quality and quantity of studios they have without the money from a console. Look at Sonic to see what would happen to games like Mario if it went third party. Second, Nintendo going third party would decrease competition, allowing their competitors to treat you shittier and get away with it. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft decides to eventually leave the console market since they aren't profiting from it. Can you imagine what Sony would do if they had a monopoly on consoles? Remember, Sony was originally planning all of the used game shit that Microsoft got lambasted for. Without competition, you can bet your ass prices would rise, quality of exclusives would drop, and the product would become less consumer friendly. Even if you don't buy Nintendo consoles you should still want competition in the market, so Sony or Microsoft cant jew you out as hard.

>My PiiU disconnects everytime I use it
sure it does, that wii u you don't have must be a real pain, right?

They make a couple good games every generator but their consoles themselves are garbage

How? Retarded faggot.

You are aware than the Wii was a FUCKING HUGE SUCCESS, right?